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Suzune Horikita pov:

The morning light filtered throughout the expansive windows of the library I had entered, casting long shadows across the rows of shelves brimming with knowledge. I entered the quiet sanctuary of the place, walking ahead of Ayanokoji, filled with anticipation for the upcoming results of our study session. With the other members of our group yet to arrive, I took the opportunity to prepare, methodically unpacking the array of textbooks, notes, and equipment I had carried with me. I arranged them neatly on the desk presented in front of me, as that would soon become our collective workspace.

While the hands of the clock seemed to move at a fast pace, I took a seat and scanned over the content that I planned to cover, my eyes occasionally lifting to the timepiece, waiting for the others to arrive. My gaze wandered once more across the library's studious inhabitants as I scanned it once again to quell the impatience of waiting for them to arrive.

It was during this idle surveillance that a figure caught my attention—a boy whose presence seemed to catch my interest. He was one of the students among a group of them, his brown eyes momentarily locked with mine. A flicker of recognition sparked in my mind; it was none other than Light Yagami of Class C, a student whose reputation preceded him.

Admiration was not a sentiment I often indulged in, yet I could not deny the intellectual acclaim that Light possessed. His academic achievements were unparalleled, securing him the title of the top-ranked student across the nation of Japan. My observation was cut short as he gracefully stood from his seat, excusing himself from his peers with a polite nod, and approached me with a measured stride.

"Suzune Horikita from Class D," he greeted, his voice smooth and his smile crafted to convey a sense of ease. "Our prior encounters were somewhat less than pleasant; wouldn't you agree?"

I considered dismissing him outright, but curiosity proved to be a stronger force. "Just to confirm, you're the same Light Yagami who attained the highest marks in the recent mock examinations, correct?" I inquired, seeking clarity amidst the intrigue.

"That's correct," Light responded, a touch of pride lacing his words. His eyes briefly swept over my desk before offering, "If you're here on your own, you're welcome to join my study group. They wouldn't mind, I'm certain."

I weighed his offer for a moment before declining with a nonchalant shrug, as I could teach the members of my group myself. "No, thank you. I have others joining me shortly."

He nodded before he claimed a seat directly across from me, the amiable expression on his face giving way to one of keen inquisitiveness. "I've been doing some research, and I've come across some intriguing information," he began, a hint of curiosity coloring his tone. "Might you be related to Manabu Horikita, the esteemed Student Council President of this school?"

The mention of my brother sent a shiver down my spine, though I quickly regained my composure. I met his probing gaze and confirmed, "Yes, Manabu is my elder brother. Why do you ask?"

Light seemed to anticipate my admission, nodding thoughtfully. "Your expression altered at his name—I couldn't help but notice. But perhaps I'm reading too much into it."

I hesitated, the question striking a nerve, but I masked any discomfort with a sigh, replying, "I'm not sure what you mean."

He chuckled softly, hearing a sound that seemed to echo just a tad too long. "I guess I must have been seeing things. As I look at the desk, I can't help but notice that for someone of your intellect, I have to wonder if you're instructing your classmates in preparation for the exams."

As I nodded, my peripheral vision caught the arrival of Ayanokoji and the rest of our group, whom I mentally dubbed 'the other idiots' entering the library. Light, too, seemed to notice their approach and stood, his movements as graceful as ever.

"I've imposed on you long enough," he said, the tone of his voice suggesting a departure. "We'll have to continue our discussion another time; I'm sure to see you soon, Suzune Horikita."

With those parting words, Light Yagami retreated, leaving me alone with the faint afterimage of our conversation as my classmates finally arrived at the desk.

Light pov:

As I slowly retreated from the vicinity of the table where Horikita sat, a whisper of disappointment washed over me, manifesting as a silent sigh within the confines of my chest. My vigilance had been unwavering when it came to the affairs of the student council, and through my observations, it had been clear to me that Suzune Horikita was none other than the sibling of the esteemed student council president.

Casting a surreptitious glance over my shoulder, I observed her once more. Horikita had now plummeted in value in my strategic planning, rendering it obsolete to me at this current moment of time. My initial hope had been to cultivate an alliance with her and wield her influence over her brother as a pivotal point of leverage in my favor. Yet, our little exchange had laid bare the reality of her character; she was not one to be easily seduced by my seductive charm, and the frosty distance in her relationship with her brother was something that was obvious.

With slow steps to think about the student council, I made my way back to the seat at our class's study table. I sat back down in my seat, my mind all over the place with contemplation. I found myself questioning the wisdom of vying for a position within the student council. Before I could think of it anymore, an unexpected voice caught me by surprise and took me out of my thoughts.

"Light, I hadn't pegged you for someone with an interest in that type of girl," Hiyori teased, her voice tinged with a playful smile.

