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I paced around the foyer as I kept vigil the whole night. Arm was supposed to replace me at 2 a.m., and finally, when he came, I patted him on his shoulders before I left.

I went back to my room, just sitting on the bed, sighing softly. It has been a long 2 days, and I was just exhausted. My mind drifted back to the conversation I had with Kinn over my impending resignation. He took it relatively well, betraying little emotion. I don't know if I was expecting something different, but that was a reaction I could deal with.

I decided to get a warm shower and came out, changing into a pair of trackpants, and pulled on a navy blue t shirt as my hair flopped around wet. I towelled my hair as I left my room trudging down the hallway to the kitchen to get a drink.

I was fixing myself a smoothie when Kinn walked in.

"Sir, can I help you with something?"

"Just needed a drink, Ken. Aren't you sleeping yet?"

"Just knocked off my shift, Sir. I'm getting a drink before I turn in for the night."

"Who's covering you?"

"Arm, Sir."

"Arm? But I just came back from out, and I didn't see him out there."

I frowned, wondering what was going on. I abandoned my drink as Kinn and I made our way back to the foyer, and we realized that Arm was indeed not there. We looked at each other, trying not to betray any alarm. Kinn instructed me to call for the rest whilst he ran up to Chay's room to check on him. I ran to the  guards room and found Pol missing too. Something was up. I ran to the other room where the Swiss security team is and found 2 of them beaten and tied up whilst the 3rd was missing! I untied the guys and managed to gleam the story from them. Shit! Kinn was in grave danger!

I quickly ran up to Chay's room, where Kinn was in a standoff with the 3rd Swiss security guard holding a gun to Chay's head, Arm & Pol badly beaten up and tied to chairs in the room. Chay looked extremely frightened and was sobbing whilst Kinn had a glaring, icy cold look on his face as he pointed a gun at the security, too.

I sighed inwardly as I knew this could go either way. The Swiss guard told Kinn and me to surrender our guns before he took a shot at Chay, which he would, as it was his primary goal.

Kinn glared hard at him and snuck me a quick look before putting his gun down slowly. I followed suit, and we put up our hands in surrender. The Swiss guard told us to step back as he inched forward with Chay, a gun cocked firmly to his head. We had only now and before he reached the door to make a move. As the Swiss guard started walking towards the door confidently with Chay, knowing we wouldn't make a move, he relaxed his stance a bit. The gun lowered, and before I could even register anything, Kinn had kicked him, and he fell. I pushed Chay away and shielded him with my body whilst Kinn took down the guard. Barely a minute later, we heard a loud ringing shot and knew that Kinn had taken him down.

I stood up with Chay, making him sit down in a chair before I went over to Arm and Pol. Between them, we found out that we shouldn't remain at the safe house anymore. The Swiss guard was working for the enemy and been planted among us. Kinn made some calls whilst the rest of us took Chay into protective custody right under our watch. About 2 hours later, we were ready to fly, but this time, even Kinn didn't tell us where we were going. Before we left, Kinn blew up the house so that there would be no evidence for anyone to use.

We boarded the jet and took off, painfully aware that it was barely our 2nd long-haul flight in 2 days. Chay was exhausted and fell asleep, with Arm closely guarding him. Pol was changing in the bathroom whilst I just sunk into a seat, feeling very exhausted. I watched as Kinn walked past me and sunk into a chair, and that's when I realized he was actually bleeding. There had been a cut in his right arm, and he was bleeding through his shirt. I didn't think he realized it himself. I sighed as I grabbed the first aid kit and went over to him, looking at him determinedly, with him looking back confused.

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