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I watched as Ken took my arm slowly. He cut through the sleeve, and that's when I realized I had been bleeding. Damn.

Ken took the peroxide ointment and cleaned my wound with it. He then took the bandage and wound it around, ensuring the wound was secure, not exposed, and covered. After he was done, he gave me 2 painkillers, told me to pop it, and just rest for a bit. I bit back a reply, just nodding my head and taking the medicines. Ken left quietly, thereafter, and I turned to see as he put away the stuff and sat down with Arm. Pol came over and was my guard for the next 6 hours. I took my medicines but found myself unable to sleep. 6 hours later, Ken came over and was surprised to see me awake.

"Don't you want to rest?"

I shook my head. "I can't seem to sleep, despite wanting to."

"Is it painful?"

"The pain is manageable. I'm just wound up, I guess. It's fine. Let's just get Chay safe first. I can sleep later."

Ken nodded, but I could see he didn't seem too convinced. 13 hours later, we finally landed in Tokyo, Japan. Over there, we reunited with Macau and the rest. After the last attack, I figured it was best we all came together and didn't choose to have an external protection team this time around. I could trust no one. We settled in my 3 bedroom holiday apartment, it being slightly congested for all of us but we had to make do. It was best we were out of radar by picking the least obvious places.

I convened Big, Porsche, Vegas, and Arm for a meeting whilst the rest looked after Chay and Macau. We had to plan on how to move discreetly and back to Bangkok again without the boys being hurt or if we wanted to move them entirely to another country to study. But it also meant that new passports, identities and etc. were needed.

The meeting well ran over 3 hours, but we finally had an understanding of what we wanted to do. We decided to knock off for the night as all of us were exhausted, having flown over 30 hours in just 2 days. Porsche, Pol, Chay, and Big took one room whilst Vegas, Macau, Arm took another. Pete, Ken, and I took the last room. I really didn't want protection and wanted privacy, but Vegas put his foot down. Pete went to speak to Vegas, so that meant only Ken was in the room when I came in after my shower. He was just standing stoic at the window, looking out when he heard the door open. He turned around, seeing me, and nodded his head in greeting. I nodded at him and caught him looking at my arm.

"It's bleeding a little still but much better now."

"Do you want me to dress it again for you?"

I looked at Ken, pondering before nodding. He shot me a quick brief smile before it disappeared and came over with a first aid kit. Ken took my arm in his hands and gingerly dressed up again, being very careful. I was honestly secretly grateful for it, though the way he was being all soft and gentle amused me.

Once he was done, he was keeping away the things when I finally broached the topic of his resignation.

"Do you really want to go? You are easily one of my best men."

"Thank you for that. But I think it's time I did something different. I never really enjoyed this job anyways but I am very grateful because it eased my family's load."

I sighed. I don't think I was going to convince him to stay. I just kept quiet. Ken looked at me and finally muttered, " I want to study too, and it's best I just focused on that only."

"What do you want to do?

I smiled as Ken filled me in, and I told him I had taken the same thing years ago because it was my interest. Ken was surprised, and it played up on his face. He was about to ask me something else when Pete came in. Ken stood up immediately, going away to keep the first aid kit, our conversation seemingly forgotten.

I just watched him quietly for the night as both Pete and he conversed away whilst I pretended to work on my laptop. I ended up looking at my alumni school on the course offering and printed out the documents. I went to take them from the living room where the printer was and was heading back to the room when Ken came out.

"Where did you go? Please let us know before you do."

I nearly sniped back but held myself in. I just grunted, showing him the papers. He was stunned to see it. I shoved it in his hands and walked away, well aware I did something I usually don't. And I didn't want him or anyone questioning me on it.

Guess, knowing he wanted to study and something I resonated with makes me feel more human and less of a machine, and I realised I wouldn't mind encouraging that.

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