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Lelouch pov:

Most of the day went by quickly and easily, and as lunch time rolled around, I decided to head to the convenience store. As I searched around, I saw a sandwich that was relatively cheap, so I picked it up and headed back to class.

Though yesterday I remembered an encounter that took place, as I was reminiscing over what happened yesterday, I felt a cold run down my back. I quickly scanned the area, yet I couldn't spot anyone out of the ordinary. I shrugged it off as maybe due to me getting a lack of sleep last night.

Time went on, and it was nearly the end of lunch. There were a few things I wanted to clarify today, and I was hopefully going to talk to Ichinose again, as there were a few things I wanted to discuss. As I spotted her walking back into class, I let out a sigh, knowing it would be tricky to get to her because of how swamped she was with other people. I sat there, looking in their direction, as I was trying to formulate a scenario in which I could possibly get her alone, before suddenly that cold feeling came back.

After a few seconds, I scanned the room before looking out a window and spotting someone's eyes directly looking at me. Their gaze was eerily creepy, and it seemed as if he was analysing me and the rest of the classmates.

I stared back at him for a few moments before looking away. From what I could observe, it seemed he was a very slim, pale, tall young man with black hair and dark eyes. Even so, he didn't look 'normal'; he had baggage under his eyes as if he hadn't slept for months, not to mention his questionable posture. Yet he was wearing our uniform, meaning he had to be a student just like us.

I took a deep breath, pondering if I should challenge the guy. A bunch of reasons came to mind for why he was here. Was he looking for someone? Was he just checking out the classes? Was he possibly stalking one of the girls? I asked myself with my hand, trying to figure out an answer. As I did, I felt the cold shiver increase as I could feel his eyes plastered on me. He was staring at me as if he could see me. I tried not to make it obvious; I was looking back at him with the corner of my eyes, but I already suspected he could tell.

"Tch," I let out quietly, not being able to keep it in. All he was doing was looking at me, yet he was pissing me off. I couldn't stand it. I wanted to stand up and confront him, but I couldn't. It would be too risky to approach him as off right now. The more time passed and he continued, the more he was rattling me.

In the guise of our little staring contest, I was suddenly tapped on the shoulder as I looked at who it was, noticing it was just a fellow student.

"Are you alright, man? You were sweating quite a bit," he said, asking sincerely.

"Yeah, I'm just under the weather today," I responded back to him. I reassured him that everything was okay, and I went back to looking out the window, where that strange individual had disappeared.

"Could I have been hallucinating that?" I questioned myself briefly before shaking my head. He definitely was real, and I'll have to look more into him. If he stands in my way of getting to class A, he will have to deal with it.

As I was thinking of multiple different ways I could do so, I was cut off by something playing through the speakers.

"At five PM Japan Standard Time today, we will be holding a student club fair in Gymnasium No. 1. Students interested in joining a club, please gather in Gymnasium No. 1. I repeat, at—"

As the announcement stopped, I heard students begin to murmur between themselves as I wondered if I should join a club.

Ayanokoji pov:

"There are more people here than I expected."

After class had ended for the day, Horikita and I went to the gymnasium. Nearly all of the students assembled there were freshmen. There seemed to be about a hundred people waiting around. We stood near the back of the room and waited for the fair to begin. While waiting, we glanced over the pamphlet that students received upon entering the gymnasium. The pamphlet contained detailed information about club activities.

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