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I booked the tickets online whilst the rest were all busy doing their own stuff. Ma was cooking, my brother and Kinn were busy chatting, my dad had gone out for a bit, and my sister was finishing off some work.

Around 2 p.m., we decided to go out for lunch and then head for the movie. My family knew exactly what I did for work, so they knew what kind of line was Kinn in, but no one treated him differently over it. In fact, if anyone had seen us that day, they would have just thought it was a family heading out for lunch and a movie.

I flicked a glance over at Kinn, who was walking upfront with my dad. He hadn't brought any clothes, so he was wearing one of my brother's clothes as it fitted him better. I laughed inwardly seeing him wear a rockstar hoodie and ripped jeans. It was something he would never be caught in. I turned to realize my mother and sister had caught me looking at Kinn, and I just blushed, keeping quiet.

"You like him, don't you?"

"Ma! I have no idea what you are talking about. He's my boss."

"You think I can't tell? It's so obvious to us that you do. It's clear he likes you too. So why haven't you two made it clear?"

I just looked at my mom and shook my head, and she interrupted me to say not to use the "boss" card. It clearly can not be just that.

I sighed as I filled her in on my plans and the "no contact" rule. She was conflicted. She knew I was doing it for the best of the family and myself and as a mother, she was happy for that. But it also meant I was letting go of someone whom made me happy and she couldn't see that happening.

"Can't you guys just work around the rule?"

"We can't, Ma. Our line is so dangerous. Choosing to come out means we put a stop to all of that. Kinn really ensures that we cannot be traced at all."

My mother looked at me, knowing I was very conflicted. I just smiled bravely at her, pretending it was ok. She patted my shoulders in consolation. When we got to the theatre, she took the tickets from me to give out and slyly made sure that Kinn and I sat next to each other. I glared at her from 2 seats away and she just chortled as she leaned in to whisper something conspiratorially to my father.

Kinn sat down and was just studying the place.

"First time to a cinema?" I joked. Kinn looked at me wide eyed.

"You can tell?!" Shit. My laughter died out as I realised he was for real.

"Have you never ever done anything for yourself?"

Kinn looked at me before muttering, "My line of work doesn't allow me to. Its always been about the family, Ken."

He turned away to the screen. I looked at him briefly before sliding my hand over and taking his in mine. Kinn looked at me in shock. I just held on tightly as I leaned in to whisper, "People hold hands when they are on a movie date. Can we pretend this is a date for the next 2 hours?"

Kinn looked at me before turning away, not saying anything verbally but his blushing cheeks gave it all away. I held onto his hand and we shared the popcorn between us. At intermission, my sister wanted some candy too so he went to get it for us. He came back with a drink for me. It had 2 straws but I took one out, meaning to toss it away. He looked at me as I reminded him that people on dates usually shared their drinks, not having separate straws.

Kinn just flicked me on my arm and I laughed. We were watching the movie and 3/4 into it, we saw the entrance open. So weird to have people joining us at the tail end of the movie but my cheery mood was thrown out of the window when I realized it was P Thun's men. They hadn't seen us but I knew they must be there for Kinn. I gripped Kinn's hands whom just assured me everything will be ok. He leaned in to mutter, "Stay with your family. Make sure you are hidden so they don't make the connection. I'm leaving. So even if they see me, I can handle it. Just make sure they don't see us together."

I gripped his hand, worried about leaving him alone but he patted me gently, ensuring he has it and left silently in the shadows. I had already ducked and my family had been warned so the guys left once they realize they couldn't see us anywhere.

Once the movie was over, I brought them straight home. We all waited with baited breath but Kinn didn't come back nor did he message or call. I decided I would stay till Monday. My siblings were going back to university and my parents decided to go back to their other home closer in town. But my thoughts were also firmly on Kinn whom didn't respond at all. Around 2am that night, I was just in the living room when I heard a series of well timed knocks. It was something that only Kinn used when he entered familiar territory to let us know he was there. I rushed up to the door and opened it.

There stood Kinn, abit bloodied and bruised but definitely alive.

"Kinn!" He smiled as he walked in, putting a finger to his lips. I closed the door softly and turned around.

"Is everyone OK? Did you get everyone out safely and back home?"

I nodded, deathly quiet. He smiled.

"Then it's all good then. I'm sorry I couldn't ca.."

Before he could say anything else, I had walked up to hug him tightly.

"I cannot leave you behind. Not alone. Not to fight on your own anymore. I want to stay. I don't want to resign."

Kinn held onto me, wanting to retort but he couldn't as I took him in a kiss, the first deep one. I had to shut him up somehow and this was the best way in my opinion.

"Ken.." He tried to mutter once I pulled away.

"I love you Kinn. I can't do this anymore, pretending it's ok to see you put yourself out there in danger 24/7. I can't. And if by resigning means I can't see you ever again. I don't want to. Its fine. I just want to stay by your side. I don't want to lose you."

Kinn looked at me for such a long bit before he finally pulled me in on his own accord, his lips capturing mine and setting me on fire. Literally. This man was just fire and he knew it. And now he was setting me ablaze too.

Till Our Hearts Cross 👨❤️💋👨 💏Where stories live. Discover now