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I hate it. The attention, the pressure. I hate all of it!

"Keith, darling you have been practicing your alchemy?, right?'

"Yes mother. I know better than to bring attention to our family"

"I'm sorry, Keith, but if they were to find out-"

"I KNOW, they'd take me away..."

"And we don't want that, do we, darling?"

She spoke to me as if she had any control in what was going to happen, the fates already knew.

Having to hold our perfect family image, is more than i can bare! Without father, we're getting enough attention already, but I can't say i'm sad he's gone. 

He was the reason we had to hide me anyway.

My mother was born an Alchemist, the most powerful of her generation too, while my father was born a sorcerer, which wasn't even the worst, but he couldn't stand it he feigned being an alchemist and married my mother, if he had revealed his true identity... I wouldn't be here.

The fates found out and sealed his fate, more like into the card controlling his fate.

They were worried because of my un-pure birth, I wouldn't be a proper Alchemist. That I would be a half-blood.

 I was indeed a half-blood, and my mother did everything in her power to try and hide that, secretive lessons, even infusing all the knowledge that she could into me. It might have worked for a while, but it wouldn't have changed anything. The fates know, everything.

Even though, she kept training me to be the best,  how to master all the brews, and how to manipulate any formula, it was never enough.

being just 10 years old, I couldn't take it, so one day after an important banquet, with a guest-list we had managed to slither our way into, so many people I didn't know were saying my name and surrounding me in a suffocating circle. So I just snapped.

I ran and ran till I couldn't breath and found myself in the woods.

I stopped at a ginormous tree, laid on its trunk and cried. I heard a little squeaky voice ask,

"Are you alright?" the anonymous squeaky voice ask.

I just sniffled and turned my head away from the voice, not in the mood to talk to anyone.

"Why are you crying?" the voice asked again, with a slight tilt in his head, this time directly in-front of my face.

"None of your business!" I replied while glaring the mystery boy, who I could now see.

He had brown shiny hair, blue eyes as deep as the ocean, and lightly tanned skin, I have to say, he looked really pretty.

"Of course it's my business when my new best friend is upset!" he said with a goofy, yet genuine smile on his face. 

I wanted to tell him to go away, but I couldn't and found myself laughing with him instead.

I told him I was upset because, of my perfect family. He said he could relate having three older brothers, and two older sisters, so he felt like he could never live up to them.

After that day we bonded and became fast friends, best friends.

We soon found out we were in the same school! But we couldn't associate with each other, because I was an 'Alchemist' and he was a Sorcerer, just like my dad.

The school we went to separated the school in to The Alchemists, then everyone else. In classes we were always reminded that anyone not at our level, was beneath us, and we were better than them.

Mean while The Necromancers, Sorcerers, Enchanters, and The Conjurers were taught that the Alchemists were elitist, and to never to trust them.

So it went like that, in school Lance and I were so close together yet so far apart. I had to watch him make bonds for life as I just sat at the sidelines.

I had one friend, Shiro, but he didn't count because he was my older brother, who managed to escape to the furthest college he could think up but still sent me letters, formal because our mother checked our letters to one another, but between the lines he would write in invisible ink that only appears if you put it over a heat source.

Once a week after school, we would meet up in the spot where me met, and we went on like that for years, as our relationship grew into something much stronger, then what we had originally.

Every break-time we would go hang out in the art-room, which was never used since our former art-teacher had been sealed by the fates. One day he randomly brought up the idea of me meeting his friends,

"Hey Keith?"


"Would you, possibly want to meet my friends?" he asked as if it was the simplest question in the world! which by the way it wasn't

"Um, are you sure! I don't think they would like me. What if-"

"Keith!, Of course they'll like you, because I like you" he cut me off

I blushed a bit at that, then reminded myself he meant as a friend, I nodded my head and said,


Hello, This is my very first story, and I hope you liked it👍

Till next time 

Till next time 

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