Class/Private points

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Light POV:

The month of May finally came around. As I made my way into the classroom and made my way over to my seat, I noticed Hiyori was already here with her nose in a novel series she had previously told me about.

"Hey, hiyori," I say as I take my seat.

"Oh, hey, light," she responded as she moved her head to look towards me as she placed the book she was just reading on the desk.

"Say, how many private points were sent to you today?"

"Urmmm, if I remember correctly, then it was 66,000 private points."

"So the same as mine?" I looked at her as a few questions arose.

So both me and Hiyori were promised 100,000, yet we were both given 66,000. The fact that we were both given the same but wrong amount definitely seems suspicious.

I looked at one of the cameras as I narrowed my eyes at it. Since my first day, I've been able to find 24 different cameras, some meant to be visible if you tried to look and some that were meant to be secretive. They all covered the entire room, not leaving any blind spots, meaning it seems we're always being watched.

I'd heavily doubt such a school like this would accidentally give out the wrong amount. As I expected, something else is at play, so I'll have to make sure to hassle the teacher for some answers.

"So what are you thinking about now, light?" Hiyori looked at me curiously.

"Hmmm, I don't know what you mean."

"There is no need to play dumb; you always look deep into thought even when not speaking. So I'm just curious."

"I didn't know I was that easy to read," I say as I let out a sigh before deciding to discuss a little with Hiyori.

"Don't you find it even somewhat weird that we were only given 66,000 points out of the promised 100,000?"

She paused for a moment, as if trying to think it over, before she nodded her head at me. "I mean, yeah, I did think it was suspicious, though it could be a mistake."

"Do you really think this school would make such a careless mistake?"

"Not really, but you never know."

I thought it over, and as I was about to respond, the bell rang as the teacher walked in and stood at the front as if he were ready for any questions that may come his way.

"All right, your morning homeroom is about to begin. Before we get started, does anyone have any questions? If so, now is the time to speak."
Our homeroom teacher, Kazuma Sakagami, said it sternly as he looked around the room. Normally, our homeroom teacher was kind of a pushover in different aspects. As he scanned the room, Meh seemed to be convinced that people would have questions, though before I could raise my hand, another student called out.

"Yoo, teach, why did I only get 66,000 private points?" Ryuen said as he waved his phone over his head.

"Yeah, I was wandering the same; I was only given 66% of the total I was promised," another student called out to him. A student possessed short blue hair.

More students called out continuously, demanding an answer from the teacher, who seemed to be waiting for everyone to quiet down.

The teacher let out a cough, and everyone went quiet. A few short moments later, he began to speak: "There were a total of 16 absences and late arrivals, and a case of 48 incidents of people talking or going on their phones in class hours. So to make it clear for everyone, your class's results and performances are reflected in how many points you receive. After confirming some calculations, you wasted $34,000 on all the stuff mentioned before and only received the amount that was left over. So that's why you only received 66,000 of 100,000 points."

So I was correct on the surface with my predictions. Though it wasn't perfect, I did the best someone could with limited knowledge. I'm glad that I did what I did on the first day; it's not as perfect as I would like it to be. Though for now, it does suffice, as the class will start to realise that I was basically correct from the start.

"I could have explained on the entrance ceremony; I'm sure some of you are thinking. However, the school measures the true abilities of the students."

I heard some of the students groan, as I did know there were a few students who didn't listen to me completely and are now realising the amount of effort they actually have to put in.

As he noticed some of their reactions, he spoke again. "Having just entered your first year at this school, did you honestly think you'd receive 100,000 points every month with no strings attached? At a school established by the Japanese government for the express purpose of training gifted people? That's unthinkable. Try using some common sense. Why would you leave it to chance?"

He had a point. At this point, I could tell a lot of other students had some questions of their own; however, I decided it would be time to try and gauge out some answers on my own.

I raised my hand as I spoke. "I think I get the construct of how this fully works, though I'd like to ask. Could you possibly explain in detail how we can add or subtract points? I'm sure the class would like to know so we can keep this in perspective for future endeavours."

"I'm sure you would; however, I cannot tell you. It's something we cannot disclose to the students. If you want to, you can try to figure out the solution behind our methods of your elevations."

Just as I was about to ask another question, the bell rang as the homeroom had ended.

"Well, that's enough of that. I hope, for your sakes, you understand at least the gist of it. Well, anyway, I think it's time we switch to our main topic."

