23: Information Meeting

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Amy was power walking down the hallway to the meeting room where they planned all big attacks. She did inform the others that she would take a couple days off for 'personal reasons' as she spent time with Sonic, but they still needed her to be at the meeting as well. The hedgehog sighed quietly to herself, a little bit annoyed about this, as Knuckles approached her from behind and started to walk with her.

"Should we tell them that he's here?" He suggested to her, not saying the full details in case someone overhears them.

Amy thought to herself about the question. Sonic is back to reacting to things and talking so he is back to normal functions, better than when he first came back to earth. But he's still not ready to fight with the team until he's fully recovered. It is best to tell the group that he is back home and not stuck with Eggman so they wouldn't worry about it. They shouldn't get their hopes up too soon about him.

"We might as well. But he isn't ready to fight yet." Amy answered back.

"That's for sure, I'll let you break it to them." Knuckles agreed with Amy as they both walked into the room together.

There were already a couple of their friends and other team leaders all talking amongst themselves while they were waiting for the meeting to start. Their leader force isn't that big but they make do with what they can. Silver is chatting with the Chaotix team while a group of volunteer leaders are all huddled together and also chatting with one another. Another door opened and strolled in Rouge with Omega marching behind her.

"Let's get this over with before we waste any more time." Rouge commanded as all the doors to the meeting room closed to make it private. Everyone took a seat around the circle table in front of them making Rouge and Omega the only ones standing. "Numbers have been showing a decrease in newly built Eggman's Badniks across the board." Rogue tapped the table bringing up a blue holographic 3D model of the world map.

"Smaller allied forces have been keeping up with reducing robots in their villages and towns, but with this war now going on for over 6 months, we might see a lower number of fighters, backing down due to fatigue and injuries. Now is the best time to really start hounding in on these machines while we have the chance." Rogue glances over to where Knuckles and Amy are sitting.

"I'm sure Knuckles would like to explain the shortage of newer badniks from his team taking a spacecraft to the Death Egg at such short notice and not fully telling everyone about this plan." Her voice sounded a bit annoyed from not hearing about this plan a few days ago. Everyone was staring at the two of them, also wanting an explanation.

"It was my idea to go so soon without telling anyone." Amy stood up from her seat to explain. "Our team got a hold of one of Eggman's satellites and noticed a large supply of energy coming from the Death Egg. Since our teams have already scoured across the land looking for Eggman's bases to stop production of badniks, we took our searches above earth." Amy lightly paused to find the right way to phrase her next reason for leaving so soon. "We also found readings of Sonic's energy."

Everyone's faces widened in surprise, some people even muttered 'what?' under their breath, from her mentioning Sonic. "We knew he had to be there and quickly reacted to bring him back. Getting two things done with one trip, Knuckles and his team destroyed energy supplies and brought Sonic back home." Amy concluded sitting back down.

"How come you didn't tell us?!" Silver butted in, bewildered that neither of them told anyone else about Sonic.

"We acted fast and didn't tell anyone so they wouldn't get distracted from their duties." Knuckles chimed in with his explanation.

"We had an idea that he would be on the Death Egg but we didn't have the full evidence. Nothing to go off of except his energy levels." Amy put the explanation in a different set of words.

"It would've been nice to know our buddy was still kicking out there." Vector spoke up, siding with everyone that was upset that they didn't tell them about their lost friend.

"It's not fair keeping secrets away from us." Charmy added, crossing his tiny arms in annoyance.

"You're absolutely right, but we didn't know what state he would be in once we found him." Amy defended her friend and herself. She sighed in gloom recalling what Sonic looked like once he got off that ship with Knuckles, holding onto his arm to keep him standing up. "He was an absolute wreck when Knuckles got him back. Even if he can heal faster than us it'll still take a couple months before he's back to fighting again."

"So, that man really got to Sonic huh?" Rouge asked, folding her arms.

"Multiple broken bones and scars. He was electrified if he didn't do what Eggman told him to do. He made him run to supply his energy to make robots." Amy answered, sounding a bit dishearten having to explain. "He's back, just not ready to join us yet."

Everyone collectively nodded their heads in agreement after hearing about the tortures Amy shortly described about their friend. The long term enemy has been keeping their powerful friend locked in space for half a year, tormenting him for days. He deserves a break after all of that. The meeting was about to resume back to its original goal of planning out attacks before Knuckles said something on the matter.

"Tails also came out of hiding now that Sonic's back." He mentioned, lighting up the mood that the team was getting more people to help win this fight. 

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