Island exam pt1

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Lelouch pov:

Far into the depths of the island we had entered, we were basically on the opposite island from where the ship was. Class B had decided, led primarily by the unwavering leadership of Ichinose. After a few hours off, I settled in. Her eyes randomly fixed upon me; it seemed as if she sought my agreement, her voice echoing with conviction.

"Don't you just agree that this was the ideal place to set up camp? Surely you agree as well, Lelouch?" She implored, her gaze still glazing at me as some other students listening in nodded in unanimous approval. It was, indeed, a favorable spot, offering ample resources and security against unforeseen disasters that could possibly occur.

"Now, just to claim the spot. We need a leader, though, don't we? Who should it be?" Ichinose's voice rang out, prompting various suggestions and deliberations amongst the classmates.

"I think it should be Ichinose," Shiranami proposed, and her words met with tentative nods of agreement from the assembled group.

"I think that's a bad idea, in all honesty. Ichinose is much too obvious a choice. It should be someone inconspicuous," Kanzaki interjected, his keen insight slicing through this possibility and what I'm sure would be the favorable outcome.

The identity of the leader seemed inconsequential to me. In fact, making someone conspicuous might serve as a strategic advantage, employing reverse psychology to confound our rivals. Though it would still be quite foolish to make me or Ichinose the leader.

"How about we make Kanzaki the leader instead?" I suggested, gauging the reaction of the group as Kanzaki expressed his reservations.

"I'm not entirely a fan of this idea," Kanzaki confessed, uncertainty lingering in the air like a heavy fog.

"Let's look at this logically for a second," I began, weaving a tapestry of rationale to hopefully sway their predetermined opinions. "If I were another class, I wouldn't make a guess unless I was absolutely certain of the person it could be. However, let's say they did make a guess. It would most likely be between myself or Ichinose. Kanzaki is someone who is intelligent and possesses remarkable physical prowess, from what I have observed. I believe he could ensure the safety of our class even in the face of an attack."

A few nods of agreement rippled through the group, swaying the tide of opinion in my favor for Kanzaki. Ichinose got confirmation from the others, and with no dissenting voices, it was settled. Kanzaki would lead us, a decision that I was most happy with, in all truth.

A few minutes go by before a sudden voice speaks to me. "Do you want to come with me to retrieve the card?" Kanzaki offered, breaking the silence as I nodded in assent, following him into the woods and heading to the spot to get the card.

As we walked the rugged terrain, my mind came up with many different strategic possibilities. Class A would undoubtedly suffer the greatest losses in this scenario, yet Katsuragi's resourcefulness could potentially turn the tide in their favor. However, my primary concern lay with Class C, particularly with Ryuen, whose unpredictability posed quite a problem if unchecked.

Before I could delve deeper into my thoughts about the other classes, Kanzaki's voice broke through my thoughts, his query piercing the veil of my contemplation.

"I don't want to distract you from your thinking, but why exactly did you choose me? I find it hard to believe the reason earlier is all that it is," he pressed, his eyes probing for some sort of truth.

"Believe me or don't; I just find you to be the perfect candidate for the leader of this. Let me ask you something, of course, all with respect to Ichinose, but what would happen if, let's say, Ryuen were able to get her alone and attack her?" I posed the question, my hands slipping into my pockets as we continued our journey, as I visualized many possible outcomes where they all end badly for ichinose.

"If it came down to a one-on-one, she'd lose. But that would never happen. There would never be a possibility that she wouldn't be a member of class B, even if she wasn't. The school would never allow such violence; I'm sure of it," Kanzaki responded, his tone tinged with skepticism as it seemed he was getting lost in thought.

"Normally, however, think for a second: how would they know? Look around; there's no camera in sight. Look at the whole incident with Sudo vs. Class C. With minimal information, Ichinose told us it was clear the school couldn't just go off word alone. So again, how would they know?" I countered, gesturing towards our surroundings, with nothing in sight. I'm sure I was correct in my judgment.

