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I looked down at the papers in my hand. It was a brochure and supplementary information on the course I wanted to take.

I looked back at Kinn, who had walked away. I clutched the papers harder. I went back to the room, and it was empty. Pete had left, saying he was gonna bunk with Macau because he wanted to chat and chill with him. I nodded, but apparently, Kinn hadn't gone back to the room either. The house wasn't super big, so I turned, about to go to the kitchen or balcony to check when Kinn came in.

"Where's Pete?"

"He's sleeping with Macau today because they are all going to hang out a while."

"Oh, so it's only us?"

"I can sleep outside if you like. I know you would prefer privacy. Just call me if anything."

Kinn looked at me for a bit before shaking his head no.

"It's fine. You can rest here, too."

I nodded, keeping away the documents and then looking at him. He had settled on one of the single beds, just working on his laptop.

"Thank you for...the stuff.. the brochure and.... all that."

"It's fine. I'm glad you can get to study. You can always ask me for any help if needed."

"But the contract states no contact for 3 years after resignation."

Kinn just looked at me, his face slightly mortified. He just nodded, not saying a word. I took a break soon after, and once Kinn fell asleep, I stood up, just pacing the room. Pete came back once my shift was up and kept watch whilst I slept. We all woke up around 7am. sharp, ready for the day.

Kinn filled us in that we were all going to make our way back to Thailand but albeit in pairs and in different modes. This way, we were scattered, and it would be hard to get hold of us.

We all agreed, and Kinn gave us the pairings. Macau and Pete were going together by flight, Vegas and Porsche were going by car and boat, Arm and Chay were going by ship, Pol and I were to leave by flight and Kinn was to go by car and motorcycle with Big. Some of the modes meant the journey was going to be crazy long, but it was the best way so that our enemies could not keep track of our movements.

Kinn made sure everyone was equipped with the guns except the ones taking the flights. He was prepping my stuff when  I went in to see him standing at the doorway.

"Yes, Ken? What is it?"

"I wanted to know if you wanted to switch with me instead. Why don't you take the flight? It's safer and faster."

"It's fine. I need to make some pit stops along the way, which is why I'm taking the car and bike."

"Okays. Do you need more security? I will be glad to come."

Kinn looked at me, shooting me a small smile but shook his head.

"It will be fine. You just get back safely. I was thinking after this assignment, maybe I can release you instead. There is an application period for the university in March and if you left now, you will have more than enough time to make it."

I looked at Kinn, grim. As much as it sounded like a good plan, I didn't feel too safe knowing he was travelling by car and bike. I went off, wondering if I could convince Big to switch with me instead but didntcwant to risk offending Kinn. I was frustrated and just kept sullen as we all continued our prep work. Everyone left at a different timing. I was the last one to leave after Kinn and Big. Just as they were about to leave, I called out to them stopping them from leaving. They were confused. I was at the window and looking out and called them over. We watched as a bunch of cars suddenly pulled up.

We didn't know whom it was but we decided we couldn't take the risk. We watched as the guys piled out and we saw P Thun amongst them. Shit! Kinn changed the plan. We all grabbed our guns and left via the fire exits. We broke our phones along the way and discarded it so that no one can contact us but that also meant we couldn't contact others either but it could cut down on any unnecessary communications and leakage of information. We jumped onto the bikes. Pol got into Big's bike and Kinn jumped onto mine. We took off in different directions promising to meet up at the airport somehow to get on the next flight back to Thailand.

I geared up the bike and shot off. I have always been a good rider and now I put it to good use as I veered in and out of traffic whilst Kinn held on tightly. We got to the airport and booked the next flight but it was a good 4 hours away. We sighed as we knew we had to wait.

We bought some new stuff at the airport and changed, making ourselves as inconspicuous as possible and settled down in a cafe to have a drink whilst we watched our surroundings. I was tapping my fingers lightly on the table as Kinn pulled down his cap low and just pretended to read his book. I looked over at him, realizing he looked so different, dressed in a warm blue shirt, buttoned up, cap pulled down low and wearing a pair of glasses.

I couldn't help but smirk lightly and looked away, trying to replace the smirk before he caught me. He looked so different, so cute. So mellow and soft.

Till Our Hearts Cross 👨❤️💋👨 💏Where stories live. Discover now