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I sat in the jet, just tapping my fingers mindlessly against the handrest. I looked out at the skies and calmed down for a bit, lulled by the white clouds and blue exterior. But truly, is it all just blue or what?

These funny, worthless thoughts just carried me through the flight. I just needed to unwind a bit before the shit show began. I decided to take out my laptop and work on some stuff when Ken approached me.

"Sir, can we speak for a while?"

I looked up at Ken. He has been working for me for about 3 years now, and I have barely heard him speak to me. This was probably my 3rd time.

"Yes, what is it? And sit down."

Ken sat down in front of me, perched stoic on the seat.

"Is everything ok?"

"Yes, it is. It's just that my contract will be up in July. It's already March now. I wanted to just put in my notice period with you. I would like to leave this place and job once my contract is done."

I was a bit stunned. Ken was a good bodyguard, serious, dedicated to his job, and he did it well. I know he wasn't the most keen on the job; I did hear murmurs amongst the guys, but I did not expect him to be resigning.

"Are you sure you really want this? Because it means you will have to leave the place immediately and you can not contact any of us for the next 3 years. Is that what you really want?"

I looked at Ken, who looked at me stoic, but he nodded. His nod was firm and unwavering. He clearly knew what he wanted. I sighed inwardly to myself as I told him out loud that I would accept his resignation if that's what he really wanted. However, I would still give him until the end of March to still give it some thought. He agreed, though I could tell he was just saying it to placate me.

"But I'm still working till July. You don't have to doubt my sincerity or dedication. 100% and nothing less can be expected and given."

I nodded. I never had any doubt about his dedication to the job. I sighed as I waved him off. He nodded and took off. I laid back in my seat, sighing again as my thoughtless thoughts had been interrupted and put in place with a need to start searching for bodyguards again.

It was going to be a 14-hour flight, and we barely crossed the 5-hour mark. I could hear Ken, Arm, and Pol chatting away quietly a few seats behind me. I took out my laptop, let my assistant know about hiring, and then replied to some emails. About 2 hours later, dinner was served.

I ate quietly, then let the stewardess clear my plates, and I decided to get a quick shower and change into something slightly comfier.

I was just resting when I saw Ken head back from the toilet, having changed into something comfortable. He wore a black trackpants and white t shirt, and his hair was ruffled, hanging soft and low. Ken looked so different from his usual stoic self in this get-up even though it was still his usual repertoire of colours.

I realized I never knew much about my bodyguards in terms of their personal selves, having only interacted with them on a professional basis. We still had about 9 more hours, up in the air, and I never really liked watching shows anyway. I might as well make an effort to know them. I stood up, walking over to the back where they were. They were chatting and goofing animatedly but quietened the minute they saw me.

"All OK, Sir? Do you need anything?"

I shook my head.

"Erm, it's just that we have 9 hours in the air. And I realized I dont really know you guys. I was thinking we could maybe spend some time knowing each other?"

There was utter silence for a bit. Nobody spoke. In fact, I think nobody even breathed. I looked at them awkwardly, realizing they maybe didn't fancy it so much. I quickly muttered an apology and was about to turn back when Ken suddenly held onto my hand.

"Sorry, Sir. We were just stunned. But please sit with us, and yes. Come."

Ken uttered softly, letting go of my hand, blushing awkwardly. I just nodded, and sat down. The initial few minutes was just weird but eventually everyone settled and started sharing stuff with me and just chatting. It was nice to hang out with them. It also helped that we had some drinks so it was less stressful and became more chill as the hours went by. We easily spent like 4 hours before finally deciding to take a short nap.

I went back to my seat and settled down as Ken came back to me and sat down across from me. I looked at him puzzled until he told me it was a safety precaution. Ah. I nodded, falling back into a sleepy daze, for a few hours. When I woke up, we were getting ready for descent and Arm was guarding me instead.

14-hours later, we finally landed in Geneva and we drove off to go see Chay. He was being put up in a family villa. He was thrilled to see me and almost burst into tears. I awkwardly patted him as I also called Porsche and let the both brothers talk. I sent off my boys to guard the place and settled down in the drawing room to come up with a protection plan.

Night befell us and I looked up finally, becoming painfully aware that it was dark already and time had just passed. I went out to check on Chay and found Pol guarding his room. I nodded and took off, doing a check myself. I found Arm and the Genevan team discussing the protection plan for the villa whilst I saw Ken standing guard outside. It was snowing lightly but he was as stoic as ever.

This fellow. I sighed as I trotted out.

"Come in Ken, we got lasers and motion sensors at this place so we should be covered soon. Its snowing lightly. It will get heavier. Come in and rest. You can guard at the foyer as a vantage point."

Ken nodded and we both walked back in. I nodded at him and left whilst he paced up and down the foyer the whole time, keeping watch. I took a warm shower and was heading back to my room when I saw him from upstairs.

Even to me, his utter professionalism and dedication always took me by surprise which is why he leaving was indeed a pity.

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