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WEEKS HAD PAST and Adam Birch had asked Ahana to meet him for the first time alone since their return to Hogwarts

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WEEKS HAD PAST and Adam Birch had asked Ahana to meet him for the first time alone since their return to Hogwarts. The two of them stood in the courtyard, reveling in the wintery atmosphere, building a snowman like carefree children and having snowball fights.

Ahana couldn't contain her giggles as she dashed toward Adam, clutching a handful of snow, attempting to dump it on him. He laughed at her failed attempt, playfully pushing her to the ground as she grasped onto him, pulling him down with her.

As they tumbled to the ground, he ended up towering over her, their breaths mingling in the crisp air. A blush tinted both their cheeks, and a familiar shade of pink tinged Ahana's hair, a reflection of their shared moment.

Gazing down at her with his emerald eyes, Adam hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Ahana, I have something to ask."

Breathless, Ahana replied, "Yes, Adam?" Their proximity electrified the air between them.

"Could you be my girlfriend?" Adam's face flushed crimson with embarrassment. A grin spread across Ahana's face, her hair flickering between shades of yellow and pink.

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