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L pov:

After exploring and analysing bits of the school, I made my way into the classroom I was given. I sat down at my designated seat and instantly got into my natural sitting position as I placed my finger near my thumb, scanning the entire area that was visible to me.
Pressing my thumb against my lips and gazing around the classroom,I accidentally spotted a camera, but not just one. No, there seemed to be multiple of them.
After about a minute of searching and scanning the room, I came across 24 different cameras.
All are located in different areas and cover every single area possible in the room.
For a school of this magnitude, I guess it makes sense to keep such heavy tabs on the students and the classrooms.

After monitoring the cameras and their positions a little more and seeing if I could possibly spot more,.
I decided to move on to analysing the individuals in this class as I noticed every seat, besides a select few, was taken.
Most of them looked well-built and clearly took care of themselves, though there were some you could tell were naturally born geniuses. However, there was no real standout as of now; no one who I could deduce were close to my level of intelligence.

As I was analysing the people in the classroom, I noticed, in the corner of my eye, a girl walk into the classroom. It seemed to be a girl with lilac-coloured hair and violet-coloured eyes.
She was also walking with a cane, which could indicate that she might have a medical condition. She also looked shorter than your average student and looked frail.

However, moving away from her looks, the aura this girl was radiating was something no one else in this classroom could even somewhat compare to.
She seemed to be naturally smart, but she gave off a dominant vibe; this alone could make her the best leader in class A.
As I thought about it, I had no doubt that she would end up being the leader of this class.
She would also most likely be the best leader for class A, as all the students I have evaluated so far are not comparable when comparing pure intellect and aura.

While watching the shortish girl walk in, I was interrupted by a noise from besides me, so I looked to my right, as that was the direction the noise came from. The person whose seat was next to mine started to sit down as he probably walked in through the back door.
However, before I could turn away and look at the girl again, he began to speak to me.

"It seems that you will be sitting next to me for the next couple of years," the man said as he let out a soft laugh.

As he did, I stared at him as I looked him up and down.
As I looked up to match his eyes, I was taken aback and couldn't help but admire his bold head.
I wonder if he is naturally bold or if he is purposely bald, I thought to myself.

Confused by what I was doing, he said
"Well, anyway, my name is Katsuragi Kōhei; what's yours?"

"You want to know my name, huh? Well, it's Rue Ryuzaki," I responded as I stared back at him with a cold, blank expression with my thumb against my lips.

"Rue Ryuzaki, it'll be a real pleasure to meet you."
The bald man said, as he was complexed by the way I was sitting.

I started to take my attention away from his head and decided to not be so introverted and strike up a conversation with him. I looked deeply into his eyes and asked him a very important question.

"Does this make you my first new school friend?" I asked with the same blank face I always have.

"I mean, I suppose if you want to be, we can be." Katsuragi responded, somewhat confused by how straightforward this was.

But before anymore words could be exchanged
a bell ring, and after it ended, a middle-aged man of average height with grey hair and green eyes made his way into the front of the class.

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