⤿ eleven.

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DECEMBER HAD rolled around, blanketing Hogwarts in a veil of wintry magic as students reached at the King's Cross train station, preparing to depart for the winter holidays

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DECEMBER HAD rolled around, blanketing Hogwarts in a veil of wintry magic as students reached at the King's Cross train station, preparing to depart for the winter holidays. Among some of them was Ahana, her heart heavy with the impending separation from Adam.

As he wrapped his arms around her from behind, she felt a pang of sadness, knowing she would miss his warmth.

"I'll miss you," Adam sighed, his voice tinged with sorrow as he kissed her forehead tenderly.

Ahana leaned into him, her hand resting on his arm as she replied softly, "I'll miss you too."

"Write to me, yeah?" Adam requested, his eyes searching hers for reassurance.

Ahana nodded, promising to keep in touch. Reluctantly, she released herself from his embrace, turning to face Adam. Standing on her tiptoes, she planted a farewell kiss on his lips, savoring the bittersweet moment before parting ways.

As the scarlet train chugged to a stop, Ahana peered out the window, scanning the crowd for her parents. Spotting them, her heart swelled with warmth, but her joy was tempered by a sudden realization. Adam couldn't accompany her to meet them – her parents had strict rules about boys.

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