Lelouch of class B

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Lelouch pov:

"And checkmate," I said as I placed the white knight in NF6.

He looked at the board before sighing in defeat. "You beat me again, but this time in only 12 moves. The more we play, the more my ass is being handed to me," Norihito Watanabe said as he monitored the board, looking at how easily he was beat once again.

To give it to him, he was a very good player of chess. However, unfortunately for him, his opponent was me.

"To think you could easily best me; we've played 10 times now, and every time you've beaten me, you've beaten me by two less moves," he said as he looked up, observing me before letting out a friendly laugh.

"Well, if you practice enough, you'll end up just like me."

"Just like you, huh, I'll become better than you, lelouch, trust me."

"Instead of beating you in 10 next time, I'll make sure to beat you in 9 now because of your threat."

"I'd like to see you try," he said, letting out a soft, playful smile.

We talked like this before packing away as class was about to start. I wasn't tempted to make friends or anything of the sort right now; however, after spending some time with a certain individual, it helped convince me otherwise.


Class had ended after that dreadful session of swimming, I thought to myself, though before I could think about the horrors anymore, I saw Ichinose quickly rush over to me.

"Could we possibly go to a location more private?" she whispered to me, trying not to catch anyone's attention.

"I guess so," I retorted quietly back to her.

"Good, I'll meet you at Keyaki Mall in 30 minutes."

Though before I could respond, she was pulled away. However, as I looked at her, I noticed Chihiro Shiranami was giving me a death stare from the corner of my eye. It's safe to assume she definitely thinks I lied to her about not being Ichinose's romantic partner. Either way, I digress. I stood up, making my way out of the classroom and to the mall. I sat there for a good 25 minutes as I wondered if this could be considered a date before shaking my head and remembering what was said earlier at the pool.

"Hey lelouch," I heard a girl's voice shouting my name a few metres away from me.

"Oh, you're right on time."

"I only just made it; I was swamped by other classmates, but I managed to escape them luckily," she said as if she were trying to catch her breath.

"Why don't we have a walk around and so we can discuss what you wanted to talk about?" I said as I moved from the wall that I was just leaning up against as I began to walk, expecting her to follow me.

She followed suit before speaking up again, though this time with a somewhat mocking grin appearing on her face. "So, lelouch, do you have a crush on any of the girls? Hmmm, maybe any of the class B girls?"

"And what if I did?"

"Then I would expect you to tell me; I am the class leader after all."

"Well, there's no girl I'm interested in at the moment anyway."

"Hmmm, I would have never guessed you were on that side of the fence," she said before nudging me in a playful manner.

I shrugged her remark off, as I noticed she was purposely trying to break any possible tension before getting to the main reason she wanted to meet. After a little chitchat, we took a seat in a cafe. After ordering some drinks, we talked a little more before I got bored of her beating around the bush.

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