Wammy house x the whiteroom

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Watari Pov:

**somewhere around 2 years ago**

I glanced at the table, laden with a variety of case files that the renowned detective L had solved.

I added another file, the LABBMC, about a recent event that had just transpired. Despite the positive nature of the information, it also raised questions.

"Are our methods accurate?" I questioned myself, reflecting on the recent murder case.

BB was initially meant to be A's backup, who was supposed to succeed 'After L'. However, both of them veered off course. A succumbed to the pressure of being the next L and ended his life, while BB harboured resentment towards L and attempted to create a case that even someone like L couldn't crack.

I stood up and moved towards the board displaying the names of all the children from Wammy's House. While Nate River (Near) and Mihael Keehl (Mello) show immense potential, I couldn't help but feel a slight concern that they might tread the same path as BB and A.

Having spent my entire life on research and with L's help later on down the line, I've achieved more success than anyone else in the world. Therefore, I pondered if I could test the new batch and determine if they could truly be L's successors like A and BB could have been.

I decided it was time to explore other programmes that followed in the footsteps of Wammy's House. After numerous calls and leveraging my connections, I managed to arrange a meeting with a man named Atsuomi Ayanokōji.

As I hung up the phone, I heard someone enter.

"Do you need something, Watari?" L asked, scratching the back of his head.

"Actually, yes," I responded. "I was hoping you could accompany me."

He's usually quite reserved, but when it comes to me, he's willing to step out of his shell.

He stopped scratching his head. "So when will we be leaving?"

"We'll be leaving right now if that works for you."

He nodded his head in agreement, and we both headed to one of the many private planes I own.

We both entered the plane as we prepared for the sixteen-hour journey ahead of us. L immediately fell asleep, leaving me to contemplate Atsuomi Ayanokōji.

We had met years ago when he presented an idea that I had funded, and I had completely forgotten about it. From my online research, I found no additional information beyond what he had told me.

The sixteen hours finally passed as we touched down in Japan. We had a limousine ready and waiting, so we got in and made our way to our desired destination.

Atsuomi Ayanokōji pov:

Approximately twenty hours had elapsed since my last conversation with the man known to me as Watari. The recollection of our discussion lingered in my mind—a vague yet vivid memory of a man who was to bring along an associate. His main significance lay in the fact that he was the only individual known who was linked to the elusive character known as L. The possibility existed that he could be escorting L; however, it was equally plausible that he was bringing someone from his own establishment or just someone close to him.

From the fragments of information I had managed to piece together, Watari had established an institution dedicated to the welfare of orphaned children. Its purpose was to mould these children into potential successors to L. While I found this endeavour quite admirable, my subsequent research led me to the conclusion that Watari's approach was markedly distinct from my own. I surmised that his intention was to refine his own philosophy, but I couldn't be entirely certain as he's always been somewhat of a mystery.

As I swirled the wine in my glass, my secretary approached me. Her voice, which was sweet and calm, ran through my mind as she informed me that our esteemed guests had arrived. Rising from my seat, I made my way towards the entrance of the building, preparing to greet the incoming party.

Upon catching sight of the guests, I noticed that Watari had aged. The years had taken their toll, and his appearance had changed. He seemed older, a stark contrast to our past encounters. Accompanying him was a young man, who, despite his youth, was slightly taller than people in his age range. His posture suggested a certain slouch, and his hair, a deep shade of jet black, appeared to be in disarray, as if he had just awoken and was in no hurry to tidy himself. It hung loosely over his eyes, casting a shadow that obscured them from view. His eyes, however, were not hidden. They were deep, a dark abyss that seemed to peer directly into my soul. As if he were reading my inner thoughts.

"It's been a while, Watari." I greeted him, extending my hand for a handshake. He accepted it, and in response to my greeting, I looked at the strange guy and asked, "And who might you be?"

He hesitated for a moment, his gaze shifting to Watari and then back to me as he finally responded to my question. "My name is Rue Ryuzaki," he said.

Rue Ryuzaki? The name was unfamiliar to me. Based on the information I had gathered, he was not a resident of Wammy's House. This revelation piqued my curiosity about his uniqueness and left me questioning his true identity.

"Dispensing with further pleasantries, I extended an invitation to explore the enigmatic confines of the white room," I offered, beckoning them to accompany me to admire what I had built.

