Untitled 3

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Tear me apart with your mouth, Love,
Break me on your teeth
Let my flesh be all your tongue tastes
Let passion be our language
As war lays in the lap of lust
Violence swelling against tender fingers
Let us lay in this shifting embrace

Rip out my heart with your hands, dear,
Crack me open on the rocks below
Let my blood put ink to your pen
Let me stain the tips of your fingers with it
As Hippolytus fell across swelling sea
Wings dripping burgundy blots on your pages
Let my story be scrawled along the walls

Shatter my ribs with the force, darling,
Rend me limb from limb
Let my gore be of use to you
Let me be pierced atop your table
As a feast before you from Tantalus
My shoulder bleeding on your fork tines

Lick the plate clean of me, Love
Tell the tale of what violence could have been

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