20: Makeover Spa Day

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There were knocks on the door before it opened to reveal Amy with a pink backpack on, wheeling a wheelchair. "Your therapeutic spa day awaits you." She cheerfully smiled, not being too loud for the hospital hallway. The pink hedgehog wheeled in the chair and shut the door behind her so Sonic's room stays private from others. "We'll probably have to take off some bandages and get you some fresher ones after." She commented, slowly ripping off some bandaids from Sonic's head.

A couple of his wounds have scabbed over and don't require protection anymore, but aren't completely healed just yet. Amy unplugged the heart monitor while Sonic peeled off the stickers tracking his heart rate. She unraveled his bandages on his chest showing dark bruises underneath them signaling a fight not too long ago. Now that Sonic is free from bandages, he swung his legs over the side of the bed noticing his casted up foot.

"Don't put too much pressure on it." Amy said concerningly, wrapping her arm around his back and helping him up from bed. His body feels light to Amy as well.

"Yeah... I got it." Sonic softly grunted in soreness, as he put his weight on one foot and hopped over to the wheelchair. Sonic sat in the chair as Amy brought his IV pole closer to him.

"All ready?" She asked looking over the room to see what she missed. Nothing out of the ordinary to the looks of her. "Alrighty. Here we go." She opened the door again and wheeled her friend out to the hallway. "Luckily the room isn't too far away." Amy stated, pushing Sonic along with the IV pole in her other hand.

Sonic found it funny that he's yet again, being brought into a room without himself actually moving. But this time, it's by someone who cares about him. There weren't too many people in the hallway, thank goodness, but every time there was someone that wasn't a medical assistant they would stare in dismay at Sonic. Witnessing their missing hero all messed up from fighting.

"We're here." Amy said happily, sounding excited as she opened the door. The room was a bit dimmer than his room due to blinds being drawn down, but there were scented candles lit around burning, small, orange light. The metal tub was already full with water and had bubbles coating the top layer. Amy shut the door behind them making the door get a bit darker, but still enough to see clearly. "Hopefully that's just right." She checked on the temperature of the water when they got closer to the bath.

"Wow Ames, I didn't think a plain olé bath could get so fancy." Sonic stated, joking a little to Amy.

"It's relaxing. Now try not to get your casts wet." She suggested helping him up again and getting into the water.

The tub was deep, water hitting high on Sonic's chest, but he still made an effort to keep his left foot and right arm hanging on the outside of the tub. The water was warm but not too hot to his skin. The bubbles and candles made a fruity aroma in the air where it blends really well. Sonic let his head lean back off the side of the tub, feeling his body decompress from tension he didn't even realize he had. Soothing orchestra music filled the air as Amy was pulling out a speaker from her backpack. She pulled out many different sizes of bottles and towels from her small backpack getting herself situated.

"I think we should start with a face mask since those take time." Amy dipped a small towel into the water then squirted some soap on the damp cloth. "I'll try to avoid some of your cuts but sorry if I accidentally go across them." She apologized for future events as she lightly started scrubbing Sonic's greasy face.

Sonic's heart is beating slightly more frequently than normal due to Amy lovingly caring for him. He really doesn't want Amy to see him blushing right this second and makes an effort to relax and think of calmness. Amy slathers on a gooey pace on his face after she's finished with cleaning it first.

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