As we explored through the labyrinthine corridors, I laid bare my ambitions, entrusting them with knowledge I would typically guard with vigilance. I was gonna lie about certain things yet something in the man, accompanied by Watari, suggested that he would see through any lies I might tell them.

Upon reaching a particular area, a pane of glass revealed a scene of youthful minds engaged in rigorous examination.

"Observe," I began, my voice laced with an anticipatory tone, "these young intellects are in the accessing stage of gaining pivotal knowledge. Failure is not an option here; those who falter are unceremoniously cast aside." I awaited their judgment, expecting a measure of repulsion at the unorthodox methods being employed.

Contrary to my expectations, however, they seem to be scrutinising the children in a way, dissecting their every move. Even I, anticipating at the very least a flicker of disdain, was met with nothing but impassive analysis.

Our tour proceeded, unveiling an arena where children were pitted against seasoned assassins in a dance of danger and skill.

Watari mused aloud, "Fascinating. My own regimen involves strength conditioning, but this is a spectacle of another magnitude entirely."

As we talked more, our conversation ventured into the realm of our respective philosophies, revealing a shared ambition to mould the quintessential archetype of human potential. Detectives or not, the pursuit of perfection was a common thread weaving through the fabric of our endeavours.

Our conversation reached a pause before an imposing door, behind which lay my crowning achievement. Ryuzaki's gaze was fixated, his curiosity was palpable.

"What secrets does this chamber hold?" he inquired, the gesture of his thumb against his lips betraying his intrigue.

"A marvel of my own creation resides within these walls, immersed in training, free from the burden of distractions," I replied, a hint of pride swelling within me.

"Your magnum opus, so to speak," Ryuzaki echoed softly, his dark eyes now locked onto mine with a sense of engagement.

I couldn't suppress the smugness that crept into my voice. "Not to boast, but he is my blood, my legacy; he is a being who embodies a level of excellence that mere words like 'perfect' cannot capture."

"Could paternal bias cloud your judgement, though?" he probed, as his concerns at face value made sense.

"Such a notion might hold if I regarded him merely as my offspring. To me, he represents an achievement, an entity that soars beyond the confines of perfection. To me, he is nothing more than a creation I was able to perfect craft," I retorted, my conviction unwavering.

Ryuzaki seemed to ponder my declaration, while Watari's interest was clearly piqued. It wasn't long before Watari addressed the underlying question.

"The pursuit of perfection is a noble one, but to what end are you interested in using this so called creation?" he queried, his curiosity causing me to let out another little smirk.

"The ultimate ambition for him is to ascend as the leader of Japan," I revealed before suggesting we proceed. Yet, Ryuzaki interjected with a hypothetical that halted our departure, as he was interested to know more, it seemed.

"Suppose he was to turn against you. Do you possess a contingency for such a turn of events?" His question, while directed at me, did not draw his gaze from the enigmatic wall.

"A contingency? The very idea that my creation would defy me is unfathomable. Nevertheless, rest assured, I have considered such eventualities," I admitted, as I let out a little nod.

It appeared Ryuzaki was formulating a response when Watari interrupted with timely news.

"I've just received the results from the test you provided," he announced, presenting his findings.

I had obliged Watari's request; he asked me while on the phone, sending him an assessment designed to challenge his students with my subjects. Among the current crop of whiterooms, only two managed to unravel its complexities, one of them being my son. However, as I perused the scores, my composure was shattered by the emergence of a flawless result I didn't foresee.

"Nate River? This name is unfamiliar to me," I inquired, my brows knitting together in surprise at this unforeseen perfection. I did know who he was from the information I had gathered, yet I still wasn't able to predict such an outcome.

"Ahh, Nate River," Watari responded with a hint of reverence, "should the unfortunate pain of death befall L, he is my prime candidate to fill those formidable shoes." He then shared the device's screen with Ryuzaki, revealing the results to him.

I hesitated, allowing a brief moment to pass before my curiosity nudged me towards contemplation about the mysterious figure known only as L. A part of me speculated that it was possible that Ryuzaki might well be L in the flesh, although I harboured reservations, mainly because my mental image of L had always been of someone with more years upon their countenance. Yet the thought lingered, persistent as a whisper in the wind, that perhaps this assumption was misguided. With a contemplative gaze, I studied Ryuzaki, then shifted my attention back to Watari.

