Leadership of class C

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L pov:

I arrived to class as I took my seat and positioned myself with my legs pressed against my chest for the second day of school. As it started, we spent most of our time running over the objectives of our academic year and what not.

Though surprising, I couldn't help but feel surprised by how genuinely warm the teachers felt at this school. Even still, it did feel as if they were hiding something, as if they were plotting something against the students.

Nonetheless, the teacher was discussing and still going over every important objective we students needed to endure. As I looked around at the capacity of students in the room, I could tell the room was brimming with tension radiating off the students.
Though, as I looked around, I could sense that the prediction about yesterday was correct. It seemed as of now that most of the class was full of students and had split into two fractions.

As the lesson continued, I was observing the teacher ramble on his words before a bell rang to indicate that it was lunch time.
It seemed like a lot of students let out a sigh of relief before moving up from their seats and making their way into their friendship groups.

"Hey, Ryuzaki," said the man to the right of me.

"What is it?" I responded while moving my attention to the roof.

"Do you want to join me and eat together?"

"No, there's something I want to do. But maybe another time," I said before leaving my chair.

"Oh, ok, then, bye, Ryuzaki," he said in a disappointed tone.

As I got up from my chair, I started As I walked out of the classroom, I decided that I should get some food. So I started walking to the cafeteria when suddenly a soft yet commanding voice from behind me stopped me in my tracks.

"Hi Ryuzaki, Could I have a moment of your time?"

Light pov:

As the class ended, it only took a few moments before I was bombarded with requests to join people for lunch.
However, I rejected them all as respectfully as I could, as I had already agreed beforehand to hang out with Hiyori.

As I managed to escape all the students surrounding themselves around my desk, I made my way outside the classroom. Walking out of the classroom, I noticed her. She was standing outside the classroom alone, as if she were smiling to herself whilst reading a book she had on her.
Giving her a full inspection, I never really noticed how beautiful she looked, but I was also heavily surprised that many of the boys weren't gunning for her. I would expect pretty much every boy to be over her.
Maybe it was due to what happened yesterday and Ryuen. They were mostly still shaken up by what happened.

"Could she work?" I murmured to myself as I thought about whether she would be useful.

She definitely has the physical appeal and attraction, but her popularity doesn't seem to be high in the slightest. I let out a sigh before approaching her.

"Shall we go then, Hiyori?" I said as I let out a smile while making my way over to her.

"Yes, of course, but are you still on to visit the library with me after school?" she said, looking up at me as she responded.

"Yes, of course, but for now, let's get some food," I said as I had to admit I was getting quite hungry.

Appearing in the cafeteria, it looked packed; however, luckily for us, there were a few tables remaining.
We both ordered our food, and we both sat down on a table for two.

"Say, Hiyori, what do you think of the people in class C? We'll mainly be asking about Ryuen. What exactly do you think about him?" I asked, Trying to get into Hiyori thoughts.

"Well, I do think Ryuen is very dangerous and all, but he doesn't seem all that intimidating to me," she responded with almost an unbothered expression about Ryuen.

"Hmm, is that so? I guess you aren't afraid of Ryuen then, like most of our classmates," I said as I looked at her, noticing that either she's hiding something and sees herself as stronger than Ryuen or is just an idiot.

"Why are you scared of Ryuen?" She retorted back to my question and looked at me curiously.

"Well, I wouldn't say scared, but I do fear him in a sense; he's unpredictably quite concerning, not to mention his intense determination," I said as I let out a little smirk thinking about it. Even though there is a fear factor, I'm not too worried about him at the moment. As long as he's weaker than Albert, I shouldn't have to worry about him. Plus, who knows? If I can control both of them, this school year will be a cakewalk, I'm sure of it.

As mine and Hiyori's chat progressed, so did the time, and before we knew it, time had passed to the point where the cafeteria started to get empty. As I did, I cut off our conversation and stood up.

"I think it's time we went back to class," I said, picking up the tray of food I had as Hiyori nodded her head as she followed after me.

After putting everything together, we made our way back to our classroom, as we had carried on our conversation a little from earlier. As we stopped and entered the classroom, I saw Ryuen at the front, behind the podium, looking at the classroom. As I looked around, I noticed absolutely everyone was frozen in their seat besides Albert.

"It took you ladies long enough." Ryuen scoffed at us.

Hiyori continued walking, ignoring Ryuen, so I followed in pursuit behind her as we made our way to our seats.

"Now that everyone is here, I think it's time we officially crown me as the leader of class C. If you disagree with that, then you can come say it to my face," he said, smirking as he looked at the kid from yesterday before turning his head to me as he looked me in the eyes.

There was a part of me that found someone like him rotten and disgusting; however, I knew there had to be more than he was showing. I suspected something like this would happen.
him. So after some careful consideration from last night, I shook my head.

"I have no objections to you being the leader." I responded calmly.

Looking at it objectively, most students were petrified of Ryuen; however, this could also work in our favour. His unmatched determination is something I'll need, and for now, I don't mind giving him a fake sense of power. Not to mention, I will not object to him, as most of the students were relying on me to stand against him and stop him from becoming a leader. Even though I could have benefited from opposing him, I've already gotten exactly what I needed from this entire situation.
Ryuen will be the class leader; however, behind the shadows, it will be me. Everyone is so scared of him and will need someone else to rely on, someone they can trust.

I stared at Ryuen, keeping my best poker face, but secretly inside, smirking as I looked at him. I'll make sure, Ryuen, that you will be the first person I expel if you don't remain useful to me. This is all so perfect for me; from my observations, I've not seen a singular student who even comes close to me. I say, as I think about my future plans, that before I could go deeper into my thoughts, I was interrupted by Ryuen's voice once more.

"Well, then, if no one disagrees, I will be the new leader of this classroom and will lead this classroom to class A," he said arrogantly before taking a seat. Almost as he planned for it, the bell rang as soon as he took his seat, and in that moment, the teacher made his way in.

This is the end of this chapter. If there's anything you want me to add that makes sense, I'll do it, but for now, thanks for reading.

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