6. Tryouts day 2

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    Day 2 was about as boring as day 1. We just worked on the content for the tryouts, jumps, and started on tumbling. But tomorrow would be the actual tryouts which I was a bit nervous for.

After tryouts I had to wait for my mom for a while because she was working but I didn't really mind because I know he's here.

I tried to find my way through the school that would soon be mine to the football field where Jakob was practicing.

I made my way over to the field. I stood there watching for about 10 minutes. Then suddenly the coach called a 5 minute break.

"Hey you!" I smirked as he came over "hey" he said still slightly panting. "How was cheer?" He asked "It was so lame same old same old" i laughed a bit "wheres your momma?" He asked "working she's gonna come get me whe- oh speak of the devil she's calling me"

"Hey" I said picking up the phone "I sent Mer to fetch you she should be there in like 10 minutes give or take, I'm in surgery right now but I should be closing here in about an hour," My mother explained. "Mk I Love you" I said closing the conversation "i love you too" she said ending up the call.

    "My aunt mers on the way to get me" I explained "ok well breaks over so i guess I'll see you huh?" He asked to which i nodded with a smile. He put his helmet on and I waved as he ran back to rejoin the team and I walked towards the front to wait.

I watched as my Aunt Mer pulled up to the school parking lot. "Hey sweetheart" she said as i hopped into the car "Hey mer!" I greeted.

I could tell Aunt Mer seemed a little down. "Are you okay" I asked "yeah im just thinking over a case from a patient we lost" she revealed. "You wanna talk it over with me?" I suggested.

As she was explaining i tried to pay attention but my mind kept being drawn to jakob. His curly blonde hair and his brown eyed smile. I love him.

We parked and Mer walked me up to my mom's gallery before going to check back in on her patients where I started on my school supply list.

I was snapping my friends back when April walked in "hey" she said sitting next to me "hey" i smiled at her "you don't look so good apes" I said concerned at April's pale state. "Im fine I'm just stressed out with Jackson and stuff we're really going through it right now" April vented. I really don't know if they're going to make it. For Harriets sake I hope they do but I know they're both unhappy.

My mom closed so I went to meet her because her shift was only 15 more minutes so we could probably go home now.

I was helping out with laundry day when there was a knock at the door "I'll get it" I called

I opened the door and was surprised to see who it was. It was none other than Jakob

"Morgan I can't go on fighting this any longer" he cried "what are you talking about?" I questioned genuinely confused. "Morgan im in love with you, im so in love with you, ive always been in love with you and i don't care if this ruins our friendship i just couldn't go an-" he ranted "shhh" I placed a finger to his lips.

I pressed my lips into his and pulled away then went back in "I love you too" I finally said.

MY WAY - Amelias DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now