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We went back to the ward. Ken's brother was deeply asleep. I just took the couch and sat there whilst Ken sat next to his brother.

He didn't say a single word, but his glances at me and clenched fists told me everything I needed to know. Over the next week, his brother recuperated whilst I made the back and forth trips on top of my own work to check in on both Ken and his brother.

The threat with P Thun seemed to be dying down, so we sent the boys back to university with a foolproof 3-layer security plan.

His brother was finally discharged on Friday, and I sent the family home. Once we arrived at Ken's house, his mother invited me in. I tried to decline, but she didn't take no for an answer, especially after she had found out that I had taken care of everything.

She nagged at me to stay over for the weekend, and I gave in reluctantly. The only catch was that I had to bunk in with Ken.

"I hope that's fine, dearie. Sorry we don't have enough rooms."

"It's all right. I'm thankful for the invite. No issues."

I went up to Ken's room where an extra set of clothes plus towels and toiletries were laid out for me. I took a warm shower, changed, and came out only to see Ken in the room. He was taking a blanket out. He didn't turn to me but told me to make myself comfortable on the bed and that he would take the floor.

"That's not necessary. Your bed is big enough for both of us."

"It's fine. You are the guest. Just sleep comfortably, OK?"

I looked over at Ken, who had settled on the floor. I didn't say anything else as I knew there was no point in persuading him otherwise.

Soon, the lights were switched off, and Ken turned to his right, away from me to sleep. I tossed and turned but couldn't sleep at all. I finally sat up, sighing softly. I thought of getting out of bed to work on some emails when I heard Ken's soft voice.

"Unable to sleep?"

"Yes. It's probably because it's new. It's fine. I just go do some work."

Ken sat up and looked at me.

"It's 2am. Working so late isn't good for you. Do you want me to fix you a drink or something?"

I shook my head, insisting it wasn't necessary as it was so late. I told Ken I would try and sleep. I laid back down, turning to my left. A little while later, I heard his soft voice telling me to scoot over. I moved in a bit more, not turning back to him, but felt the bed dip as he laid down next to me. He pulled the blanket up securely around both of us.

I just continued lying down, but this time, lulled by his presence, I fell asleep. I woke up around 6 am. in the morning only to find myself holding onto Ken. He was in my arms and sleeping. I looked down at him as he lay curled up, sleeping away soundly.

I must have clearly moved around over the last few hours to find myself in this position with him. But I knew I didn't dislike the position and was glad for it. A few minutes later, I felt Ken shifting and decided to close my eyes and pretend to be sleeping.

I felt him slowly adjust himself, and then he ran his fingers lightly over my face. I then felt his lips press against my forehead, and then he got off the bed. I waited till I heard the bathroom door close before I opened my eyes. I sighed inwardly at how we were just dancing around each other just because of our professional lives, and I absolutely hated that.

I continued to fake sleep but ended up really sleeping back till about 9 am. I woke up, showered, changed, and went down. His mom was in the kitchen, but the house was empty otherwise.

"Hello, auntie, sorry for waking up late. Where's everyone?"

"Hello Kinn, it's ok. You are the earliest, actually. Everyone is still sleeping minus Ken, of course. He's at the gym. Can I fix you a plate of breakfast?"

I thanked her, and we were having breakfast when Ken came back. His mother asked him to join us, and he did once he had a shower. He sat down next to me and pulled up a plate. Over breakfast, we all just chatted amicably. Her husband was looking for her, so Ken's mother disappeared for a bit, leaving Ken and me alone. I looked over at him as he seemed busy on his plate but since he didn't want to look up at all, sighed softly to myself and went back to my breakfast.

"I will go back today."

"I come back with you. I have quite a long break. Thank you but I should be back at work already."

"Just stay for the weekend and report on Monday morning."

I looked up at Ken finally who just nodded.

"My mother wanted you to stay the weekend. Don't you want to stay over today too?"

"It's ok. I should leave you guys to be. I head back. I'm sure your mom will understand."

"I..I thought you will be staying too. We could go out together as a family for that movie we wanted to do today."


"Yea. With my parents, siblings and myself. And you."

I kept quiet, looking down at my food. I haven't had anyone include me in anything for years. I felt Ken's hands on my lap. I looked up at him.

"Please, for me? It's not everyday I get this opportunity with you."

I sighed. I looked down. I really wanted to be a part of it but that meant letting down my guard, allowing myself to let down my walls around Ken. Did I really want that?

Am I setting myself up to be hurt further if I do that?

More importantly, did Ken really mean that much to me?

I looked up at him and his brown eyes called out to me silently, desperately asking me to say yes. I finally nodded, thanking him for the invite. The quick smile that passed over his face, that was worth it.

Every bit of it.

Till Our Hearts Cross 👨❤️💋👨 💏Where stories live. Discover now