Chapter 4-Training & Return

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Timeskip Six Years Later

It had been a long six years for Issei, but eventually he mastered the ways of the SCP Foundation. Having been training in their methods, this also not only changed him physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. He no longer has any perverted tendencies, and is much calmer and collected. Issei also cleaned himself up better, and looks much more mature than before.

Although his training was brutal, Issei knew that this was something he felt would be best. He's also very relieved that the pieces in his body were extracted painlessly, and he's no longer a Devil. However, his dragon side stayed, which made him a human/dragon hybrid. His struggles were an all time high, and there were a few SCPs that gave him some serious problems.

Flashback, Four Years Ago

In his second year of training, Issei was being taken to a containment cell that everyone felt was very fearful. Issei was confused why everyone was scared, but when he approached the door, it had the name plate of one that sent chills down his spine: SCP-682. He knew exactly what it was, and the foundation wanted to see how Issei would hold up against the Hard To Kill Reptile. Once the door opened, the gas stopped and Issei stepped inside, facing one of the ugliest creatures he had ever seen.

 Once the door opened, the gas stopped and Issei stepped inside, facing one of the ugliest creatures he had ever seen

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Issei: That is one ugly motherfucker.

The Reptile roared at Issei, and after it did, Issei only smirked, his dragon instincts kicking in to make the creature submit to him. Not even 30 seconds later, 682 started to attack Issei, as he dodged each strike. Issei countered its attacks as he donned his balance breaker, sending blows back to the creature. 682 roared in pain a little, but Issei didn't let up as he continued to attack it more and more, causing serious injury to it. After fighting for 45 minutes, 682 was heavily injured, while Issei was not even breaking a sweat. He growled at the creature, which 682 finally submitted and fell defeated. Issei was the only one that had managed to not only severely injure 682, but make it bow in defeat. He walked out with a victorious smirk, as Col. Mike smiled, seeing the progress Issei made.

Flashback End

Issue also knew that there was one that he didn't want to ever get out, and did not want to see its face.

Flashback, Three Years Ago

A year after Issei made 682 submit, he was walking to another containment chamber, holding what appeared to be a sort of device. He wasn't sure what it was for, but they all warned him to wear it once he entered the room. Issei approached the door with the plate SCP-096, and knew this was something that made every member pale, even the more senior members were scared for Issei. Once he stepped inside, all Issei saw was a reinforced steel cube with almost no windows. After stepping in, he hears a voice over his earpiece.

MTF Soldier: Now that you are inside, place your device on and walk inside. That will prevent you from seeing the entity's face.

Issei put it on and powered it up, which seemed to be functioning. Once he walked inside the cube, he hears incoherent sobbing and crying.

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