It seemed as though comprehension dawned upon him, a realization settling over his face as it was apparent he understood what I was trying to say together. "I see, so basically, if that ever did happen with Ryuen and he tried to get alone with someone he sure was the leader, I'd naturally have the best chance of keeping the card safe. And it's safe to assume you also believe that I'd have the best chance against Ryuen?" he ventured, seeming as if he was seeking confirmation.

"That's it. Though that's not the only reason," I replied cryptically, leaving the full extent of my reason hidden but letting him know enough to make sure he's satisfied.

"Oh? What else?" He pressed once more, curiosity evident in his tone.

"If I were to get one hundred different people to choose between the numbers one and forty, what do you think the least common answer would be?" I posed the question as I looked forward, glancing at him from time to time.

He paused, pondering my words, before hazarding a guess. "Like twenty-three, I don't know," he ventured, uncertainty clouding his features.

"The actual answer is three. I'm sure it's obvious to anyone that if I or Ichinose weren't in this school, you'd at least be a vice leader. So it's safe to assume in a class ranking you'd be classed as number three," I asserted, weaving a web of deception so intricate that even he found himself nodding along in agreement as he had no way of disproving this information, so he had no choice but to agree with it.

With some less trivial matters exchanged, we finally arrived at the beach, where Hoshinomiya greeted us with her trademark cheerfulness, as it seemed as if she was trying to restrain herself from hugging us.

"If it isn't my two favorite boys from Class B!" she exclaimed, her laughter ringing out surprisingly louder than you would expect for someone like her to be able to do. "So, have you made a decision on who will be the leader of Class B?"

After a brief exchange and getting everything sorted, we departed, retracing our steps back to the campsite. The journey was shorter than expected but no less than a pain in the ass.

As we settled back into the camp, conversation flowed freely, and plans for reconnaissance had been agreed upon in our discussion. I wasn't thrilled with this, but I'd have to be done before I couldn't eject myself. Yet, before we could set out, I found myself pulled aside by Ichinose, her demeanor brimming with excitement as if she had done something amazing.

"I have some good news I wanted to share with you to see your opinion on the matter," she began, her voice filled with anticipation.

"And what would that be?" I inquired, curiosity piqued by her enthusiasm.

"I know who the leader of Class C is for the exam. I confidently say the leader is Ryuen," she revealed, her words definitely piquing my interest.

As it sank in a little, I narrowed my eyes, probing for further clarification. "How exactly do you know that?"

"Well, you see, another student from another class made me a deal I couldn't refuse," she explained, a hint of mystery veiling her words.

"And who was this student?" I questioned.

"I can't say. It's a secret," she replied evasively, brushing off my inquiry with practiced ease.

"Do you have proof that Ryuen is the leader, or are you simply taking the person's word for it?" I probed further, seeking validation for her claims.

"I believe his word. He sounded very convincing, and we didn't lose much in this trade anyway," she reasoned, her conviction unwavering.

Even though there were many more questions I needed to ask, Kanzaki's approach interrupted our conversation, his impatience evident as he awaited our departure. With a resigned sigh, I turned my attention back to the task at hand, knowing that answers would have to come in due time, but for now, our focus remained on doing some recon as Kankazi had convinced many other students from our class to also partake in this.

After a brief interlude, we hastily assembled into various different teams of two and embarked on our reconnaissance mission. Despite the current state of our task, my thoughts persisted in wandering towards the reason for the student's willingness to expose Class C's leader. The implication of their allegiance to Class C gnawed at me, as it was more than possible that the student doesn't agree with Ryuen or his methods. Also, to another point, did they choose their moment to make a deal with class B knowing my absence? Such timing does seem improbable, yet the coincidence did trouble me. Ichinose's casual demeanor only deepened my suspicions, hinting at a calculated motive behind his actions, as Ichinose seemed to be able to just trust his word.

As we pressed on, the campsite faded from view, and I seized the opportunity to confer some thoughts with Kanzaki. "I believe Class B should adopt a more assertive approach in the island exam, pressuring the other classes for information and trying to guess at least two of the three leaders. What are your thoughts on this?"