Hiyori, initially a figure of shyness and reserve, was somewhat blossoming before my very eyes, inching ever so slightly towards the realm of the extroverted.

I allowed myself a brief pause before offering her my response: "Perhaps that's my preference, or perhaps not. But what about you, Hiyori? What sort of man piques your interest?"

She hesitated for a moment before shaking her head dismissively. "Now that's a secret I'll keep close to my chest."

"Ah, well, I know for sure, with no doubt, that they will have to be massive fans of books," I said with a light-hearted chuckle, my focus then returning to the task at hand: guiding my fellow classmates through our studies.

However, it wasn't long before my attention was directed by a disturbance emanating from the table I had just vacated. A man, who stood at an imposing height of approximately 180 plus centimeters and whose physique bore the marks of strength, had taken Horikita by the collar. Meanwhile, the girl I recognized as Kushida had intervened, latching onto the arm of Sudou.

The details of their altercation interested me a little; their words were muffled by the distance between our tables. But the aftermath was clear; the crowd dispersed, leaving only a trio behind. That formidable man stormed away, his fury etched into his every motion, as some others followed in pursuit.

I watched, curious yet detached, as Horikita, Kushida, and Ayanokoji remained at the desk, no doubt dissecting the recent commotion. I surmised that the muscular aggressor had been provoked by something Horikita had said or done. Regardless, it was something I found little interest in wandering into, and so I redirected my efforts towards controlling the focus of our study group, enhancing their academic prowess with each passing moment, so our class easily has no worries to deal with in the future.

Ayanokoji pov:

Upon departing from the halls of the library, my feet hastened in pursuit of the girl known as Kushida. My heart was set on expressing gratitude for her diligent efforts in convening our study group and tendering an apology. Moreover, I was determined to forge amicable ties with her, for her cute charm had not escaped my notice.

I drew my cell phone from my pocket, wanting to bridge the gap with a call. Kushida's name illuminated the screen, and as I initiated contact for the second instance, a fluttering of nerves resonated in me. The dial tone echoed once, twice, and three times, yet the call was unanswered. Did she not notice me calling, or was it a deliberate silence?

Nowhere within the campus grounds was there a sign of her presence, and thus I continued my quest, my gaze sharp and searching. Upon reentering the academic fortress, I was able to catch a fleeting glimpse of a figure resembling Kushida from behind. The clock's hands pointed to the hour of six p.m., a time when only those bound by club commitments would linger. But Kushida was not one to be confined by expectations; perhaps she was waiting for a cherished friend's day to conclude.

With resolve renewed, I pressed on; if she was busy, though, I could just talk to her later. With this in mind, my advance was steadfast. I retrieved a pair of indoor shoes from their cubicles in the hallway, yet there was no sign of Kushida. Had she vanished? Disappointment crept in, only to be dispelled by the telltale sound of shoes striking the floor.

I trailed the sound up the stairs to the second floor, following the footsteps that ascended still higher to the third. The next ascent would lead to the roof, a place that was opened during lunchtime but should have been locked up after class. Puzzled by what exactly she was doing, I climbed the stairs, my presence a shadow, and as I walked, I stopped partway.

Someone was indeed above.

I gently leaned against the handrail and peeked through a crack in the rooftop door. Through the opening, I glimpsed Kushida. No one else was with her. Was she waiting for someone?

A rendezvous at such a secluded place... Could she possibly be waiting for her boyfriend? If that were the case, I could end up cornered on all sides. While I agonized over how to sneak away, Kushida slowly set her bag down on the ground.

And then...

"Ahhh, so annoying!"

Her voice was so low that it didn't sound at all like Kushida.

"She's seriously annoying! God, how irritating. It'd be better if she just died."

She grumbled to herself, as if chanting the words to some kind of spell or curse.
"Ugh, I hate stuck-up, snobby girls who think they're so cute. Why is she such a harpy? A rotten girl like her couldn't possibly tutor me."

Was Kushida annoyed with Horikita?

"Ah, she's the worst! She's just the worst, the worst, the worst! Horikita, you're so annoying! You're so damn annoying!"

I felt like I'd glimpsed another side of this gentle girl, the most popular person in our class. She probably didn't want anyone else to see this darker side. A voice in my head whispered that it was dangerous to stay here. While watching, I placed my phone on the floor, trying to understand the situation better.

However, an odd question arose. Why had she agreed to work with me if she felt such hatred toward Horikita? Kushida should have understood Horikita's personality and behavior perfectly well by now. She could have refused to help, just left the study group to Horikita, or otherwise washed her hands of involvement.

Why force herself into the study group? Did she want to get along with Horikita? Or did she want to become closer to another participant?

