5. Try outs day 1

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    I woke up at 7 to get ready for Tryouts. Tryouts were 3 days long we learn everything day 1 and work on it day 2 and day 3 is the actual tryout.

After tryouts I'm going out with Aunt Lexie so that will get me through.

I got to the school a little bit early so i could start warming up and practice some tumbling.

    I knew all the other bitchy popular girls would be here today because of course they're all perfect little cheerleaders.

    First to show up was Lola who was one of the only other girls on the cheer team who gave a shit about someone other than herself. "Hey Lo!" I smiled waving. "Hey morgy!!" She smiled coming over to stretch with me. I feel like if i would have met Lola earlier we could have been really close. "Did you hear what happened with Claire?" Lola asked. "No? What happened?" I wondered. "She got rejected from returning to the school next year because her GPA was too low!" She explained. That sucks but this is a private school and it's a lot of money to waste to not try

    Next to come were Kendal and Lily they were nice to me but i don't really hang out with them anymore. Followed by Sam who was one of my better friends she was nice enough. Then Bella I don't really know her very well but she seems nice. Then Taisa who was probably my bestfriend weve been friends since we were little. Then Alana and Lucia some of my other closer friends. Next was Rory and Cassie they were pretty nice. Then was Nina she just moved her over the summer so we're getting pretty close. And lastly were Amber and Elle. Amber is probably the meanest girl on the planet and Elle herself is pretty nice but shes basically ambers pet.

    Being best friends with Taisa was hard though because she was literally a model and were constantly compared being the two most popular girls in school.

    "Good morning girls!" Coach Melissa said as she stood up from the table to start the day. The 3 main coaches are coach Melissa, coach Jackson, and coach Erin. Coach Erin was Ambers mom so we already know she's gonna be on varsity.

    We started with warming up our jumps while they sat making notes. My jumps were amazing but it's not because I'm good it's because my mom taught me if I want something i need to work my ass off.

    We quickly moved into learning the cheer. For tryouts we learn a cheer a chant and a dance. Then we get put on teams. Varsity football, Varsity basketball, JV football, JV basketball, soccer, game day, and comp.

    I don't really have high hopes going into these tryouts though because it's freshman year and I'm not gods gift to cheer or anything.

Aunt lex 🩷🩷: I'm in the parking lot when your done
Me: okay i'm coming out

    "Heyy" I said getting in shot gun of the car. "Hi!" She smiled hugging me. "I was scared coop was gonna make me late" she said flustered. Her son Coopers going to be 5 soon and he's actually the cutest he's the perfect mix of both her and Mark.

    "Haha how's Mark?" I asked. "He's great haha, but on a more serious note can you keep a secret, like don't tell anyone even your momma?" She asked smiling a bit "yeah, what's up?" I asked slightly concerned "I'm pregnant, your the first person i'm telling because i don't want everyone to know before mark because i want him to hear it from me but i just don't know how to tell him" she said practically squealing. "Awww I'm so happy for you" I said with a huge smile. "Okay but any ideas?" She asked anxiously "why don't you just write him a letter or something" I suggested.

We decided to go back to school shopping since i needed to go and Lex loves shopping easily. My mom gave me her card because it saves her time and she trusts me to make good choices.

    "You wanna just go back to your place?" I suggested. "Yeah sure Moe" she agreed.

When we got to the house it smelled sooooo good. Mark was cooking for sure. I love my aunt Lexie but she would never make it as a house wife she CAN NOT cook if her life depended on it.

"Babe is that you?" Mark called from the kitchen as we stepped into the house. "Yes, I brought Morgan with me" she called back. I felt water drop on my head. "Ah what's that" I shrieked. "Shit" Lexie cursed "MARK DO WE HAVE ANY MORE BUCKETS" she yelled clearly frustrated "I Don't think so is the seriously another leak?" He asked just as frustrated. "Yes, we have GOT to move" Lex swore.

We kept walking toward the kitchen trying to ignore the drip so Aunt Lexie could calm down. "Relax sweetie I'll go out and get buckets, flex tape, and more cheese" he said kissing his wife who was still fuming. She nodded her head in comprehension. "I love you Lex it's gonna be okay I promise we'll move soon" He said kissing her again "i love you too Mark" she said burying her face in his chest as he wrapped her into a hug. They really had outgrown this small house anyways.

While Lex and Mark were talking I went to look for Cooper. "Hey buddy!" I said walking into his playroom. "Mowgan!!" He beamed running to greet me. He still had trouble pronouncing "R"s but preschool seems to be helping. "I missed you so much Coop!" I smiled. I love kids. "I missed you too" He giggled. My heart is melting "you wanna go out and hang with Mama?" I asked and he nodded his head so I placed him on his hip and we headed out.

"Hiii my baby!!" Lexie grinned. She was an amazing mother. "I'm off love you lexie" he said kissing his wife "love you cooper" he said hissing his son, "and love you Morgan" He said kissing my forehead

Lex and I took Cooper to the living room and we started watching baking shows. Being pregnant makes her hangry and baking shows seem to help.

"I wish I could bake" Lexie said sadly "me too Lex thanksgiving and Christmas get pretty scary" i joked "oh stop it" she said smacking me playfully.

MY WAY - Amelias DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now