P-5 The problem...

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Heeseung and Jake have been together all the time and they barely spare some time with Sunghoon which made Sunghoon feel sad and angry at them.

He knows that they are more closer than anyone else and he's just third wheeling but he can't help but feel sad because he's part of their relationship too he is their third boyfriend but they don't treat him like it. Or at least that's how he feel...

So Sunghoon decided too go to his friends house Sunoo and Ni-ki (Sunki).

As soon as he gets there he tells them the problem and how he feels this past few weeks.

Sunoo: hyung I know it's unfair but you never confronted them about it you never tell them how you feel this past few weeks so they think it's fine with you because you never stopped them with hanging out with each other only.

Sunghoon: I know Sun but it's hard I hardly see them and I can't talked to them about it because they always have plans. And I'm also scared what if they Laugh at me?

Ni-ki: hyung Sunoo is right you've got to try if it's hard try to overcome it ,don't be scared you got this and we both know it.

Sunghoon cried and cried until there is no tears he can cry with.
Sunoo and Ni-ki comforted him and watch a movie with him to make him feel better.
While Sunghoon is too focus at the movie he didn't notice that it's already super late.
And his boyfriend are waiting for him worried and mad at the same time for not telling them about where he went and why is he not home yet.
They've called him a thousand times but he ignored it he wants to be alone for now so he stayed in the guest room of Sunoo and Ni-ki's house.
His use to staying here, Sunoo and Ni-ki always welcomed him into coming and sleeping over their house. They're glad to help him after all that's all they can do for him right now.

So hi I've decided to upload an another ep about HEEJAKEHOON so I hope you enjoyed it.
And I also have decided to upload some new ep about this story when I got some time to upload. And I will keep this story to go on for a long time I guess? Because I've seen that a lot of people liked it and have read it so I've decided to continue this story. And that's all I wanted to say once again thank you for reading it. And have a good day/night.💕

Bye my butterflies 🦋~.

Can I be the third one. HEEJAKEHOON FFWhere stories live. Discover now