From a tube on his desk, he removed a white rolled-up poster and spread it out against the board. He then stuck it to the board with some magnets so it would stick to the wall.

"Are these the results for each class?" I said as I noticed there was each class from A-D on it. From the bottom, I could see that Class D had an amazing 0 points. Class C had 660. Class B 780. And alone at the top was Class A, with a total of 940 points. In this case, 1000 points would have to mean 100,000 yen. This meant that every class had lost points, with Class D losing the most, which is not surprising as they're a bunch of failures.

"Your actions, such as being late or talking during class, only affect the points you receive. The same goes for how you use your points. How you choose to spend is entirely up to you. We have not put any restrictions on point usage."

As the teacher said this, I couldn't help but think about how he phrased it. As if they were trying to tempt you to purposely mess up.

"As you can guess, every class got points this month besides class D. Realistically, the amount of points we already gave you for the first month should be plenty enough to live on." He said this as he took a breath before speaking out again. "furthermore In this school, students are sorted by their level of excellence. The superior students are sorted into Class A, and the least capable are in Class D. It's the same system you'd find in the major cram schools. In other words, Class D is akin to the last bastion for failures. They are the worst of the worst, while in contrast, A is the best of the best."

As he spoke, I felt a little infuriated, because there was no way someone was better than me. I tried to keep my composure; it made sense that they sorted out by superiority to the worst students, but that doesn't explain why I should be last.

"Though on a very positive note, this is the highest score Class C has ever achieved this early on. Normally, not to say too much, Class C would at best be in the 400–500 range. So to say the least, I am quite impressed with you students."

As I took it all in, I looked at the scores again and had to say I was surprised by the Class A score. From what intel I was able to gather from the girls I've spoken to, there seems to be a civil war going on. Yet somehow, they were only 60 points out of 1000.

I raised my hand as I decided to gather some more information from the teacher. "If I can ask, what would happen if we were to reach 0 points like in class D? From my understanding, it means we would gain no points each month, and there's a chance we may have no funds left. So what exactly would happen in that scenario?"

"A very interesting question," he said, quickly pondering as he answered with a firm voice, "there would be no need to worry; if that scenario did happen, you would still be able to live in the dorms and have free meals. Obviously, you would be unable to purchase anything."

"I see. What would happen if we were to perchance have a better score than class B?" I responded curiously.

"Well, I'm sure you'd be able to guess if you were to say get 800 points and class B were to remain on the same amount. Then basically, you'd be promoted and be the new class B, while they would be the new class C."

"I understand; thanks for clarifying."

"Now for some more news that I have to share with you all," he said as he stuck another sheet of paper on the board.

It contained the names of everyone in class C. As with everyone's name, there was a number right next to it.

Some students began to mumble before the teacher let out a fake cough as the students all went quiet in anticipation for what he said next.

"These are the results of the short-term test you took a while ago."

As I analysed the board, it had gone down as I had predicted it would. Every single member of the class had scored under C. It was initially Ryuen's plan that we bombed the test and all got 0 points. However, I looked at it logically and was able to convince the class to score higher. As I calculated the answers, I was able to conclude that the average score was 26.

"If this was an actual test, then basically more than half of you would have to drop out. As I'm sure some of you guessed, this wasn't a midterm or the final test, so you can get away with not passing. Meaning if you fail a midterm or final exam in this school, then you have to drop out. If we applied that rule to this test, anyone who scored below thirteen points would be out."

He drew a line across the students with under a twenty-six point score, and it separated twenty-two 'failed' students from eighteen 'passed students'.

The way he was presenting it seemed off. I've come to the conclusion that this school doesn't do something without a valid reason. My guess is that these tests and the averages for each class will be important in some way. It was a risk trying this, though. The school has always kept hidden meanings in the words they say, and everything indicated that this would mean something different.

As some more questions arose, the teacher had a rebuttal for everything. As homeroom was about to end, he spit out one last statement.

"Mid terms are three weeks."

He said this before exiting the room, closing the door with some emphasis and letting everything we've just discovered simmer inside our minds. Some students looked panicked, and some looked completely fine. From what I'm confident in, I would have passed the last test with a perfect score if I fully tried to.

I pulled out my phone as I saw my balance. Before the 66,000 extra points, I had 73,560 points. Meaning if I add the extra points on, then I would have 139,560 private points, which to a degree seems more than excessive.

I turned my head towards Hiyori as I spoke to her. "How many points do you have now with the addition of the 66,000 private points you were given?"

