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As Hayley was reading through Elijah's journals, Layla was sitting beside her playing on her phone. the girl didn't mind the silence actually she enjoyed it. But she was yearning for something to do. To get out of the house, anything then sitting inside all day.

"I can not believe you disposed of those vampires without me you know how i love to set things on fire." Rebekah says from where she was standing in the next room.

Niklaus was only standing inches away from his sister leaning against the door way. "was i supposed to leave them in the front yard to rot? Besides they were my responsibility. They attacked the helpless pregnant girl who's carrying my child."

Layla rolls her eyes from where she is sitting beside Hayley in a different room before yelling. "Not helpless!"

Ignoring the girl they carry on. "Oh i am so moved by your newfound sense of fatherly duty, to the werewolf carrying your hybrid bun in her oven."

Standing up Layla and Hayley walk into the room the original siblings are in. Layla walking to stand by Rebekah as Hayley holds Elijah's book in her arms. "The werewolf's best friend would like to know what the plan is."

Klaus looks at the brunette before looking at the blonde as she nods. "Well that depends what plan you mean love, my plan for global domination or Rebekah's plan to find love in a cruel, cruel world."

"Hmm" Rebekah pinks up a pencil from the table beside her and throws it at Klaus's face. Causing Layla to let out a string of laughs. Klaus catches the pencil right before it hits him.

Hayley is fed up with these two people, "The plan to rescue Elijah, you know the good brother. The one who is now in the possession of your mortal enemy after you stabbed him in the back."

"In the front if we are being specific." Klaus jokes moving the pencil around in his hands.

Layla desides to speak up. "you two did say you would get him back, and i wanna do something, i am tired of sitting in the house all day."

"So is there a plan or what." Hayley asks pointing between the two.

Standing up straight Klaus begins to talk as Layla leans against Rebekah who in return puts an arm around the girl. "OK." As they begin to walk Rebekah keeps her arm around Layla. The older blonde being a couple inches taller then the younger one. "Well, firstly, Marcel is not my mortal enemy. he's my friend, albeit one who is unaware that i am trying to sabotage his hold over the supernatural community of the french quarter, but a friend non the less. and secondly, i daggered Elijah in order to gain Marcel's trust. if i had known he would place my brother in the hands of a particularly nasty teenage witch, i certainly would have weighed my options a bit, and thirdly, sister, please"

Rebekah who is standing with her arms around her new found friend's shoulder says the next part of the plan. "And thirdly, the plan, as you have demanded, is for Niklaus to simply ask Marcel for Elijah back."

Hayley looks to Klaus as he shrugs, "Thats not the whole plan, is it?"

Rebekah laughs a little, "Oh, please. Klaus may be a miserable excuse for a sibling" looking over at Klaus who has a look on his face she continues. "But there is none more diabolical."

Klaus looks at Layla who is playing with her bracelet, "Thats only the plan 'A' Love. there is always a plan 'B'."

Hayley looks at Layla and then back to Klaus who has his eyes on Layla. "And whats plan 'B'?"

Klaus smiles. "War."


While Nik and Rebekah went to a party at Marcel's place to ensure their plan. Layla and Hayley were out in the backyard looking around when they notice a wolf standing there watching them.

"Your not supposed to be out here." A female voice says from behind the two girls causing them to turn around.

Hayley pushes Layla behind her. "Who are you?"

The women walks closer. "Sorry, i didnt mean to scare you. im Sabine. We met im one of Sophie's friends."

"Your on of the witches." Layla says walking to stand beside Hayley.

She nods. "Sophie just asked me to come keep you both company while everyone is out. You know its drawn to you." She says looking at the wolf behind them. Both girls look back. "The child your carrying is part vampire part werewolf you and Klaus made something special."

Layla laughs a little. "You sound like Elijah, he thinks this baby is going to make us one big happy family, but now he's gone and i dont even know what it is."

Hayley looks at her best friend and then to her stomach and smiles. "You know i can do something about that if you want, we can find out if its a boy or girl." says Sabine looking at the blondes stomach.

Hayley looks at Sabine. "I thought you couldnt do witchy stuff around here."

Sabine shakes her head and laughs some. "Its not magic just an old trick my grandmother taught me, come on." Sabine nods her head towards the house. "You have to be a little curious."

Layla looks to Hayley then back to Sabine before nodding. They walked inside and had Layla lay down on a table. Sabine starting the process.

After Sabine did her whole witch thingy which ended in her saying some weird laungage and then running out, Hayley went to bed and Layla found herself in the study trying to find what the witch said. As she is typing away on her laptop Klaus walks up to the room standing in the hallway before walking up to the desk.

She looks up to him. "I thought you might like to know Elijah is returning to us." Layla smiles to herself.

"Well congratulations i guess being diobolical has its perks." Klaus looks at the girl before turning his head to look at the books sitting on the desk.

Looking back to the girl he tilts his head. "You hardley know him, and yet you miss him, what is it about my brother that always inspires such instant admiration?" He asks as the girl who is pregnant with his child looks at him.

She shakes her head a little. "He helped me, even when everyone was going to use me to get to you he helped me. And i wouldn't be here without him. Hayley likes him a lot more then i do. All that girl does is yap about him. Plus i have tons of questions and he alway's answers and has a story to go along with it.

Klaus stares at the girl before speaking. "There is food in the kitchen for you and Hayley. And Love, i am always free to tell stories." With that he turns to walk away.

But before he can really leave the room Layla calls out for him. "Hey." Making him stop and turn around so she knows she has his full attention. "I uh, i think we're having a girl."

Klaus smiles amusingly. "You think?"

Layla shrugs. "Call it a gut feeling."

He nods. "Well then, we're going to make wonderful girl parents." Layla lets out a laugh making Klaus watch her in admiration.

She goes back to her research not noticing how Klaus smiles to himself before leaving. But what she does notice is that the thing Sabine said, she cant find in any laungage.

Ella speaks!
Im keeping the baby a girl, but i might change her name, im not super sure yet

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