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We all eased back into our daily lives whilst just ensuring Macau and Chay had full-on security. I knew Kinn would want to eliminate P Thun as soon as possible, so it was just a matter of time.

Monday morning came by, and Kinn went for a meeting with P Thun, bringing me and Arm as security whilst Vegas came along too for the talks. But soon it turned ugly, and there was a flurry of bullets flying as a massive gun fight took place.

I fought back as hard as I could, my judo training coming into place. I took down the guards easily as I went down the room. Just then, I heard a shot ring out and turned, seeing Kinn smack in the middle and a bullet flying at him. I literally threw myself onto him, and he fell, but the bullet hit my right shoulder. Fuck! I screamed as I went down, groaning helplessly.

Kinn held onto me and rolled away. Vegas covered us and told us to go as he had it under control. I tried to stand up but failed, and Kinn held onto me, dragging me to the car. He drove straight to the private hospital, and I was immediately whisked to surgery. I woke up hours later, only to find myself back in somewhat familiar settings back at the Manor.

I sat up slowly to find Arm, Pol and Pete looking at me keenly whilst Big was busy setting up something.

"How are you?!!?? You are alive!!!!" The guys screamed at me. I sighed as I rolled my eyes.

"I'm good. What...what happened?"

The guys filled me in that P Thun had escaped, but he was badly hurt. But they figured he may not bother for a bit, but Kinn and Vegas were not going to take any chances. The bullet had thankfully only hit my right shoulder, but it had been extracted, and I should be ok after a few days of bed rest.

"Where's P Kinn? I remember him trying to drag me out.."

He did. He's in his room, just doing some work. Why?"

I tried to sit up, wanting to go see him. The boys told me to rest and that I could see him tomorrow. I agreed, albeit reluctantly but laid back, tired. Soon, they all left me to rest. I was just resting when the door opened.

I looked over and realized it was Kinn.

"How do you feel now?"

"Slightly better."

He came near but didn't sit down near me. He just stood around awkwardly.

"Is everything ok?"

Kinn just looked at me but didn't say anything and finally gave me a file. I opened it to find termination of contract. My voice grew dangerously low as I asked him.

"What's this, Kinn?"

"I want you to leave. After you are better. You can leave this job."


"Just.. Anyways, you did want to leave, so I'm letting you go earlier."

"But you just said it's ok for me to stay till July. Why are you not letting me do my job?"

Kinn was silent and didn't answer. I kept pressing for an answer until he finally snapped at me.

"Becuase I don't want you dying before you can leave this job! You threw yourself at me today to protect me. Do you know the bullet could have hit your throat?!!"

I sat up, getting off my bed slowly. Kinn just took a step back, face angry, and hands clenched tightly.

"Kinn.. I..but it's my job.."

"Damn it, Ken. I'm not that heartless. As much as I know it's part of our job, I don't want anyone dying if possible. Especially so if I knew you have such plans for yourself. So you are being asked to leave. I want you to leave once you are better. Go study and look after your family."

He turned away to leave, and that's when I held onto his hand tightly.

"No. I'm not going to go. I said I would stay. You said I could. So I'm not going to go."


"I want to protect you as much as I can. Do you know that bloody bullet was going to your forehead?! Is your life not important?!"

Kinn looked at me perplexed. I just grabbed him in a tight hug, muttering, "Tear up that bloody termination letter. I'm not leaving."

I pulled away from Kinn, looking at him. He was stunned by what I did. I was too, but he took the file, tore it up, and left.

Good. Anything that made him do it. I'm not leaving his side if I didn't have to.

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