9: Regular Beatings

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He said he wouldn't give in to Dr. Eggman's tactics. He PROMISED himself he would never give in but, how much can he take? Days, weeks, months, years? Sonic's walls he built around himself mentally have completely been reduced to pebbles now. Everything is fuzzy to Sonic now, he feels like everything has lost any purpose or color, nothing but desaturated grays and whites now. He hardly touches the "food" the doctor gives him. It'll do nothing but hurt his already aching teeth. Nothing fazes him anymore, not a shock, not a beating, nothing.

Sonic is frail, stretched thin, hungry, tired, and there's nothing left running through his mind. Not his friends that abandoned him, not finding a way out of this metal box, no more memories of the good times to ground himself too. Just one foot in front of the other, pushing himself wherever Dr. Robotnik wants him to be. Mentally drained from constantly being pushed around the place. Sonic's feet can only go so fast in this state of mind, barely reaching 5 mph in the caged forcefield. The shock collar's low settings don't even faze Sonic anymore. Eggman could up the volts, but that would be risking heart problems and death plus, he still needs Sonic for a little longer.

Since none of his old tactics are performing well with keeping Sonic in line, Eggman has resorted to bringing Sonic into the white caged room for some discipline. Chaining Sonic's left foot to the floor like before and letting Metal Sonic have some fun. Sonic tried to fight back against Metal a couple times, not like it wouldn't do him any good here though. His weak punches would only lead to Metal kicking his skull in. His robotic replica will always have the upper hand in strength and speed while Sonic's mind and body were this weak. That's where, slowly but surely, our hero falls. Not fighting back as he allows Metal Sonic to attack him in any and every way possible. Leaving himself stuck on the floor as he takes in the blows and scratches. There was a small time Zavok beat up Sonic for all the trouble he caused him in the past.

There was one time when Sonic just stopped responding to the pain, no grunt or yell or really any sign of life. Eggman strolled into the room where Sonic was currently having his torture session to make sure he was still kicking and Metal didn't accidently kill their prisoner.

"Doesn't it feel nice to have everything you've worked so hard for, all be taken away so fast?" Eggman taunted Sonic, still laying on the floor in agony. Sonic keeps gasping for air, not answering the doctor's question. "This is exactly how it feels. Constantly running in circles, trying everything, only to fall back down to nothing." Eggman continues, pacing around the two Sonics. "Years and years of hard labor to finally get what I want, only for you to come around and destroy everything." Sonic wants to say something back at the crazy scientist but still can't find the willpower to say it.

Eggman leaned closer to Sonic on the ground, "You probably feel discouraged with yourself. Yearning to hit the main problem in your elaborate plan. So go on. Hit me." Eggman devilishly insisted to the blue hedgehog. Sonic carefully and weakly pushed his body off the ground, he wasn't going to waste an opportunity like this, not by a long shot. "That's it hit me." Eggman repeated as Sonic despite every once of anger he had towards the doctor, could only manage to raise his trembling fist at him, not even strong enough to bruise Tails. "What's wrong, Sonic? Aren't you going to HIT ME!" Eggman belted out.

Sonic swung his fist full of desperate rage but was too exhausted to aim straight on, missing his mark and bringing the rest of his body down with his fist. At this point he didn't care what he had to do with Eggman; he wanted to be alone. Eggman laughed softly at Sonic's pathetic attack as he stood up.

"You'll beat me and my army, even with your last dying breaths, huh?" The man recalled what Sonic said to him a couple months ago in this exact room.

Sonic's arms trembled with pain while he pushed himself off the floor. "W-we... will..." He huffs with every word he speaks, forcing the words out with bitter hatred.

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