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This book is heavily based on my own experience with anorexia, please don't read this if you feel it may trigger you.

I am currently in recovery but i felt that this was a good way to get my feelings across about how eating disorders affect people and how difficult they can be. A lot of people think that they are just about food and that we can "just eat" but its not that easy. its about so much more than that. Eating disorders kill, and if you or someone you know is struggling please, please get help because its not going to go away on its own. Trust me, recovery feels absolutely petrifying but it is so worth it in the end. I am no where near the end of my recovery journey yet, I've actually just come out of my second relapse and I'm going through extreme hunger for the second time but this time I am going to try and trust the process and go with it. My body will do what it needs to do to heal and that is ok.

my favourite quote 

"you cant keep dancing with he devil and ask why your still living in hell"

And if you are struggling no matter how "not sick" you think you are, you still need to get help. Even if you don't think you have a eating disorder, I had one for 2 years and I was convinced I didn't. Trust me that is the eating disorder playing tricks on you, if you are struggling then its there.  You deserve to get help and you have the right to recover. Your whole life is ahead of you, you just have to find that motivation. I believe in you, you can do it <3 

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