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"Oof that Zenep really is shameless, like I mean how could she hug another guy like that whilst she's married to you?" Asked Samaira as she sat on Amir's table whilst he worked in his office. "You know Amir, you deserve a better girl. Someone who would always be by your side." Continued Samaira before Amir groaned and got up from his seat. "Watch your mouth, she's my wife and our relationship is our concern, you have no say in it!" Exclaimed Amir as he slammed his hand on the table causing Samaira to flinch. "Now, the meeting will begin later today so you should make sure everything is well organised." He continued before Samaira nodded and left. As she got to the door, she came face to face with Zenep causing her to scoff at her before Leaving.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Amir as Zenep closed the door and walked towards him with a bento box in her hands. "I brought you lunch since you did'nt have breakfast this morning." Exclaimed Zenep as Amir nodded and told her to place it down.
"Okay i'll be off then." Exclaimed Zenep as Amir nodded before sitting down and massaging his temples. "They're just Friends and Ali, has a fiance anyways." Thought Amir before he placed his glasses back on and got to work.

-With Zenep-

Zenep walked back into the house with a tense expression on her face when a voice suddenly stopped her.
"Zenep are you okay, you seem tense."
Exclaimed the woman who was Kaori as she patted Zenep's shoulder. "Ugh, it's just Amir. He's so unpredictable, I have no idea when he'll blow up. This morning he scolded me for hugging Ali, He get's so angry everytime I speak with another man?.
What does all of this mean?!" Replied Zenep before Kaori sighed. "It's normal Zenep, he's your husband and as his wife you can't go around hugging other men. He scolded you because he's probably jealous." Exclaimed Kaori as Zenep nodded. "You're right, I messed up but where is Ali right now?" Asked Zenep before Kaori replied. "He's in the guest room." She exclaimed before Zenep nodded and went up to him.

"Hey, Ali." Exclaimed Zenep as she knocked on the door. "Yes?" He replied as he opened the door and looked down at her. "Well uhm, the maids are downstairs so if you need anything just ask them." Exclaimed Zenep as Ali nodded before she left.


Hours had past and it was now 6:30pm, it had begun to get dark and chilly as Zenep placed all her three children in the huge bathtub and gave them a warm bath. She then finished and proceeded to shower as well when she suddenly felt arms around her waist causing her to immeditaly turn back. "Relax it's me." Exclaimed a man as she turned to see Amir. She then placed her hand on his chest to create some Space between them but he pulled her closer. "U-uhm." Exclaimed Zenep as she could'nt keep eye contact with him. "Zenep." He called out for her in his deep husky voice as he turned off the running water. He was dressed in black suit pants and a white buttoned shirt as he rolled his sleeves to his elbows. "Y-yes?" She exclaimed as her nude state made her slighty shy. "Are you okay?" Asked Amir before Zenep nodded. "I'm fine." She exclaimed but he still kept his grip on her hips, pulling her even closer. "Look at me." He whispered as their faces were now inches apart. She could feel his breath against her neck before he spoke. "You're mine okay, no man has the right to touch you. If they do, you know what I can do." He exclaimed before Zenep gulped and he let go of her. "I'm tired, so I came back early." He exclaimed as he began to walk out of the bathroom whilst removing his watch. Zenep then grabbed the towel and wrapped it around herself as she followed behind him. "Also, change quickly before you get me in the mood for sex." Exclaimed Amir before walking out of the room. Zenep then smiled slighty as she held onto her chest to try and comprehend what was going on. "Since when did this subtle affection begin, we did'nt do it tonight even though I was standing naked infront of him." Thought Zenep before she decided to focus and change. After a while Amir walked back into the room as he saw Zenep. She was in a short red night dress as her ass tightened the dress from behind. Her bossom could be seen perking up through it's low cut as Amir felt his pants begin to tighten. He let out a deep breath before she walked towards him. "This is the dress from our wedding night, I was just trying it on since i've never worn it." Exclaimed Zenep as she made a 360 turn to show Amir but when she got back to facing him he pulled her closer to him by her waist, he then removed one of her shoulders straps, before biting onto her shoulder. She whimpered loudly before he carried her on his shoulder and threw her onto the bed. "I tried so hard to hold myself back tonight Zenep, but it's like you enjoy pushing my buttons." Exclaimed Amir as he began unbuckling his belt. He then got ontop of Zenep and began massaging her bossom whilst kissing onto her neck.
"Shit." He whispered under his breath as he felt as if his pants were about to burst from how tight they had gotten. "10 fucking years and you still drive me crazy." Exclaimed Amir before placing each of her legs at each side of his hips.

"Tonight will be long.."


4th chap c ya'll in next-

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