None of it made sense. I couldn't explain her reasoning."

No. She may have shown signs of this from the very beginning. I hadn't really thought about it before, but considering the state she was in right now, I had a hunch. Perhaps Kushida and Horikita were...

At any rate, I needed to get away from there. Kushida probably didn't want anyone else to hear her diatribe. Still hiding, I quickly tried to leave.

As I tried to leave, I accidentally kicked the door much louder than I anticipated. It'd been unexpectedly loud, really. Kushida tensed and stopped breathing. I'd instantly become her enemy. Turning, Kushida set her sights on me. I'd been seen.

After a brief silence, Kushida coldly asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I got a little lost. Sorry. My bad, my bad. I'll be going now."

Kushida looked straight at me, clearly seeing through my obvious lie. I'd never seen such an intense gaze before.

"Did you hear?" she asked.

"Would you believe me if I said I didn't?" I replied.

"I see..."

Kushida briskly walked down the stairs. She placed her left forearm against the base of my throat and pushed me up against the wall. Her tone of voice, her actions, everything about her was completely unlike the Kushida I knew. This new Kushida wore a terrifying expression, one that I could almost compare to Horikita's.

"If you tell anyone what you just heard, I won't forgive you."

Her words were ice, and I didn't think they were an idle threat.

"And if I did tell?"

"In that case, I would tell everyone that you raped me," she said.

"That's a false charge, you know."

"That's okay. It wouldn't be false."

Her words had heft and power, leaving me unable to reply. As she spoke, Kushida grabbed my right wrist and slowly opened my hand. She pushed my palm up against her soft breast.
"What are you doing?" I asked. I hurriedly tried to pull away, but she pushed on the back of my hand.

"Your fingerprints are on my clothes. That's evidence of my claim. I'm being serious. Understand?"

"I understand. I really do. So let go of my hand."

"I'm going to leave this uniform in my room without washing it. If you betray me, I'll hand it over to the police."

I glared at Kushida for a while as she kept my hand pressed against her.

"It's a promise," she said.

Kushida stepped away from me. Even though this was the first time I felt a girl's breasts, I couldn't remember the sensation.

However, I glared at Kushida as I spoke up again: "I'm afraid I can't keep up with the end of the promise you made."

I saw her turn around as she looked at me with an even more killing intent. In a different timeline, I may have let this play out, but quite honestly, it wasn't an option after that conversation with a certain black-haired man I had earlier on.


A grin began to spread across his face. "That would mean you're the so-called masterpiece from the White Room."

I looked at him up and down; was he also possibly from the white room, though he spoke up again?

"I'm sure you have many different theories, but no, I'm not from the white room. And no, I don't plan on leaking this to anyone. From what I've observed so far, you're trying to hide the fact that you are from there." He said it as if he were trying to size me up for my reaction.

"So what exactly do you achieve from telling me this information now? Do you want something?" I asked in a calm manner, as I was trying to see how much of a threat he would be.

"Well, I was only asking to make sure you are the guy I'm referring to, though it was already one hundred percent sure. I was just tempted to see how you'd respond. After walking past you before the entrance ceremony, you piqued my interest," he said as he took a moment before speaking again. "Me and you aren't so different, Kiyotaka Ayanokoji. We both don't display it, but I know deep down you have a sense of pride that won't allow you to lose."

Just who was he? I couldn't help but question him; he basically knew me, but I didn't know him.

I've got nothing to hide, so I'll tell you, "Around two years ago, I went to explore the white room where I met your father. He was an interesting man, but I didn't see you physically; however, your father was so proud of the creation you had become. From what I've observed, I can't say he's fully correct, but even I can't deny that the aura you possess is one of the best in this school.

I looked at him as I took in his information, as it did make me ponder some stuff; it was definitely unsettling that he knew so much about it. At this current moment, I did believe I could trust me, but I couldn't be sure. "How do I know you are being truthful? I'm sure at any moment you could leak my past."

He shrugged his shoulders as if he knew something like this would happen: "I'm not interested in having an unfair advantage, but I will say this. I'm sure you would have heard of me, but I'm the greatest defect known as L."

He said this because I couldn't help but widen my eyes a little. I've only heard minimal stuff about him; however, he was in some material we used to study for. "How can I know you are certain?"

"You can't; maybe I'm lying or maybe I'm not. However, I can't prove you are from the white room, just like you can't prove I'm L." He said as I nodded his head as his thumb was placed against his lips once more.

"How do you know I'm not recording our conversation?"

"How do you know I'm not recording it either?" He responded

I guess there was no way to know, but at face value, he did seem to be honest.

He looked at me as he analyzed me. "From what I said earlier, I can tell you are just like me. Both without loving parents, both perfect at different things, and both hate the feeling of losing. You wouldn't have been the masterpiece if you hated losing."

