The Dawning truth

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Zenep couldn't believe her eyes, her hands immediately going down to her stomach as she trembled placing the test onto the sink. Emotions swelled inside her, happiness, shock, joy, anxiety and others even she could not comprehend. After taking a few calming breaths to calm her from this big news she exited the bathroom with the test hidden in the pocket of her flush robe. Amir stood in the mirror adjusting his tie with his usual strict and stoic demeanor. "A.. Amir I have something I'd like to tell you." She exclaimed approaching him as his eyes softened slightly when he looked down at her. "Go ahead." He said simply, his deep voice resonating against Zenep's ears as his attention went back to the mirror. Zenep took a breather, placing her hand against her stomach before she spoke. "Amir...I... I'm pregnant again, we're gonna have a forth child." Exclaimed Zenep as Amirs hands halted on his tie looking back at her before he rose an eyebrow. "Are you sure about this?" He asked as Zenep nodded before he immediately loosened his tie and plunged his lips onto hers. "The gods know how this news wants to make me fill you with my seed once more." He whispered against her lips before carrying her.


After their encounter, Amir arranged his clothing, buckling his belt back up and fixing his tie as he turned to Zenep who as usual layed drained and bare against the shuffled silk sheets. Amir then covered her before he spoke. I've brought you a dress it's in the velvet bag along the room, I'd like us to go on a dinner and then spend the night at a hotel...and I'll be straightforward, even if you try and be as modest as you can I'll still end up fucking you because.... you're my wife and love." He said before he grabbed his coat and left.


A few weeks had gone by as I was now 8 weeks pregnant or 2 months pregnant. My bump was quite visible abit big for a 2 month bump. "I can't believe we're pregnant at the same time." Exclaimed Kaori as her and Zenep cooked in the kitchen. "Yes it's quite shocking, I didn't think Amir and I would have kids again after the 3 we already have." Replied Zenep when Musa suddenly came into the kitchen rubbing his eyes from just awakening. "Muma, can I have some water." He exclaimed tugging at my long dress before I nodded. " Yes my love ofcourse you can." I replied as I carried him and placed him on the counter before giving him a cup of water and helping him down. "You're my Inspiration, I cannot wait to be a mother." Exclaimed Kaori hugging me from behind as I smiled and returned the hug.


Sometime had passed and I sat outside when I suddenly felt bored and decided to call Amir on the phone. "Amir, can I go out, I'd like to shop for some things for the baby." Exclaimed Zenep as Amir replied. "Sure but take the bodyguards with you." He replied bluntly as Zenep smiled and agreed before she hung up and headed upstairs to get her bag. Once done, she headed downstairs and got into the car which was driven by the bodyguards.

-Meanwhile with Amir-

"Amir!!" Shouted a voice that rushed into his office as Amir slowly lifted his head to see Samaira before he raised an eyebrow, his eyes turning into daggers. "Excuse me?" He asked his tone of voice deadly as Samaira was panting. "Look I'm sorry but right now it isn't about who's the boss or anything all you need to know is that your wife is in danger." She exclaimed in a blur before Amir suddenly stood up. "What?" he asked tilting his head slightly as Samaira took deep breaths to calm herself. "Alright look Hira, your maid, the one that Zenep trusts alot wants her dead." She replied before Amir approached her dangerously. "And how do you know about this?" He asked clenching his jaw as Samaira took another deep breath. "I... because I used to cooperate with them in the beginning but I swear when I saw things get out of hand I-" She tried to continue but Amir slammed a hand against the wall. "You did what?!, if anything happens to my wife Samaira... you'll see my wrath." Exclaimed Amir before Samaira nodded. "Yes, sure you'll punish me later but right now all you need to know is that the car...the car she's driving they're planning on crashing it!" She exclaimed frantically before Amir's face went pale and he immediately took his phone dialing the bodyguards who were with her but got no response when Jay and Ismael suddenly bursted into his office looking panicked.

"Amir.... it's.... it's Zenep..."


16th chap c ya'll in next-

Sorry for the late posts, been very busy lately.

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