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I captured Ken's lips softly back in a kiss that soon turned searing hot. We pulled away, and I looked at him for a brief minute before pulling him towards the room. I shut and locked the door and turned to him.

I walked towards him with him taking every step back until he hit the bed. I pushed him onto the bed and climbed on top of him. He looked at me with as much desire as I looked at him.

I took off my shirt as he took his off. I leaned in, about to kiss him when we heard knocks on the door. Who the heck it was? We thought of ignoring when we heard his mom's hushed voice calling out to us. Something was wrong! We instantly got off the bed and opened it. I pulled his mom in, who was looking extremely fearful.

"What happened, auntie?"

"I woke up to go to the toilet. I saw 2 guys outside our gate. Didn't think much of it. I came out of the toilet now, and I see 4 cars up the road, and I can see people in it. Something seems wrong."

I looked at Ken, who was stupefied. I told him to wake everyone up quietly and bring them to this room. He nodded. Meanwhile, I called Vegas and the rest and filled them in. They said they would come shortly. I agreed, hanging up the phone only to turn around to his mom, who kept looking away. I was confused until it hit me, I was fucking shirtless! Shit!

I apologised as I took my shirt but just as I was about to pull it on, Ken opened my door.

"We have a problem. The guys have surrounded the place."

I told them to stay in the room. I told Ken to stay with them and not to open the door no matter who comes knocking. He agreed.

"I'm going to cut out the lights. Everyone just stay here and don't move. Not at all okays. No one will get to you, not unless its over my dead body."

I avoided looking at Ken when I said that. Everyone nodded, fearful but I was glad they trusted me enough.

I went out, shirt forgotten, gun in hand. I crept down and bust out the lights. I had an advantage over these guys. I knew the area well. I could see them from the window, slightly fumbled over the sudden blackout.

I watched them quietly as they made their way to the front door. I knew it wouldn't take them 5 minutes to burst open the door. Just as they did, I went shooting down at them. I got 4 of them before the 5th one got a shot at me. Thankfully it was at my right shoulder but I gritted my teeth and slammed him down.

Just as I was about to take down the next guy, I heard shots ringing out. I looked up to see Vegas, Porsche, Pete and the rest of them. I grinned as they took the remaining out easily.

I stumbled back, the brunt of the shot hitting me now. I tried to press onto the bleeding but I was bleeding out. I told Vegas on where to get the rest of the family and to get them to our Manor. He nodded grimly as Porsche grabbed me.

As he was helping me to the car, I felt another pair of arms around me and I looked up to see Ken holding onto me. His face betrayed little emotion but his eyes were enough. He held onto me tightly as we got into the car. He took a shirt and pressed hard against the wound to stem the blood flow.

We got to the Manor where his family was ushered to safety and security detail assigned to them but his mother came forward when she saw me.

"What happened?!"

Ken filled her in as the family doctor took a look at me. Her eyes glimmered, and she just held onto my hand the entire time. I tried to apologise, knowing I may have led the guys to the house inevitably, and she shushed me, scolding me for even thinking that way. I just laid back, quiet because for the first time in over 10 years, I am not being blamed for something.

The doctor said I would be fine after some bed rest. I nodded and told everyone to rest up for the night. Ken opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, his mother just uttered.

"Ken, honey, stay with Kinn tonight. I don't want him to be alone. Do you hear me?"

Everyone just looked at her in silence. Nobody dare retort. A cheeky smile flitted over Porsche's face whilst Vegas just looked amused. Pete blushed whilst Chay and Macau stared wide-eyed at us. Ken was quiet, and his mother snapped. He hurriedly agreed, and then she looked at me.

"Let my son be here tonight. I don't want anything happening to you. I know you can look after yourself, but my son needs to learn to look after the one he loves too."

No one dared say anything as she left. Everyone shuffled out quietly, but Ken's dad and siblings touched me lovingly before heading out. My boys just shuffled out but not before throwing me a completely cheeky look which knew I had more good natured ribbing coming by later.

And it didn't help that both of us were still fucking shirtless. Seriously? I had every excuse but why didn't Ken just pull one on?!? The room was eerily quiet as Ken finally pulled on a shirt and sat next to me, taking my hands gently in his.

There was no sound from him and I wondered if he was pissed at me for putting myself in danger again. But my doubts were answered barely a few seconds later when I saw his tears drop. His face was down low but he was sobbing.

I tried to sit up straighter and held onto his hand even more tightly.

"Ken... please look at me."

Ken shook his head fiercely, refusing to look at me.

"Ken.. I said look at me." I tried a fiercer tone but it didn't work. I kept quiet then finally I tried something that was totally unlike me.

"Baby, please."

Ken was so stunned, that he looked up at me instantly. I nearly chuckled but held it in as I wiped his tears away.

He tried to turn his face away but I held onto it.

"Im sorry. I know you don't like seeing me like this but you know I would rather die than let anything happen to you or your family. If it concerns someone I love, I am not going to let anything happen to them."

Ken was about to retort when he fell silent, realizing the meaning of my words.

"I love you too. I fell for the guy who always looks after me and who reminds me to look after myself. Who will gladly give up his dreams just to be with me. But I also love the guy who has dreams for himself and I want him to follow it. After today, seeing what has happened, it has made me realize that if people want to hurt us, they can find any way through any means. So I want you to still pursue your dreams but it doesn't mean we can't be together. There is no way in hell I'm letting go of you too. I know I have never said it but it's out here now, for you to know. I love you to death and will never let you go. But I want my Ken to be able to do what he wants without worrying about anything. I promise to keep myself as safe as possible for you."


"Shhhh" this time, I silenced him as I leaned in to kiss him, taking the initiative this time around.

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