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I walked up to Kinn's room, a bit wary. Maybe I had pushed it a bit earlier by hugging him and being so demanding in his words.

I sighed as I knocked on the door. Kinn opened it and beckoned me in. He was busy working on something.

"I'm assigned to be your protection detail for tonight."

Kinn nodded, asking me to make myself comfortable whilst he completed some work. I nodded. I checked the room thoroughly to make sure it was as it is and also drew the blinds, checking the facade and perimeter of the outside surroundings as I did it.

I turned around to see Kinn, who was busy working away on his laptop at his table. I just smiled discreetly to myself. This man had always been so hardworking and never ever failed to be there for anyone, no matter how busy he was. Just then, his phone rang. He answered it, putting it on speaker.


"P Kinnnnnnnn. It's me, Sun. What are you doing?"

"Sun. I'm busy now. What is it?"

"We haven't met in ages. It's been so long. Make time for me tonight, na."

"I'm not free. Just leave me. And plus I'm not interested. Just hang up already."

Before Sun could say anything else, Kinn just hung up on him! He turned and realized I must have heard everything.

"I... It's not... I don't hang out with him anymore."

I just nodded, not saying anything. We all knew who Sun was to Kinn. Kinn didn't say anything and just turned back to his work.

"I'm getting some food for myself. Do you want anything?"

Kinn just shook his head no and told me to go on. I went to get some stuff and came back. I ate quietly in the room whilst Kinn continued his work.

"Do you often have a lot to do?"

Kinn looked over at me.

"Sometimes. Tonight, I'm particularly busy. A few deals were closed, so I'm doing the paperwork. I prefer doing it myself so I can look over the details."

"Thought you have a personal assistant?"

"I do. But like I said, I prefer doing it myself so I can be sure of the details. My PA schedules my meetings, books, my trips, etc."

I nodded.

"I honestly didn't realize how busy you are. No wonder I barely see you around."

Kinn finally stopped doing his work. He swivelled his chair to look at me.

"Yes, I am. But if I'm required to make the time, I will."

I just nodded.

"Do focus a bit on yourself too. Don't work so hard."

Kinn just shrugged his shoulders, smiling at me.

"I will try."

He turned back to his work and finished it off whilst I continued pacing the room and checking the hallway occasionally. Kinn went to get a shower and came back.

"I'm going to sleep."

"Go ahead. I be here."

"Aren't you going to rest too?"

"I'm the only one on duty for you today. I can't afford to slacken. I can catch up on my sleep tomorrow. Just go ahead."



Kinn sighed but nodded and settled into bed. He left his night light on and just shut his eyes, but I realized he didn't sleep. He eventually sat up 30 minutes later, having tossed and turned.

"Can't sleep?"

He nodded his head. I sighed as I watched him. He just looked at me pointedly and then back at the bed and back at me again. I sighed as I walked over to him, finally laying down on the bed. He didn't say anything but laid back down, turning to his left to sleep. I just looked at his back and growled softly. He was so stubborn!

But the bed was soothing and comfortable. Against my better judgement, I closed my eyes and slept, but still alert. I woke up around 4 am. when I felt the bed dip. I realized Kinn was up.

"Up already? Where are you off to?"

"I'm going to the gym. I be back. Just rest."

I sat up, but Kinn glared at me, and I conceded. I laid back down as he went off to the gym. As I lay in bed, I became painfully aware that I had just spent the night in his room and his bed. Like how a couple would. And I didn't know what to make of it.

Till Our Hearts Cross 👨❤️💋👨 💏Where stories live. Discover now