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I went back to my room, completely stunned by what Ken had done. I stood near my dresser, gripping the table tightly.

Ken...he... just.. the last time someone had held me was Porsche, and that was when we were dating. However, we both realized it wasn't going to work out and soon had ended things amicably. Friendly enough that he continued working for us, and I also knew I would give my limb for Chay to be well protected.

I haven't been held in like over 3 years. I had even stopped fooling with my boy toys, for I didn't feel any sense of satisfaction from it. But when Ken held onto me earlier, I felt this rush of warmth just pass through me.

I sighed. I must be well over my head. I just looked at myself in the mirror, reminding myself that I wasn't worthy of anything. I had too much to lose and nothing to give back in return.

The next morning, I went down, and everyone was going about their business. I had some meetings to attend and came back around 2 pm. to a relatively empty house. I could hear Chay in the music room with Macau and Big. I know Arm and Porsche had accompanied Vegas for a meeting. I wondered how Ken was doing. I was itching to go see him but didn't want to make it a habit, too. I finally bit the bullet and went. I knocked on his door and heard a soft "Come in."

I went in only to see him pulling on a shirt and sitting up.


"How are you feeling?"

"Better. The doctor came by earlier and checked me too. He said I was healing faster than expected, and I could report to work tomorrow."

I frowned, mentally telling myself to scold the stupid doctor.

"Just take the weekend off. It's Friday tomorrow. I don't want to see you reporting for work till Monday. Understand?"

Ken looked at me and just nodded quietly. I told him to rest and was about to leave when I heard him mutter a soft "Thank you."

I just smiled to myself as I left. Over the weekend, Ken finally came out of his room but didn't work. He had his meals, hung out with the other guards, went swimming, and came back. I started sitting in the hall and did my work so I could see him out and about. I told myself it was to just keep an eye on him, making sure he wasn't working.

But was that really all of it? I don't know. It was a Saturday evening, and everyone was busy when I heard gunshots. What the fuck?! I quickly grabbed my gun and ran out. I came out to see my guards already in action. Chay and Macau were being escorted to the panic room. I could hear fight sounds coming from the garden. I went to the door and realized P Thun's men had surrounded the house. I quickly bolted the door shut and locked it securely. I gave instructions to the boys to make sure Chay and Macau did not leave the panic room and to fan ourselves out. Ken looked at me and nodded grimly as he grabbed his gun and switched off all of the lights at my instructions, plunging the entire house into total darkness.

We all crept, staying hidden in the shadows, moving stealthily. I directed the boys to separate so we could all take down different groups of people. They nodded and were about to move out.

I grabbed Ken's hand before he left. "Stay safe. I don't want to see you hurt. Understand?"

Ken nodded, rubbing my hand in response before leaving. I took down the guys in the North wing as quietly as possible, having fitted my gun with a silencer. As I was moving down the hallway, suddenly, I heard a gun being cocked at my head. Fuck. Someone had made it in. I was about to turn when I heard a gunshot and the person fell down. I moved forth two steps and turned to see a dead guy at my feet and Ken standing over him, having shot him down.


"Just be careful."

I nodded. We separated and finished off the job before congregating in the security room. Fucking P Thun had sent over 30 men, all of whom laid dead in the Manor now. I told my boys to send these dead bodies back in a van with a bow attached to it along with a timed bomb. This is what you will get if you mess with my family.

Big and Pol took off to complete this. Pete and Arm went to get both boys back whilst the other boys cleaned up the Manor, leaving me, Ken, and Vegas with Porsche in the security room.

"I'm gonna check on Chay." Porsche muttered and left hurriedly, clearly worried about his younger brother. Vegas tagged along, too, to check on Macau. Ken looked at me, muttering about going back to his room first. I nodded, looking at him. I felt like there was more we wanted to say but held ourselves back. He turned to go and I turned back to the security camera. But barely a minute later, I was turned around and Ken held onto me tightly.

"This whole taking care of myself and looking after me, applies to you too. I don't want to see you in that position again. Get it?"

"You sound so demanding. I'm your boss."

"I don't fucking care. Listen."

I kept quiet, finally muttering a quiet "OK."

Ken pulled away from me and we looked at each other for a long minute when we heard an awkward cough. We separated to see Pete awkwardly standing there.

"Yes, Pete?" As Pete and I got into conversation, Ken quickly left. I couldn't help but look at him as he left. Once Pete was done, he was about to leave when he turned to me and said, "It be good to have extra protection tonight given what has happened. Can I send Ken to be your security detail?"

I looked at Pete, stunned and just nodded in response. He nodded and left and I swear, I couldn't fight the blush that came over me no matter how hard I tried.

Fuck my life.

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