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I kept my cap down low and pretended to read while looking around furtively. Just then, I saw 3 guys walking towards the gate. They looked like P Thun's men. I quickly signalled to Ken, and he nodded. We both took off, following them quietly. We could see them searching for someone. We knew they were looking for us. We kept out of their way and then just huddled around the corner. Ken held onto me tightly, ensuring that I was completely hidden from them as we huddled at the corner. Ken was slightly taller than me, and he hid me perfectly. I just pulled down my cap and leaned in so that we could monitor them unseen.

The guys realized they couldn't find us in that gate, so they went off to another. We sighed softly; having escaped them temporarily. I looked at Ken, who then blushed red, realizing our proximity. He apologised softly and pulled away. We checked our boarding passes and realized we could board soon. We were in first class, so we hurried first and boarded, securing ourselves in our seats. I had booked a first class suite, so it meant we could both stay in the same room, and it was just entirely ours for the next 7 hours.

I finally laid back, grateful for some respite. I looked over at Ken, who seemed  a bit uneasy with the luxurious setup.

"It's just for 7 hours. And you deserve it, so just take a break."

Ken looked over at me and finally nodded, thanking me softly for the booking. I just nodded and requested a glass of champagne from the air stewardess, and I told Ken to get whatever he wanted to. He requested a glass of juice and some warm nuts. It finally hit me that we hadn't eaten properly in the last 3 days, and finally, my stomach was growling. Luckily, meal service came by, and I had a pasta dish with fruits and a cheese platter whilst Ken had steak.

Post meal, I asked the stewardess to set up the bed. The only problem was that it was a suite, so it was a king-sized bed, which meant Ken and I had to share. He told me to nap whilst he guarded, and we could switch. I laid down, and he was just sitting on the bed, quietly reading. I tugged at his arm and pulled him down.

"I know we always have to be vigilant. But at this point in time, I think we can afford a break. Just lay down and rest. Don't worry. It will be ok."

I pulled Ken to lie down, and he looked over at me, wanting to resist, but I just glared at him. He finally conceded, and the poor boy fell asleep in a matter of minutes. How exhausted he must be. I  couldn't sleep but just looked over at him. He stirred a bit and just inched closer, feeling cold. I sat up a bit to tuck the blanket around him. He just nestled in more and was deeply out for a good 2-3 hours. Thankfully, I managed to nap for a bit, and we woke up when it was an hour left to our descent. I woke up to an empty bed. Ken just came back in, and I realized he had taken a shower.

He asked me if I wanted anything, and I asked him to get me a coffee and some pastries whilst I took a quick shower. We were done in an hour and soon we landed in Thailand.

The plan was to meet up at this safe house no one had ever known about. When we finally reached the safe house, I was thrilled to see everyone had made it back safely. Vegas and Porsche had changed transportation mid way, so everyone was there.

We filled them in on how we had seen P Thun's guys in the airport at Tokyo. We know they would be looking out for us. But we were back in our homeland, and we had our full security force, so I was feeling a bit more prepared and confident.

We went back to the Manor and really bumped up our security. The guards took turns whilst I just knocked out for a couple of hours. I finally woke up around 8pm, groggily, just rubbing my face blearily. I could hear faint laughter coming down from the hallway. I got out of bed and went to check it.

Macau and Chay were hanging out with the guards and laughing away. I could see Vegas and Porsche mock squabbling whilst Big and Pete were deep in conversation. Ken appeared to be missing, though. I just turned and went back to my room when I bumped into him outside.

"Hello Sir, how do you feel now? Do you want anything to eat?"

"Sounds good. Get the help to fix me a bowl of noodles and bring it over please."

Ken nodded and left. I came out post a long warm shower only to find the dinner plate set up nicely for me. I also saw a note on the tray. I took it up and saw Ken's handwriting.

"Thank you for the flight back home. It was by far one of my most comfortable ones. I know you said I can leave once we are home but I would like to stay till July and finish off my contract. It would also make me happier knowing I can protect you as long as I can. I hope that's ok."

I looked at the note for a long while before I called down to the room asking Ken to come. He came in shortly.

"Is everything ok?"

"Yes. I just saw this." I waved the note.

"Ah. I hope.. its..ok?"

I looked down at the note for a bit before nodding my head at him. He shot me a quick smile before thanking me and going off.

It was so hard to see a smile on his face but when we did get to see one, I couldn't help but notice how it lit up his entire face.

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