Kanzaki deliberated for a few moments before responding, his brow furrowed in contemplation. "I would most likely concur, provided we can gain substantiated evidence for our deductions. The allure of 50 points per correct guess is undeniable, but an erroneous guess could prove costly. However, if we can ascertain the truth, it could hinder rival classes from gaining bonus points from scanning the key guards and their possible correct guesses."

I nodded in agreement, adding, "Focusing our inquiries on Class C and A seems prudent. Class A's internal discord limits Katsuragi's options, narrowing our pool of suspects to more or less half the class. A similar logic also applies to Class C, where Ryuen would delegate authority to a trusted ally. There's still a chance that they make themselves the leader of the class, so it would be ideal to keep a close eye on them."

Kanzaki nodded thoughtfully, his hands clasping beneath his chin. "Indeed, it is a sound strategy. Given Class A's significant lead, directing our attention towards them appears logical, and the same can be said with Class C."

As we walked, I noticed Kanzaki seemed to be guiding our path with purpose, as if he were taking me somewhere. Eventually, we arrived at a secluded spot that apparently caught his attention during our voyage to the island.

"I noticed this place while we were circling the island on the boat. It seemed worth investigating as it could be of benefit to our class," Kanzaki explained, eyeing the cave-like structure that offered potential shelter if something were to happen to our initial camp.

Before we could explore further, a familiar figure seemed to emerge from within at perfect timing, his presence unsettling as usual. "It's Ryu Ryuzaki," I muttered, noting Kanzaki's wary gaze.

Kanzaki nodded, his expression serious. "He's from class A. His appearance here definitely raises some questions."

We remained hidden, observing as Ryuzaki ventured around the entrance as if he knew we were here but not calling out to him. His peculiar demeanor only heightened our suspicions that there was more than meets the eye.

"It appears either this is where Class A resides, or perhaps this is a potential spot where they can gain points, and Ryuzaki is the leader of Class A," Kanzaki observed, her gaze fixed on him.

Hidden from view behind the trees, we watched as he eventually departed, his peculiar demeanor unchanged. With a few strides, he disappeared in the opposite direction from where we were hiding, leaving us in silence, waiting for him to be out of range to hear anything.

Seizing the opportunity, Kanzaki hastened towards the cave entrance by himself, returning shortly back to me after a few moments of listening into the cave.

"There are definitely others in that cave; it's safe to assume it's most like Class A's base," he concluded.

"The question then remains: What are Ryuzkai's intentions for leaving the place on his own? While tailing him for information would be ideal, it's growing late, and the effort may not be worth much. So I think it's best we make our way back to the camp," I remarked, turning in the direction of our camp.

Kanzaki followed, his thoughts shifting to Ichinose as he spoke about her. "I've been pondering something; I've been wanting to know your honest opinions about Ichinose," he began saying as he looked at me, waiting for an answer.

"Well, there are no glaring negatives to her leadership. Without Ichinose, this exam would undoubtedly be more challenging than forming the class." I started and halted abruptly as he pulled me back behind a tree, his gaze fixated on something or someone.

I cautiously peered around the corner as Kanzaki was looking, spotting something that immediately piqued my interest: a girl bent over near the base of a tree.

Drawing a little closer with Kanzaki in tow, it became apparent that she was digging a hole next to the tree. She carefully placed a plastic bag, obviously containing something inside of it, into the hole before covering it up. Turning around, she settled against the tree, revealing a mark near her eye, a clear sign of violence. It took a moment, but I recognized her appearance and that she was from Class C, but I couldn't put a name to her face. Plus, her battered appearance puzzled me, as it's clear she must have been in some sort of physical altercation.

Kanzaki whispered, "That's Ibuki from Class C. The question is, What's she doing here, all beaten up like that?"

Before we could delve further into speculation, voices ahead caught my attention. Soon, familiar and unfamiliar figures emerged from the distance: a girl with considerable assets and distinctive pink hair, accompanied by the boy Ichinose, who had assisted in the whole Sudo vs. Class C incident. It was clear that they were doing some sort of recon, like our class.

