3. Dreams

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In my dreams I was on a beach my toes in the water the bottoms of my pants becoming soaked from the waves washing up.

    When I turned around there was no one other than my uncle Derek.

    "Hey Smiley" Derek chuckled walking towards me. He always called me that. He was the only person to ever call me that.

    "Uncle Derek!" I exclaimed becoming wrapped In his embrace. "I missed you so much" I smiled living up to the nickname.

    "Ive missed you too Moe" He smiled back. "You've grown up so much your really turning into an exceptional person I just wish I could have been there to watch you through it but only god knows why that was not so" Derek frowned slightly.

    "I wish you could have too I can't even tell you how many times I've had I really need my Uncle Derek moment but then I remember your not here"

    "I know and trust me in heaven Ive been watching over you and there are so many times I would be screaming in your ears and you just wouldn't hear me. I know this is impossible but some how you will find a way to make do like I know you will"

    "Ive really been trying to look after mama she really went through it after we lost you, you were her person, her everything, and i think since the moment she found out your heart stopped a part of her heart stopped working too"

    "I know I wish a million times a day to just go back to that day and do only one time differently and change how everything would be today"

    "Everyone was just like poor meredith this the poor kids that and no one ever took a single second to think about mom. Except for owen and as much as I hate the guy I have to respect him for that"

    "I know It's hard but you pulled through. You really need to give yourself some credit though. Without you your mom would never have made it through and that's a promise. Your her baby her everything she needs you so you have to promise me youll look after her okay? And Mer and the kids too they need an extra bit of support and after all im your guardian angel. You're a brave smart girl Morgan I can count on you right?"

    "Of course I can I love them to pieces Id sacrifice anything for them because family is everything."

    "Thank you Smiley. Ill always be looking after you and always love you, your the first baby out special girl you were our life before we knew what life was. God gave us one blessing and she was you"

    I noticed tears falling from his eyes. His ever tired eyes. Which were falling from mine too.

    "I love you Uncle Derek" I said wiping at my tears.

    "Look just out there" he said pointing to a unique looking shell being washed is by the tide.

    I ran over giggling trying to find the shell. But when i turned around after I finally caught it he was gone.

    "Uncle Derek?" I questioned. No answer. "Uncle Derek!" I yelled loudly making the startling connection i was now all alone.

    I woke up in a cold sweat struggling to catch my breath panting from the fear.

    "It's okay baby I got you" my mom soothed rubbing my back.

    "I had a dream it was on the beach with uncle derek and then I turned around and he was gone and I was all alone again" i tried to explain through tears.

    I was expecting some more comfort but my mom was stunned from what I just said.

    Just then I saw the date on the alarm clock, august 3rd. It was uncle dereks birthday and crazier yet the time was 444.

    I was never one to believe in the paranormal or superstitions but i know what i know and this had to be proof uncle Derek was still with me and he was in fact watching over me like he promised.

    I made sure to pray before returning to my sleep. I just wanted to thank job for taking care of my uncle until we meet again. I really need him right about now.

MY WAY - Amelias DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now