Ayanokoji's past revealed?

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Lelouch pov:

In the midst of a lively conversation between me and Ryuji Kanzaki about recent intel on class and private points, a soothing sound effect interjected our discussion. It signalled the arrival of a summons from Hoshinomiya, who had called both Ichinose and me to the faculty office.

Both me and Ichinose exchanged a brief, curious glance before setting off towards the office. Despite my confidence that we hadn't committed any wrongdoing, Ichinose's furrowed brow suggested a different story.

"Are we in trouble? Could we be expelled?" She half-jokingly questioned, but the genuine concern in her voice was palpable.

I attempted to reassure her that it was likely just Hoshinomiya wanting to discuss our roles as leaders and vice-leaders of Class B. Ichinose nodded, but her mind seemed to be elsewhere, possibly entertaining the idea of something more thrilling or unexpected. As we neared the faculty office, I couldn't help but feel a slight sense of intrigue. What could Hoshinomiya possibly want to discuss with us?

As we walked closer to the meeting point with our teacher, we noticed another student cast a curious glance in our direction before entering a different office.

Upon reaching the faculty office, I found myself lost in thought about the student's odd eyes, when suddenly, I was enveloped in a tight embrace. To my surprise, it was Hoshinomiya who had wrapped her arms around both Ichinose and me. I instinctively tried to push her away, feeling something soft against my face, but she playfully teased me.

"Why aren't you giving your teacher a hug?" she asked, her tone light and teasing.

I was caught off guard by this unexpected gesture and was momentarily unsure of how to respond. I knew she was playful and childish, but her actions still took me by surprise.

Ichinose, never one to shy away from the truth, asked Hoshinomiya why she had summoned us to her office. Hoshinomiya responded with a wink, saying that she had summoned us because we were her favourite couple. Ichinose denied this, her voice betraying a hint of nervousness. Hoshinomiya found this amusing and insisted that we would make a perfect match.

Growing tired of Hoshinomiya's childish games, I demanded to know the real reason for our summons. Hoshinomiya pouted, but eventually relented and invited us inside for a chat.

"You really can be no fun, Lelouch," she teased, placing a hand on her cheek. "But fine, let's talk."

We made our way inside the faculty office, taking seats on the opposite side of the table from where Hoshinomiya was.

"So, don't keep us waiting; I'm sure you have a valid reason for summoning us here," I said, cutting straight to the point.

She paused for a moment, considering her words, before she let out a small smile. "Well, you see, I've been keeping an eye on my fellow teacher, Sae-chan, recently," she said, her voice trailing off as she searched for the right words.

I was momentarily confused, trying to recall who she was referring to. After a few seconds, I realised she was probably referring to the teacher of Class-D, as her first name was Sae.

"Do you both want to move up to Class-A?" she asked, her once cheerful expression turning more serious.

Before I could respond, Ichinose spoke up, her voice filled with determination. "Of course we do. I want everyone in my class to succeed!"

Her words echoed in the room, carrying a powerful charge.

"I'm inclined to agree with Ichinose here; I plan to move up to Class-A eventually," I added.

"Well then, that's all I needed to know," Hoshinomiya said, her voice returning to its usual cheerful tone. "I'm sure Sae-chan is planning something this year, as she's been acting differently. Plus, I believe you two have the potential to be the first ever Class-B class to surpass Class-A." She said this with a nod, her voice filled with confidence.

I was flattered by her recognition, but I also knew that there was more to it. I could sense that Hoshinomiya was subtly hinting at something.

"I know it may have been overwhelming today, but I wanted you to know that if you plan to move up to Class-A, it's best not to wait around and go all out from the start. Normally, I would encourage or even hint at this; however, I see amazing potential in this year's class, especially in you, Lelouch," she said, her tone stern yet gentle.

I was taken aback by her words, but I also felt a surge of pride from the ego boost I had received.

As we left the faculty office, Ichinose and I shared a moment of silence. We were both exhausted from the day's events, and I couldn't help but yawn. As I stretched my arms behind me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. The class had learned something new with the class/private points, and I had been recognised for my potential, which I couldn't yet tell was a good or bad thing.

As I was about to retreat back to the safety of my dormitory, my attention was drawn to the sound of a voice resonating through the air. I turned my gaze towards the source, only to find Ichinose in the midst of a conversation with someone I didn't fully recognise.

"Oh, it's Horikita from Class-D," she declared, her voice carrying a tinge of surprise.

Upon laying my eyes on her, I was immediately captivated by her majestic, cascading black hair that flowed down to her shoulders. Though, as I looked at her surroundings, I couldn't help but notice that she was about to enter the same room as the mysterious man who had earlier caught my attention with his ominous glare.

As Horikita saw us approaching, I couldn't shake off the feeling that she was harbouring a certain sense of disgust, the reason for which was not apparent from what I'm aware of.

"Ichinose from Class-B, and I presume you're Lelouch," she stated, her tone firm and her gaze intense. She looked back and forth between me and Ichinose.

"You're correct," I responded, attempting to steer our conversation in a more positive direction. "So, may I ask, what brings you here?"

She shot a glance at us as she reached for the door, her expression unreadable. "I don't know. I guess I'll find out once I step inside," she replied, her voice laced with an air of mystery.

As she disappeared behind the door, I let out a soft sigh, my gaze lingering on Ichinose. "It seems she's the kind of woman who attracts a lot of attention from men," I mused, trying to lighten the mood.

Ichinose responded with a playful nudge against my arm and a soft chuckle. "From what I've gathered, she's very ambitious, much like yourself. She seems to be aiming for Class-A," she shared, her tone filled with a form of admiration for the other girls determination.