She took a moment as she remembered the exact amount. "If I remember correctly, then 112,840. Though most of them go on books to read when the library is closed."

The teacher finally arrived as we all went about our lessons. Though a break rolled around me, Hiyroi began chatting like most people in the class before Ryuen went to the front of the room and slammed his hands on the desk, gaining everyone's attention.

"Listen to me," he demanded as the whole room went quiet. "I do understand that some of you may be concerned with the upcoming midterms; however, if you don't pass the midterms, then I for one am glad you will get expelled. If you can't get an easily achievable score, then that's your problem."

Most, if not all, students in the class let out small snickers, wanting to protest to Ryuen but being too scared to.

"Though I'm feeling generous," he said before pointing at me. "Our dear light, Yagami, will tutor anyone here who needs help," he said as he let out a proud grin.

He put me in a spot where I couldn't say no without making it look bad on me. I mean, the plan was to form a study group, but I presume Ryuen would guess something like this and make it seem like he's the one who planned it out.

I nodded my head, and as Ryuen was about to speak again, he stopped himself as everyone looked at the door, where a man with messy neck-length black hair and black eyes pierced around the room.

"And who the fuck are you?" Ryuen said it angrily, not liking the fact that someone had interrupted him.

Even though Ryuen tried to intimidate him, The guy's eyes examined the room and seemed to be examining the room.

"Don't you ignore me?"

Yet he kept ignoring him before placing his eyes on me. He stared at me for a few moments before suddenly the guy's collar was pulled by Ryuen. As Ryuen pulled him close by the collar, he hissed at him once more.

"So you're going to tell me who you are, or I'll force you to."

Though, like earlier, he ignored him once again as he turned his head in my direction once more.
This only pissed off Ryuen more. Ryuen let go of him and tried to swing. For the better or for the worse, his hand was stopped before it could reach the guy with black eyes.

As I looked, I noticed Albert had stopped Ryuen, who was being very irrational and illogical right now, from hitting the guy. I'm sure Albert looked objectively and was able to realise that this could be a ploy by another class and shouldn't let Ryuen lash out right now anyway.

Ryuen clicked his teeth as he looked at Albert. "So you're going to defend him, are you? Fine, I'll have to beat the shit out of both of you."

Before anything else could be said, however, the strange guy just let out an annoying smirk, which only triggered Ryuen more. As Ryuen was about to react, the guy with black eyes just walked off as if nothing had just happened.

Ayanokoji Pov:

"About how many points did you spend last month, Ayanokoji?" Asked horikita

"Hm? Oh, my points? I spent about 20,000, approximately."

This was tragic for the students who'd used up their points. Like Yamauchi, who was ranting and raving at his desk. Ike had also spent almost all of his points.

"While unfortunate, they've simply reaped what they've sown," Horikita said.

It was certainly true that indiscriminately spending all 100,000 points in a single month was a slight problem.

"They baited us into spending all our points over the course of this one month, and we fell for it."
One hundred thousand points per month. Even though everyone had thought it too good to be true, we'd been too happy to care.

"Attention, everyone. Before class begins, I want you to listen seriously for a moment. Especially you, Sudou-kun." The class was still in an uproar, but Hirata claimed everyone's attention when he stood at the teacher's podium.

As he went on about methods and a possible study group happening, I couldn't help but wonder how the other students of other classes must think, though, as I was thinking that I was suddenly forced out of my thinking as a student walked into the room.

Though it wasn't a fellow student in class D, in fact, it's the guy who I saw on my first day going to the entrance ceremony. I couldn't help but question what he was doing here and why he was here.

It took some moments before all the students realised that there was an unwelcome visitor.

"Um, are you lost?" Said Hirata in a concerned but confused tone.

However, he stared at him for a moment, and before he turned his head around the class, he was observing us with his soulless eyes. After a few seconds, his eyes landed on Koenji as he moved his thumb to his mouth.

"Do you need something from me?" Koenji said he was not paying any real attention to him as he wore a smug grin while polishing his nails.

As it seemed as if the intruder was about to speak, he looked away before looking around the room before glaring at individuals like Kushida and Horikita. Before his eyes landed on me.

I could sense that most of the students were uncomfortable, especially the girls, as I'm sure most of them are not too fond of a strange guy analysing them.

As his eyes looked into mine, I felt a surge of different feelings in that he's unique to anyone else in this school. It seemed like an eternity had passed before he suddenly approached my desk.

