7. Tryouts day 3

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    I was still love buzzed from the night before but I had to put it aside because today was the day that really counted.

    I made sure to show up as early as possible to properly stretch.

    "Good morning girls It's been a great week i feel like I've really gotten to know each and every one of you and saw determination and great promise in each and every one of you, to start tryouts you will receive a number and you will be going to tryout in groups of three, you will do the chant, then the cheer, and then the dance and then you can throw whatever tumbling you have, the best of luck to you all, once you are finished you may leave. results will be posted at 6 pm tonight, start making your way to the table to grab a number and again good luck to you all"

If i said I wasn't nervous id be lying. I went over to the table and was handed a number. "Shit" i mumbled under my breath. I got 1. Im definitely going first.

I texted my mom id be out sooner than expected and started going through the material.

When it was time to start I gave it my all and not in a braggy way but i really do think I killed it.

    I walked out of the school proud "howd it go?" Mom asked "it actually went so good!" I smiled beaming. Everything seems to be going my way. Bailey and Ellis were getting a bit rowdy in the backseat.

    Jakob and I still haven't talked about last night. I still haven't told my family either. It's weird because normally i tell my mom everything so I'm not sure why I haven't told her.

    My birthdays in a couple of days and my mom's been planning me a little party of sorts. She hasn't told me any other details so I guess they're a surprise.

    "I'm probably just going to take a nap when we get home because my cramps are still bad and I think I have a migraine coming on can you try to keep Ellie and Bailey quiet, Zolas having a playdate with Sophia and Arizonas. I have to go pick her up at 4 so don't like me sleep past it" my mother rambled. "Okay Mama I hope you feel better" i smiled

     "Thank you but how are you feeling baby?" She asked checking back in "really good" I smiled its been a while since that was true. "Good i'm glad you hurting makes me hurt your my heart Moe" she said getting a little emotional. "I know I'm glad too now you just need to focus on taking care of yourself. I got the kids don't worry." I said reassuring her "okay baby" she said exhaling parking the car.

    I unbluckled Ellis and placed her on my hip to take inside while bailey sprinted up to the door Mom was unlocking.

    "Okay I love you wake me up in 2 hours" she placed her hands on my cheeks and kissed my forehead and i nodded.

We were in my room watching Rapunzel. Ellie was sitting in between my legs and Bailey was curled up against me. They are literally my babies I protect them with my life. Id kill for them.

Jakob: hey i wanna talk i can come over at around 5
Me: okay that works ill see you

The two hours flew by and it was finally time to go get Zola. My mom sent me in to Arizonas apartment to claim Zo since she still felt pretty awful.

"Hey Zona!!" I smiled "Moe!" She beamed smiling into a hug. "You're here for Miss Zola right?" She confirmed "yes ma'am" I joked.

"Morgan!" Zola smiled "hey Zozo! Did you have so much fun?" I asked. "Yes! I wish i could come here every day" Zola frowned "maybe not every day but I'm sure arizona would let you come more often" I said looking towards her "yes of course, we'd love to have you" the blonde said making Zo smile.

Me: I miss you Addie
Addison: I miss you too baby I'm going to try to come see you soon though
Me: I miss when we used to practically live together
Addie: me too I miss being able to look after your mama too she's always been my little sister
Me: She doing good right now shes made a lot of progress in therapy
Addie: good good
Me: I'm just scared it's going to get bad again
Addie: well if it does she has you
Me: I really need you right now Addie
Addie: I know sweetheart but I'll see you soon

The future of medicine (Family Groupchat)
Aunt Mags, Mommy, Aunt mer, Uncle der, Me
Aunt mer: how was Zos playdate?
Me: really good she alr wants to go back lol
Aunt mags: awww
Mommy: Im gonna order pizza because Im lazy and actually feel horrific
Aunt mer: use the 20 in the kitchen drawer
Mommy: Okay Mer ill see you soon

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