What she said prompted an inner chuckle from me. Considering that her class had zero class points, the prospect of them reaching Class A seemed almost impossible. They would need some sort of miracle to pull off such a feat.

We then started to make our way back to the dormitories, engaging in some casual conversation about our class along the way.

"I must say, I feel more confident about our chances of reaching Class-A now that you're fully harvesting your roll as vice leader in the class, Lelouch," Ichinose remarked, her voice filled with hope. "I'm sure all our fellow students share the same sentiments as myself."

Her words did catch me off guard, but I managed to respond with a nod of understanding.

"I'll ensure that our class reaches Class-A before the end of our three years here," I declared, my voice firm, knowing that I can quite confidently do this. Then, in a more casual tone, I added, "But I presume you're planning on forming a study group for the students who are currently at the bottom of our class?"

She nodded in agreement, and we proceeded to discuss the various possibilities and strategies we could employ. After a brief period of conversation, we decided to part ways as we both separated to our respected dorms.

Ayanokoji pov:

The day arrived when May 1st unfurled its wings, and before we could blink, the school week had already reached its conclusion. It was during this period that Ike and the rest of our classmates began to pay heed to the words of our teacher. However, Sudou continued to defy the norms, his head lolling back in sleep during class, and yet no one dared to reprimand him. It seemed that he had resigned himself to his fate of not improving his habits, given our class's lack of a method to accumulate points. His actions, however, had begun to foster resentment among our classmates.

I found myself succumbing to the lure of sleep as well, especially when the clock struck the hour before lunchtime. The previous night had seen me staying up late, engrossed in an online video, which had left me feeling rather drowsy. The allure of sleep was becoming increasingly irresistible.


Suddenly, a sharp pain lanced through my right arm, interrupting my imminent slumber.

"What's the matter, Ayanokouji? You suddenly cried out. Have you embarked on a rebellious phase or something?"

"N-no. I apologise, Chiyabashira-sensei. I just got some dirt in my eye," I responded, attempting to deflect the attention away from my arm.

Normally, the other students would have been whispering amongst themselves. But, given the fear of losing points, they instead shot me painful glances. As I rubbed the sting on my arm, I glared at my neighbor. Horikita, who was brandishing a mathematical compass, was the culprit. This was an absurd scene. Why would she need a compass at this school? It wasn't even a necessity. After class, I immediately approached her.

"Certain things are off limits! It's dangerous to stab someone!"

"Are you angry with me?" she asked, her eyes wide with surprise.

"You put a hole in my arm! A hole!"

"What? When did I stab you with a compass needle, Ayanokouji-kun?"

"You're holding a dangerous weapon right now."

"So, just because I'm holding something means I stabbed you?"

The class had been a blur for most of the time, not due to the lecture but rather the pain in my arm.

"Be careful. If you get caught sleeping, that would undoubtedly lead to a loss of points."

Horikita had begun to take action within Class D. Her protests at the school had yielded no results. Ah, that hurt! Damn it, if Horikita ever fell asleep in class, I'd return the favor. When everyone got up for lunch, Hirata spoke.

"Chiyabashira-sensei mentioned that the midterm is coming up soon. Remember that if you fail, you'll be expelled. Therefore, I think it would be a good idea to form a study group."

Apparently, the saviour of Class D had embarked on another mission.

"If you neglect your studies, you'll get a failing grade and be expelled on the spot. I want to avoid that. However, studying won't just prevent expulsion; it may also help earn points. If we receive high marks, our class's assessment should improve as a result. I asked some of the students who scored high on the test to help prepare a study plan. So, I would like people who are anxious to join our group. Everyone is welcome, of course."

Hirata directed his gaze towards Sudou as he made his grand speech.


Sudou responded with a dismissive wave of his hand, crossed his arms, and closed his eyes. His relationship with Hirata had been strained ever since Sudou had crushed Hirata's introduction game.

As the arguments dragged on, and thanks to Horikita's manipulation, we were finally able to establish a study group, which included the so-called 'three idiots' of our class and me, who was forced into this situation.

As we ventured to the sanctuary of the library, my mind was somewhat abuzz with speculation about the unfolding situation involving Kushida and Horikita. The animosity between Horikita and Kushida was a known fact, and the anticipation of how this situation would unfold was palpable. However, just as we were about to step inside, I found myself pausing, standing just at the threshold of the library entrance.

"Are you not coming?" Horikita's voice cut through the silence, and her eyes narrowed suspiciously at me.

I responded with a nod, "Yes, but give me a moment. I need to make a quick phone call."

"Alright, but hurry up and convey the message to the others as well," she instructed, turning her attention back to the library entrance.

I waited for a moment, allowing the tension to build before finally uttering, "You can come out now." My gaze was fixed on a particular corner just outside the library, where a figure had emerged.

The man, with his dishevelled black hair, emerged from the shadows, his thumb resting against his lips as if deep in thought. It was as if he were studying me, analysing my every movement.

"Well?" I prompted, my tone laced with a hint of impatience, sensing that he was privy to some information.

"You're the son of Atsuomi Ayanokōji," he declared, his eyes widening with surprise as if he had just made a significant discovery.

The revelation took me aback. His knowledge of such specific details was unsettling. "And what if I was?" I retorted, narrowing my eyes in question.

A grin began to spread across his face. "That would mean you're the so-called masterpiece from the White Room."

That's the end of this chapter. I experimented with some layouts of text and decided this may be my new style. Though this one was only 2,300+ words I just wanted to do something for the next part.

Anyway, thanks for reading, Pookie Bears.

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