3: Keep Trying

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'New day, new plan...' Sonic thought to himself. 'Since destroying these bots would just mean more electric shocks, speeding right past those guys would definitely give me more time to get out of this joint and find some escape pod to book it outta here...' He reasoned, as he hopped over to the center of the cell, lining himself up parallel to the door that the Eggpawns were about to open.

Sonic quickly plopped himself down on the ground, bringing his chained hands and legs closer to his chest. The floating platform came to Sonic's cell on time as the two Eggpawns emerged from their standard position to transport their prisoner.

'I got to time this carefully..' Sonic silently reminded himself. 'Come on, Sonic... you got this...' He watched carefully as the door began to creak open, and he braced himself for his escape.

'Three...' The bar doors began to open, but the gap wasn't wide enough.

'Two...' There still wasn't enough room to slip through, not yet. Only just a little bit more, and he could make a run for it.

'One...' The Eggpawns finally opened the doors just wide enough, giving Sonic an opening to make his daring escape.

'Go!' Sonic shouted to himself, as he revved up his spindash within milliseconds of seeing the opening.

In an instant, Sonic unleashed the full speed of his spindash, zooming right past the two robots that failed to keep him secure in the first place. The blue blur continued to stay curled up in a ball, rolling around at the speed of sound through the hallways.

Sonic hadn't run into any complications yet, which told him that things were all going according to plan, for now at least. 'There should be an escape pod somewhere, right?!' Sonic thought to himself while rolling above the cool floor beneath him. 'Egghead has got to keep something like that lying around here somewhere. Just gotta keep looking.'

No shocks came from his collar in the past few seconds since he slipped out of his locked cage. Sonic is trying to test the boundaries of what works and when it happens, so far it's been simple. Sonic figured destroying the badniks would result in some discipline from eggman however, blowing right past them also resulted in no reaction from them? It's almost like it's too easy for Sonic. Nothing has tried to stop him within 30 seconds, no badniks nor obstacles have come to stop him.

Nothing can slow him down now, he needs to find his way around this metallic chrome dump. This Death Egg doesn't have the same layout like the previous one all those years ago. Sonic wishes that was the case, then he would know exactly how to get out of here. He also wishes he could actually see where he's going instead of relying on his senses to direct him while in his ball form.

That's where something hard crashed into him and quickly threw him backwards. Sonic heard high pitched laughter coming from the front of him as he rolled backwards and fell out of his spindashing form from being caught off guard.

"Did you really think escape would be that easy?" Sonic heard the gut-wrenching voice of his problems. He sat up off the floor just to see Eggman standing right next to a Crawl badnik that has Eggman's fake spring attached to its hand instead of its normal star shield.

Eggman chuckled a bit as he pulled out a controller from behind his back and pressed a button. That's where the excruciating shocks came into play as Sonic let out a lowly screech, gripping the cursed metal plate round him and falling back on the ground. "Try that again and I'll chain that collar to the wall of your cell." The doctor snarled at Sonic looking down at the hedgehog in pain on the floor.

"I'll... always, keep trying." Sonic forced out the words while trying to somehow make the collar stop hurting him.

"Sure you will. And I'm going to keep stopping you." Eggman retaliated back as a floating platform came by and lowered itself to the ground next to Sonic.

Breaking Point: A Sonic Forces RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now