As he did some, I saw Horikita stand up, and so did he. It was safe to assume either Horikita thought he was looking at her or she wanted to ask him something. As she was about to speak, however, he turned around as if he did not want to waste his time on her as he left the classroom.

Most of the class was shocked by his sudden intrusion. Horikita sat down, a little annoyed that she wasn't able to ask anything before she turned to me.

"Do you know that guy? I wouldn't be surprised, as you're both massive weirdos," she said, letting out a smirk indicating she was joking.

I shook my head as I looked back at the door. I couldn't help but wonder what exactly he wanted and why he made himself so known. I looked to the front, where I saw Hirata clearly confused by what happened, before senescing the tension in the room as he spoke again.

"We didn't get any points this month. This is a serious problem, and one that will have an enormous impact on our daily lives moving forward. It's impossible for us to make it to graduation with zero points, right?"

He said all this as if he were trying to ignore what just happened and get people's attention back to what really matters: the class and private points.

As break ended along with the class, I was speaking to Kushida about points when suddenly the loudspeaker came alive with a soothing sound effect and a robotic voice issued an announcement.

"Ayanokouji-kun, from first-year Class D. Please come see Chiyabashira-sensei in the faculty office."

"It looks like the teacher wants to see you."

"Yeah... Sorry, Kushida. Gotta go."

I was confident that I hadn't done anything to get me called to the office. Exiting the classroom, I could feel my classmates' stares drilling a hole into the back of my head. Timid as a rabbit, I found the faculty office and entered. I looked all around, but I didn't find Chiyabashira-sensei anywhere. Baffled, I called out to a teacher, inspecting her appearance in a mirror.

"Excuse me, is Chiyabashira-sensei here?"

"Hmm? Sae-chan? Oh, she was just here a moment ago."

"The teacher had wavy, shoulder-length hair, which made her look mature. The way she said Chiyabashira-sensei's name made them sound close. They were close in age and probably friends.

"She must have stepped away for a minute. Do you want to wait here?"

"No, thank you. I'll wait in the hall."

I didn't like being in the faculty office. I hated attention, so the hall would do just as well. However, the young teacher unexpectedly followed me.

"I'm Hoshinomiya Chie, in charge of Class B. Sae and I have been best friends since high school. That's why we call each other Sae-chan and Chie-chan."

That information seemed kind of superfluous.

"Hey, why did Sae-chan call you? Huh? Huh? Why?" she asked.

"No idea."

"I don't understand. You were called to the office without a reason. Hmm? What's your name?"
An onslaught of questions. She scanned me from top to bottom, as if sizing me up.

"My name's Ayanokouji," I said.

"Ayanokouji-kun, huh? Oh, wow, that's a cool name. You're pretty popular, aren't you?"

She acted more like a student. If this were an all-boy school, she would have immediately captured every student's heart.

"Hey, do you already have a girlfriend?" she asked.

"No... I'm, uh, not especially popular."
I tried to seem reluctant, but Hoshinomiya-sensei kept pushing herself onto me. She grabbed my arms with slender, delicate hands.

"Hmm? How unexpected. If we were in the same class, I'd never leave you alone. Perhaps because you're so innocent? Or do you like playing hard to get?"

She caressed my cheeks. I had no idea what to do. She'd probably stop if I licked her fingers, but I had a feeling that'd get me expelled.

"What are you doing, Hoshinomiya?"

Chiyabashira-sensei appeared out of nowhere. With a loud thud, she smacked Hoshinomiya-sensei on the head with her clipboard.
Hoshinomiya-sensei crouched and gripped her skull in apparent pain.

"Ouch! What was that for?" she cried.

"For getting involved with one of my students."

"I was only keeping him company while he waited for you, Sae-chan."

"It would have been better if you just left him alone. Thanks for waiting, Ayanokouji. Let's go into the office."

As I was about to follow her in, I saw two students walking up to Hoshinomiya-sensei. From their appearances, I could tell one was Ichinose, as she is regarded as one of the best-looking girls in our entire school. Not only that, but she's the leader of Class B, meaning both of them must be in Class B. That means the young man with black hair and violet eyes would be the vice leader, if I'm not mistaken. If he is the vice leader, that means his name is Lelouch Lamperouge.

Even though I would have liked to get a better understanding of why they are here, I couldn't, as I already had entered the guidance room curious as to why I would have been summoned here myself.

This is the end of this chapter; everything that's been done will always be for a reason, as shown in later chapters soon to come. Anyway, this part contained just over 4,000 words.

Thanks for reading, pookies.

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