⤿ eight.

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"WELL, SINCE you're the potioneer, why don't you show me how it's made?" Ahana asked, her smile tight with amusement

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"WELL, SINCE you're the potioneer, why don't you show me how it's made?" Ahana asked, her smile tight with amusement. James stood there, puzzled, holding an Ashwinder egg in one hand and an Amaranth petal in the other.

"Urm," he mumbled, glancing between the two ingredients.

Ahana let out a huff, rolling her eyes playfully. "Exactly."

James furrowed his brow, feigning offense. "Well, aren't you just a ray of sunshine today, Tej?"

Ahana smirked, crossing her arms. "You bring out the best in me, Potter. Now, if you could manage not to ruin our potion, that would be great."

James chuckled, stepping closer to the cauldron. "Oh, I'll do my best, but no promises. After all, it wouldn't be a proper potions class without a little chaos, right?"

Ahana rolled her eyes, but couldn't suppress a small grin. "Just try not to blow anything up, Potter. I'd rather not explain to Professor Slughorn why his classroom is covered in potion residue."

James mock-saluted her. "You got it, partner. Now, let's see if we can manage to make something that won't make us fail this assignment."

With that, they set to work, despite their differences, there was a strange sense of understanding in their shared goal of successfully brewing the potion.

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