12: Ultimate Plan

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Being laser focused onto the screen, Amy hasn't taken her eyes off the digital map displaying where the Death Egg is floating in space, containing their friend. She was contained in her station thinking of attack plans. All the while, she waited for Knuckles to return with his team so they could go over their plan. Like expected, she didn't get that much sleep from finishing their mission last night. She felt too stressed out from all the thoughts running rampant through her mind, it was all giving her a headache. All the thoughts of Sonic and what had been going on between him and Eggman filled most of her head as she tossed and turned all night.

She knew she couldn't do anything but wait until they got a spacecraft and go up there and rescue him as a team. Amy yearned to fly into space alone, in hopes that she would be able to save Sonic from the clutches of Doctor Eggman. The more she pondered on the thought, she began to doubt just how unrealistic that scenario would be. She did had to wonder, has Sonic... changed over these months-. Amy heard the doors to her station open up, and immediately assumed it must have been Knuckles walking through.

"Is the ship ready-" She turned around and shut her mouth when she spotted someone other than her friend. There stood one of HQ's secretaries, Kristy The Shrew, approaching to ask Amy a question.

"Ms. Rose, we need you to cover the head of shipping supplies today." She requested worriedly giving her leader more on her plate than what she has already.

"What happened to Dot?" Amy asked, trying not to sound discouraged from the fact that there was now a hiccup with the plan.

"She's grieving over the death of her father... His death was in no way related to what is going on. It was just heart failure, truly awful it is..." Kristy replied, bearing bad news.

Amy felt like she was going to completely and utterly lose it with everything on her plate, while not Kristy's fault, adding this to her list when she wants to be there for Sonic is definitely not helping. The hedgehog withheld her frustration, annoyed over a team member not pulling their weight at such an important time. She internally sighed, contemplating the current state of events. It wasn't Dot's fault that she had a family emergency. She had no way of knowing her father would pass away without warning. It just bothered her that she, and no one else, would have planned to discover Sonic's whereabouts in such an unexpected way. She wanted- no... she needed to get Sonic back as soon as possible, all on top of her current responsibilities as a leader and keeping everyone at HQ alive and well.

"Okay. No problem. I can do it." Amy replied back, striving to not sound down about it.

"Are you sure..?" Kristy nervously questioned, knowing there was a lot at stake and pressure among Amy's, and every other leader's shoulders.

"Yes, absolutely." Amy reassured Kristy. "But, I would need to step down later today. I didn't get that much sleep last night..." Amy expressed wearily.

Her and Knuckles didn't fully go over if they should tell everyone that they might have found Sonic. If the two of them did tell everyone at HQ, she felt that the abrupt news would have sent HQ into chaos for sure. Plus, no one had any idea how Sonic would be after returning back home after Eggman's torture and experiments. It should be alright however if Knuckles and his team would go off and save Sonic themselves. She had complete faith that he and his team would make it back safe and sound.

Kristy noded, "That's perfect, thank you!" She thanked and swiftly left the room.

Just then, Amy's communicator buzzed on her wrist, signaling a call. She checked the device, and saw that it was Knuckles on the other line, just a few minutes late. Amy raised her arm near her face and listened in to Knuckles' incoming message.

"We got the ship ready to launch. You coming?" Knuckles asked.

"Nah, I got pulled into doing shipments." Amy answered honestly. "You go on ahead with your team. I'll be waiting by the docks for your safe return."

"Alright, Amy! We'll be heading out right now then!" Knuckles replied.

"Oh- Knuckles!" Amy quickly spoke.

"Yeah? What is it?"

Amy took a brief moment to close her eyes, contemplating what may or may not happen when Knuckles would infiltrate the Death Egg. Finally, she opened her eyes and softly spoke to him.

"Please, be careful... and bring Sonic home..." Amy gently said to him. "For everyone's sake, the people need hope that they CAN win..."

Knuckles on the other end could sense Amy's emotion in her voice. "Don't worry. I can assure you that he'll be back in one piece." He quipped.

"Thank you, Knuckles.." Amy replied, and with that said, Knuckles hung up on his end, ending the call.

Amy slowly lowered her arm back to her side, and the only thing she could now think about was her beloved Sonic. Yes, she knew the risks, for if this whole plan went sideways; what Eggman could unleash upon everyone, or worse, Sonic himself. She immediately blocked her intrusive thoughts, and could only pray for everything to go as planned.

* * *

It's a miracle that Sonic's body hasn't completely given out from all the damage it's received over the past few weeks. Not only does he have a swollen, broken, wrist but now he's stuck walking/limping on a broken ankle thanks to Metal Sonic. It hurts with every step he takes in the forcefield. His cuffs are tight around his smashed limbs while the rest of his body is littered with bruises, cuts, and dried blood stuck to his fur from all the beatings. But he still must go on; doctor's orders.

Eggman and Zavok watch Sonic once again as he struggles to keep walking from another point of the Death Egg. "Surely he's gotten to his breaking point and we have an abundance of energy supplied by him. Wouldn't it be easier to take the blue rodent out of his misery by ending his pathetic life once and for all?" Zavok asked the doctor standing next to him.

"I've been doing everything in my power to keep that hedgehog just hanging on by a thread for the sake of my ultimate plan, robotizing Sonic The Hedgehog!" Eggman bragged. "I knew he would crack after such a long period of time of being tormented and alone, surrounded by everything he despises. And now that he has become numb to everything I have thrown at him, I am getting closer to finally putting him under my control. As you can see, he's clearly brain dead to everything around him. He'll be perfect as a robot."

"Do you have a set date for when it'll happen?" Zavok asked.

"Since I'll have to start the process right before his entire mind and body gives out, I theorized in a couple days, and ooh! Maybe I'll broadcast the process for the whole WORLD to see!" Eggman replied, getting giddy for his plan to finally take down Sonic. "And once that slippery, blue, menace is out of the equation, I'll be running this whole world!" He laughed in excitement like a kid getting a toy they always wanted. He can practically taste the sweet feeling of victory, after all these years of strenuous hard work and planning. Once Sonic is gone anything can be possible for the mad man; and he feels joyous about it all of it.

The giddiness and excitement of Eggman swiftly left his body when he heard his loud, frequent, alarms warning him about something. All white lights turned red in defense mode. Eggman glanced down at his control panel to see that it's a warning of infiltration. The doctor quickly pulled up surveillance footage of where the infiltration was coming from. From his aircraft parking lot, there was an unidentifiable aircraft stored in his base with anthropomorphic animals running out of it.

Soon, he spotted Knuckles The Echidna, the day has finally come. Eggman sent all of his robots out to stop Knuckles' team from getting to Sonic. He shouldn't be too worried after all, he's in a place where he has the most control over all his robots. Nothing, not even any of Sonic's pesky friends can ruin his overall plan. 

Breaking Point: A Sonic Forces RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now