⤿ twelve.

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IT WAS THE last week of January, and the bustling platform was filled with excitement as students hurried to board the Hogwarts Express

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IT WAS THE last week of January, and the bustling platform was filled with excitement as students hurried to board the Hogwarts Express. Ahana found herself on the platform, flanked by her parents amongst the crowd.

"No boys, Ahana," her mother reminded her, her tone stern. "And make sure to get good grades, better than last year."

Her father chimed in with his own advice. "And don't forget to stay away from that Potter boy" he added firmly.

Ahana nodded obediently, though she couldn't help but roll her eyes discreetly as she waved goodbye to her parents and made her way onto the train.

Once inside, she let out a sigh of relief, feeling the weight of her parents' expectations lift from her shoulders. She scanned the crowded compartments, her heart skipping a beat as she prayed she wouldn't run into James. With a quick glance left and right, she set off down the narrow aisle, determined to find her friends.

Finally spotting them, her face broke into a smile. "Mari, Allie, Riley!" she exclaimed, hurrying over to join them in their compartment. Mari, sitting alone, welcomed her with open arms, and Ahana settled into the seat beside her.

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