It was clear he was trying to get some sort of reaction out of me, and I decided to grant one: "Do you know what is going on in my head right now?"

He stared at me, didn't dare try to interrupt me, and was waiting for me to finish.

"I will tell you what I'm thinking: in this world, I will never have anyone. I have no need for this temporary happiness that won't lead to anything. I don't have a need for something like friendship, companionship, or even a partner. Though there is only one thing that is necessary, and I'm sure you would agree with me on this, and it's called winning," I said, stating directly in his eyes.

His eyes widen with a sense of amazement as that reoccurring grin appears on his face. In the background, I heard mutters as I saw Kushida and other members of my class.

As I looked back at the guy claiming to be L, he started walking away as if he were content with what he uncovered."


"You dare defy what I should say; I'll tell everyone how you assaulted me, and I have the proof to back it up." Kushida said it as if she had cornered me as she woke me up from remembering my previous encounter.

Kushida's attempt to manipulate the situation had backfired as I revealed the voice recorder I had bought, as I had prepared for this beforehand. Her confident demeanor quickly turned into panic as she realized her plan was falling apart.

In a desperate attempt to salvage her position, she tried to claim that I had coerced her into making those statements. However, I calmly reached for my phone and informed her that I had been recording everything since I arrived. The evidence of her words and actions was safely stored on my device. 

As the weight of her actions sank in, Kushida's eyes widened in horror. She was now the one trapped in a corner. Although the mention of recording was merely a bluff, I strategically placed my phone as a precautionary measure.

While anger and tears welled up in Kushida's eyes, I knew there were still unanswered questions that needed to be addressed.

"Hey, Kushida. Which is the real you?"

"That's none of your business."

"I see. Well, I was wondering something. If you hate Horikita, then you don't need to involve yourself with her, right?"

I knew she probably wouldn't like that question, but I was curious about her motivation.

"Is it bad to want everyone to like you? Do you understand how difficult it is to accomplish that? You can't know, can you?" she asked.

"Well, I don't have that many friends, so I guess not."

Ever since the first day of school, Kushida has made an effort to exchange contact information with, invite out, and, of course, talk with the pessimistic Horikita. One could easily imagine how difficult and time-consuming that would be.

"At least on the surface, I wanted to appear to get along with Horikita."

"But the stress of that just kept building, huh?"
"Yeah. That's what I want out of life, though. That way, my existence has meaning." She answered without hesitation. Kushida had a singular way of thinking. Her own internal rules demanded she get close to Horikita.

"Let me tell you something while I have the chance. I absolutely despise gloomy, ordinary guys like you."

The fantasy of a cute Kushida that I'd carried until now had been shattered, but I wasn't actually that shocked. Most people possessed both a public face and a private, inner self, after all. However, I felt like Kushida was both telling the truth and lying right now.

"I'm just speculating, but did you and Horikita know each other before this year? Maybe you both attended the same school in the past."
The instant I said it, Kushida shuddered in response.

"What the... I don't know what you mean. Did Horikita-san say something about me?" she snapped. "

No, but from what I've gathered, Horikita never said her name to the class. Yet you were able to figure it out. Or did you already know her name from a previous encounter?

"Just shut up. Hearing you talk irritates me, Ayanokouji-kun. I only want to know one thing: What do you plan to do with the dirt you now possess over me?"

I narrowed my eyes at her, contemplating my next move. There were many ways I could handle the situation, but I decided to take a different approach. I chose to play a different game—her game, to be precise.

"I believe it's only fair that if you were planning to have me expelled by framing me off for such a heinous crime, then I should do the same crime you were going to use against me," I stated calmly, locking eyes with her.

She looked horrified, pleading with me to reconsider. But I remained firm, moving closer to her and making a show of reaching for her skirt.

"I'm sure you'll find it quite satisfying in the end," I remarked, watching as fear flashed across her face.

Despite her attempts to resist, I could see the fear in her eyes. She eventually relented, whispering a soft plea for me to hurry and get it done, as she knew she couldn't escape the situation at hand.

But I had no intention of going through with it. Instead, I released her and made my true intentions known.

"Luckily or unluckily for you, I'm not interested in your body, Kushida. I'm more interested in using you in a different way," I declared, leaving her stunned and confused.

As I walked away, I made it clear that she was now under my control, a mere pawn in my game. It was the best course of action, considering the circumstances. And as I left her behind, I couldn't help but wonder which version of Kushida was the real one. In conclusion, this was simply the best outcome, as I fully couldn't be sure this wasn't a ploy by the man calling himself L.

End of this chapter, just over 4,000 words, as I'm looking over many different ideas. Well, anyway, thanks for reading.

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