"Now that you've divulged the secrets of my own masterpiece, I think it's only fair if I inquire about your hand in sculpting the world's greatest detective." I posed the question, my voice tinged with genuine intrigue, eager to unravel the mystery of L's genesis to possibly use it for my own benefit if need be.

Watari met my gaze; his expression was clouded with a sense of bewilderment. "To what exactly are you saying?" he queried.

"My inquiries pertain to the greatest detective known far and wide as L. The threads of information that I've been able to form together seem to indicate that you are the solitary thread connecting us to him," I said.

"Ahhh," he started to understand what I meant, a nod accompanying his acknowledgment. "I can surmise that your research extended to the halls of Wammy's House prior to my visit. It's true that I played a role in L's development, but it was nothing more than a mere nudge on the path he was destined to walk. He was a prodigy, his talents innate. My contributions were minimal, simply guiding him towards the realm of detective work."

"So, his intellect is entirely a product of natural abilities with a hint of nurture?" I pressed, and my curiosity piqued.

"From all the information I've gathered throughout my time, I am firmly convinced that his intellectual prowess is something that is unmatched; he is a singular phenomenon. I am sceptical that there will never emerge another with a mind to match L's, one that is so effortlessly brilliant," he expounded.

His words prompted me to ponder whether L's intellect surpassed even that of my own prodigious offspring. I banished the thought with a shake of my head, considering that even if Watari were amenable to such an exchange, L would likely dismiss the proposition, his time consumed by detective work, and would most likely find this something not worth his time.

"Despite my grasp of the situation, my curiosity remains unchanged. May I ask, what is the purpose behind your visit to my esteemed institution exactly? It appears your own is faring quite well, particularly with the one named Nate River," I commented, fully aware of his aspirations to broaden the philosophical approach of his tutelage. Yet, my interest lay in discerning the reasons behind his desire for change, especially when a pupil like Nate River had achieved such flawless academic feats that all but two of my own had passed flawlessly.

Watari regarded me with a solemn pause before responding. "There are details I am not at liberty to fully divulge as of right now, but we've recently weathered an incident that resulted in two of our most brilliant minds turning rogue."

"I understand," I replied, acknowledging the futility of probing for further revelations, as full disclosure was unlikely, which was a shame.

Ryuzaki, who had been preoccupied with Watari's phone, now fixed his penetrating gaze on me. "What is the age of your son, this 'creation' you so highly speak of?"

"He is presently twelve years of age," I informed him.

Ryuzaki's eyes flickered back towards the door, and he murmured a phrase that barely reached my ears. "So, he's merely a year my junior."

"Nevertheless, I propose we diverge from this topic. We've sufficiently discussed the masterpiece I've forged; perhaps it's time I showcase other additional facets of this establishment," I suggested, sensing Ryuzaki's eagerness to delve deeper but leading them onward nonetheless.

I guided them through the corridors of the facility, unveiling each significant location and what exactly we do for each area. Until at last, we retraced our steps to the entrance after giving them a basic rundown.

"I trust you found your visit enlightening. I wish our reunion could be more extended, Watari, but other pressing matters demand my attention, I'm afraid," I said, exchanging another handshake with him.

"It is regrettable, but such is the nature of our work. I do, however, harbour aspirations to one day pit the prodigies of Wammy's House against those nurtured within the White Room," he remarked in a genuine way that seemed to be able to test our respective students.

Before I could formulate a response to what he said, Ryuzaki began to depart, a clear indication of his impatience with our conversation.

"My apologies for his haste. I look forward to our next encounter," Watari offered, bowing slightly as he took his leave, catching up to Ryuzaki.

I returned to my desk, sinking into the chair as my eyes fell upon the mountain of paperwork. I could help but remember the intensity of Ryuzaki's stare as it lingered in my mind, akin to the ominous presence in Kiyotaka's gaze. The only distinction was that Kiyotaka's eyes radiated a chilling coldness, whereas Ryuzaki's seemed devoid of soul.

Before I could further dwell on the day's interactions with my former colleague and his companion, my thoughts were abruptly disrupted by the entrance of my secretary, and I refocused on the tasks at which I excel at, and what was making these worthless creatures in the whiteroom into something useful.


End of this chapter. Only 2600+ words, as this was something completely unique I had to make while also keeping as closely as possible to the original characters.

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