8: Mad Crazy

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Sonic's whole body is still aching in pain from that fight. It's been a week since Metal taught that lesson about what would happen if he wanted to keep fighting Eggman's forces to him, and he's still feeling the repercussions. Bruises littered his arms and head from being bashed in with hard metal and he could still hear ringing in his right ear if it's too quiet in the room. Since his heavy quills are gone, it's going to take some getting used to for his head being lighter. Sonic wishes he could sleep more and actually recover but that's not a possibility in this environment. He'll still keep being treated like scrap for time to come. Sonic yearns for Vanilla's homemade soup he and his friends would have after a long, tremendous, battle as a comfort food. But all he still gets is the same stale food for every meal. It's all eating away at him slowly and slowly.

Being locked in the same two rooms is REALLY taking a toll on him. Sonic strives not to show it to Eggman or any robots or any cameras, that would make him seem weak. He HAS to stay strong, just for a little longer. But how long can he do it? No sight of his friends for months on end, or maybe that's what Eggman wants him to think like. Maybe he's lying about his friends searching for him to make Sonic lose hope for a way out. But what if he's right about all those things and his friends are more caught up fighting? This is the constant battle Sonic is dealing with everyday as well. Trying to hang on when they're might not be anything to hang on to.

If it's not missing friends or trying to fight off the doctor's fabrication and tricks, Sonic is getting furious at himself for putting himself in this position where he's forever stuck. He should've been stronger and smarter to fight off all five of those villains attacking him. Sonic feels ignorant letting himself be tossed around the group like a toy. Tails witnessed his hero getting wrecked. Immense guilt is drowning him for putting his friends and innocent people on the line while they work tirelessly to combat this war, and he lets himself get captured by the enemy. He's overall losing everything and it's making him feel more powerless everyday.

The days will still go on as routine, like always Sonic will be brought into the Electric Speed Room to get his running energy out and make it useful for Eggman. Sonic has probably made over thousands of robots by his power alone. He hopes the Flickies aren't wearing themselves out trying to make robots as well. Just how a normal day will go, the Eggpawns will pick Sonic off the floating platform and onto the floor when the door is closed and locked. Both cuffs will unlock themselves and fall off the same way. This time, Sonic is standing there frozen, staring at the projector that will contain him in a forcefield of energy. His life really went to doing anything for freedom to being chained down and commanded by the foe.

'Am I really his personal pet?' Sonic thought to himself bitterly as he clenched his hands in anger. Being trapped in between two locked up cages, having the same meal everyday, being pushed and punished for everything he does, him cutting off his quills to make him lose his identity. 'He really thinks he has a leash around me.' Since Sonic was taking too long to step into the forcefield, one of the Eggpawn guards gave Sonic a little nudge on his back to make him step forward. That's where something snapped in Sonic.

All he sees is red as soon as the robot touches him. He swiftly swatted away the Eggpawn's hand as he just as fast started pummeling on the same badnik that touched him. Digging his fists into the scrap of metal that covered the robot's chest. Ripping out gears and components like a beating heart, sending the Eggpawn to the ground. Instantaneously after Sonic has made one robot crumble, he goes for the kill for the next one. He should know he would be reprimanded for breaking the guard robots with electric shocks but that's the furthest thing on his mind. He NEEDS to let some resentment out of him.

Sonic chased around the Eggpawn's feet and raced all around its metal casting at 100 mph, making his way up to the head of the robot. Sonic dug his fingers into the badnik's head and gritted his teeth, forcing the small head to pop off its round body. He held it above his head as he felt the second robot fall to the ground with the first one. Sonic still wasn't satisfied with the robots defeat being so quick and dull as he returned to repeatedly stomping their lifeless metal casing into the ground beneath him. Eggman made him into this monster. He's not the strong heroic Sonic The Hedgehog everyone knows, he's now a bitter shell of what he was.

Breaking Point: A Sonic Forces RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now