When they noticed the girl, they talked for a little while, and eventually she walked off with the two of them, probably back to class D's campsite.

"Hmm, were they oblivious to the trap? I'm sure they must have realized that, or did they?" I pondered. "Perhaps Class D is more flawed than we realized. Thankfully, our class wouldn't entertain such reckless behavior and allow another member from another class to camp at our camp."

"Now, let's uncover what she was concealing," Kanzaki declared, approaching the hole she had only just dug moments ago.

With swift movements, he retrieved the hidden object from the box and then the plastic bag, revealing a walkie-talkie.

"It appears this is part of Ryuen's scheme," I remarked, examining the device he passed to me as Kanzaki explained a theory he's come to.

"It's likely a means for Ryuen to communicate with Ibuki after she gathers information on their cards, is my guess," he surmised.

I pondered the situation, noting a discrepancy. "Something doesn't add up. Why the need for walkie-talkies? If Ibuki identifies the information, she could return to Class C directly and tell Ryuen the answer. There's a chance Class C may be hiding something and plan on doing something in due time, but I guess only time will tell."

Returning the walkie-talkie to Kanzaki, we reburied it as best as we could and resumed our journey back to our class's location. As we approached, we overheard heated arguments, and a stranger's presence caught my attention. He was on the opposite side of the camp compared to the others.

"Just look at him. We can't risk him returning to class C and getting harmed again." Ichinose pleaded, attempting to sway opinions.

Shibata remained adamant. "He's clearly a spy sent by Class C. We should send him a way for our safety."

Before the debate could escalate further, Kanzaki and I intervened, drawing everyone's attention.

"What's the matter exactly?" Kanzaki inquired.

Ichinose proposed taking in Kaneda for safety, citing Ryuen's influence on him.

While most agreed, I felt a sense of unease. I feel obligated to retract my previous assessment of Class B's caution.

As Kanzaki prepared to divulge the truth about what we had discovered, I interjected. "It's late and would be unsafe for him to kick him out. Kaneda should stay the night. Tomorrow, we'll visit Class C to investigate further and make a decision regarding his allegiance."

"That's a sensible plan," Ichinose agreed, with others following suit.

Kanzaki looked puzzled by my decision. looked at me while whispering. "Why allow a potential spy to stay?"

"Trust me, it'll be fine. Just keep the truth to yourself for now," I insisted, walking away confidently, plotting my next move for tomorrow.

This was an opportunity to explore Class C under the guise of caution. With Ichinose likely to accompany us, I could uncover her dealings and solidify our position. If I can identify the traitor amongst them, I may be able to get a reason why Ryuen is the leader of class C.

That night passed without any incident, although I noticed Kanzaki keeping a watchful eye on Kaneda as we all drifted off to sleep, with varying degrees of restfulness among us. After some brief discussion, we decided to proceed with the lineup of Ichinose, Kanzaki, myself, and Kaneda to head to class C.

Engaging in light conversation to avoid revealing any potentially valuable information to Kaneda, we neared our destination: a mountain providing a clear vantage point over Class C's students.

"Wow, they seem to not have any issues with spending their points," Ichinose remarked, surveying the scene below.

"It looks like they've given up and turned this into a sort of vacation," Kanzaki observed.

Below, we were able to observe barbecues, multiple tarps, coolers, a makeshift toilet system, various sports equipment, and more. It was an unexpected sight, raising questions about their end goal and their strategy. Why would they opt to accumulate zero points? Was there a hidden agenda at play?

"Right, enough talking; let's keep moving," I declared, forging ahead down the hill, with Kanzaki, Ichinose, and Kaneda all right behind me as I was interested in getting answers to my questions.

Authors note:

This chapter was 3200+ words. I haven't posted in a while because I've been busy, and now that I'm free more, I'll be cooking with the chapters. I'm going to probably make the next chapters longer than usual and try to finish the island exam in the next 3–4 chapters.

So a question to the reader, Which class do you think does the best? 🧐

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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