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My eyes shot wide open, I sat up and looked around. How did I get here? The last thing I remember was, walking, with Lance and Cosmo, and then... I don't remember.

I decided to get out of the tent, and look for Lance, in hopes he could tell me what has happened, when I stumbled upon a jaw-dropping sight, Lance, and Cosmo, WERE PLAYING TOGETHER!

I don't know how, but it had finally happened! I looked over at Lance, who had a happy expression on his flawless face. He looked breathtaking, playing with Cosmo, his hair, flying around, and His perfect lips, in a wide grin, Cosmo, looking more than happy to have someone to play with.

Lance turned around, noticing me, (and I didn't think it possibe) He donned an even wider smile, and ran to me.

"Keith! Looks like sleeping beauty has awoke, without needing his kiss." 

"Yes well, maybe I want one." I said as I grabbed the coller of his shirt and Kissed him roughly, as if I hadn't seen him in days.

"I missed you." He whispered as he pulled away to catch his breath.

"Missed me?," I asked, "I was only asleep for a couple of hours!" I said with a small smile on my face.

"What! Keith you've been asleep for 2 quiznaking days!" He exclaimed.

"What?..." I whispered not finding the plausability of this situation.

"Because your magic hasn't been working ever since we left, I used mine to keep you alive! Once you had fainted, i checked to see if you were alright. I discovered that you had a very slow pulse, and you weren't waking up. I was so scared, but, now you're ok!" He said, tearing up a little, then pulled me into a warm embrace.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You don't remember?"  He asked appearing to be a bit shocked. I shook my head.

"Well, we... we were being followed, by the fates and, I looked, even though I knew not too, because Cosmo was behind us, but I saw nothing, but I knew they were there. You looked back as-well, and fell to the ground screaming, then your eyes turned a frighting purple and you started muttering something. Then, you passed out, going back to normal." He explained, while I started freaking out, I started to remember now, but when i thought back to what I saw when I loooked at the fates, I couldn't recall anything.

I decided that i should test my alchemy now, even though it would probably be less strong, considering my mother wasn't here to power it.

Lance helped me by getting my equipment ready, even though he was against this.

"I really don't think we should do this-" I cut Lance off by pushing him against the closest tree, and kissed him passionately, I licked his bottom lip, asking for entrance and he gladly obliged,  (you can imagine the rest) I pulled away from him, and watched him with a smirk, as he turned bright red,

"You know what, y-you'll be fine." He said then scuttled away.

I sat down then, then used my hands, swinging then over the assorted liquids, making them float and mix together. I lead them where they needed to go, and enclosed them in a glass bottle, making a potion, i opened one eye to check if I had done it, then the other than exclaimed with delight. I had done it!, Now I just needed to find out what it does.

I called Lance in, hoping to experiment on him, he still had a small, yet cute blush on his cheek that I decided to use to my advantage when he tried to take back control, and use pick-up lines on me,

"A-are those space pants?, because ur ass is out this world." He said getting more confident half way through, two could play at this game.

"I'm arresting you." I said plainly.

"Why?" he asked seeming generally confused.

"For being too damn sexy." I said nonchalantly. I had won, lance had never heard me use a pick-up line, so he was surprised for sure.

He became a stuttering mess, which I quickly used to my advantage. I asked him if I could test my concotion on him, he nodded, his mind being filled with thoughts of KEITH FLIRTING, something you don't see every day, or any day!

"He sat down in front of me, and drank the potion, for a few moments there no sign of any change, but he suddenly vanished into thin air!

"Lance?!" I yelled out worriedly.

"Ye?" He answered with a calm tone, he was still there! I just couldn't see him.

"You're invisible!" I exclaimed with joy.

"I'm What?!" He yelled, he didn't seem happy, unlike me

"Don't worry Lance, I'm sure we can reverse it, I think" I whispered the last part


HELLO, ok we're back on track, Keith is ok, and lots of kisseys! (while all of this yelling is happening cosmo is so confused) That was fun to write, hope you like that!

Till next time

Till next time

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