Chapter 13

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It's been two weeks since Katha get discharge from the hospital. Her family is taking good care of her . Sometimes Oboroi family also visit her .

On the other hand vihan made himself completely busy with his work . Neither he is eating on time Neither he is sleeping on time only he do is work work and work . He talk to his family or in laws when he have to ask them about katha's health otherwise he didn't talk with anyone. He didn't meet her because he know if he meet her then he will not able control himself. But he is taking care of her from far away . He is sending her everything which she need .

Everyone is tensed looking at him who seems like distant himself from everyone. His face now pale and body tired . The dirk circles under his eyes indicates that he didn't sleep . His beard have grown making him look much rough and handsome .

On the other hand katha's condition is different. She start getting dreams of someone but she can't she who that was . She know everyone in her family, friends with her but still there is a unknown emptiness in her heart . Like heart is craving for someone and her dreams are not helping at all .

Right now she is in her room doing argument with kajal .

"No no I said what I said I will not hear anything" katha said folding her hand on her chest .

"But katha why do you don't understand . We can't do our marriage now when your health is not good" kajal said trying to make her understand.

"Are you blind kajal ? Can't you see I am perfectly fine. And yeah baby you are getting a married within a month . I will talk with shantanu jiju" katha said taking her new phone which is given by vihan only .

"Call him . I know he will not agree . He is more concerned about your health then me" kajal Said shuggering her shoulder.

Katha took her phone and dialed Shantanu's number in no time he pick up the call .

"Hello katha how are you?" Shantanu asked as soon as he picked up the call .

"Hello jiju I am fine . I just called you can you come to my house now ?" Katha asked and kajal looked at her shockingly because she didn't except her to call him directly at her house .

"Ok I am coning" shantanu said without any question . Katha said ok and cut the call .

"See how sweet he is . I just called him and Said to come here and he agreed without any question but you . You ate so stubborn I feel so sorry for my sweet jiju" katha Said with a pity face which kajam rolled her eyes at her friend's drametic self .

"I also pity vihan jiju" kajal mumbled to her .

"Did you say something?" Katha asked hearing kajal's mumbled .

"No I didn't" kajal said immediately which katha nooded still looking at her friend with raising eyebrow .

After sometime they hear a knock on the door . Katha said come in and a very tensed shantanu come inside.

"Katha are you ok ? You called me suddenly? Is something heppend ? Answer me na please" shantanu asked all questions together.

"Your sweet jiju didn't ask any questions right?" Kajal said laughing while katha rolled her eyes.

"Oh sweetheart you are also here . I didn't saw you . When you come ? " shantanu said sitting beside kajal as she is sitting in the couch of katha's room .

"I come in the morning" kajal said with a smile which he nooded and look towards katha .

"Now tell me katha what heppend?" Shantanu asked .

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