⤿ thirteen.

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IN THE DAYS following their return to Hogwarts, the air was thick with tension between Ahana and James

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IN THE DAYS following their return to Hogwarts, the air was thick with tension between Ahana and James. She couldn't fathom why he suddenly felt the need to revert to his prankster ways. It was like stepping back in time to their second year, a time she'd rather forget.

Back then, she despised him with every fiber of her being, but over the years, that hatred had dulled to a begrudging tolerance. Now, though, it seemed like all that loathing was bubbling back up to the surface.

One evening, after enduring a particularly grueling Potions class, Ahana emerged from the library, seeking solace in the quiet of her common room. But as luck would have it, she turned a corner and found herself face to face with none other than James Potter, wearing that infuriating smirk that never failed to get under her skin.

Ahana stood before James, her arms folded across her chest as she regarded him with a mix of annoyance and weariness. "Here to see me off, Potter?" she remarked, her tone tinged with skepticism.

James nodded, a serious expression replacing his usual playful demeanor. "Yeah, just wanted to talk, if that's okay," he replied, his voice surprisingly earnest.

Ahana raised an eyebrow, studying him carefully. "Talk? About what?" she asked, her curiosity piqued despite herself.

James shifted uncomfortably, running a hand through his hair. "Well, I know we haven't exactly been on the best terms lately, and I just wanted to clear the air," he explained, his gaze meeting hers.

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