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"Keith?!" I yelled worriedly.

It'd had been at least a day since he vanished, I was so worried about him. I-I shouldn't have pushed him away.

I hadn't stopped looking for him once, i didn't know what else to do!

I stopped for a moment, and sat against a tree stump., The hunger I had been suppressing for hours had come back in full force. I decided to go find Coran, he could help.

I went to his tent,

"Cor- oh." It was Allura, what was she doing in here? "Um, hey, I was just looking for Coran." I Stated.

The only reason Keith wasn't here right now was because of me, and what he said about her, I couldn't help but start to question if what he was saying about her was true, she didn't seem to show any remorse regarding his disappearance. 

But, I needed someone to talk to, and I could still trust her, she was my frien- , uh girlfriend, after all.

"Um., actually... Could I, talk to you?" I asked timidly.

"Anything for you, Lancey-Lance!" She said as she winked, I slightly cringed though, the nickname she was trying for me was not working.

I walked over to her, I had so many things to say,and  I didn't know where to start.

"Well, uh... to be honest, I'm not really sure how to deal with everything that's happened," I said sheepishly, while scratching the back of my neck, "I-I'm not sure whether I should be mad at Keith, or sorry!, I completely understand why he left, I mean... I would too! I don't even know if he's ok-"

"Lance." She laughed, "Don't waste your time with worrying, dear." She said cupping my face with her hand, "He's not worth your time." 

I felt confused, "What are you talking about?"She looked more malicious when she said this, but Seeing Allura like this made everything that Keith said make perfect sense.

All this time... defending Allura, breaking up with him, Telling him he was wrong, blaming him for everything, CALLING HIM A LIAR.

WHAT HAD I DONE. I need to find him.

"You... You lied, about EVERYTHING, Keith was right, how could I trust you!? I gave everything away, for you!" I said getting increasingly angry.

She looked a bit shocked at first,eyes slightly widening, but then regained her composure, and relaxed,"One way or another, we would've ended up together," she smirked,"But you, you made it soo easy, I manipulated you like it was nothing."

I couldn't move, she was right I was pathetic, and it didn't help as I stayed there motionless, as she caressed my face, I hated it, but I couldn't move.

She smiled, then started to walk away. I didn't know what happened, but I-I snapped, it just... happened.

"Allura," I said as she turned around to face me, stopping in her tracks,"You know, I feel sorry for you, really, because you're life must be so terrible, and bleak to try and make mine as miserable as yours, you spent so much time focusing on my life but not enough to fix your own, I bet you don't even realise that Coran walks on eggshells around you, you live in this fantasy world, where you think you're perfect and everybody adores you, meanwhile you're a petty psychotic bitch."

I felt like I could've stopped ages ago, but I just let everything go. After I broke free from my tornado of thoughts, I looked at Allura.

She looked so distraught, and slightly broken. Her eyes no longer had the playful sparkle they usually bared, instead, it was like a gray storm.

I so wanted to apologise, but she deserved it she was beyond redemption,

I walked out past her, and out of the corner of my eye I could see her, she was just... standing there, staring at the wall, I kept walking though, I had to find Keith.



She knew my name? I felt more scared then I did when she was pointing a spear at me.

"Um, yes?" I answered nervously.

"Ahem" She said composing herself, and standing up straight, "At ease." she uttered to her guards.

She then looked at me then asked,

"Follow me to my tent, if you will. We need to talk."

I silently nodded and walked behind her, feeling the gaze of her guards burning through me, as I walked past them, all standing creepily stilled, as if they had done it many times before.

We made it to her tent, and we sat down. she sat on a grand chair, on the opposite side of the desk facing the entrance, and I sat on the chair opposite her.

She had lots of objects, and things such as maps caught my eye. They looked like they were made so precisely, they were everywhere, but I couldn't help but notice, she had chest, right in the corner of her tent.

It didn't have a lock, but looked as if it was shut tightly. I wondered how she still had so much stuff, If she was basically camping, she must have someone like, lance to help her.

I looked at her, gaining my focus back, and was just... staring at me, with what emotion though? I couldn't tell.

Since we both seemed adamant on not saying anything, I spoke up,

"How do you know my name?" I asked, not sure what to expect for an answer.

"It's because, you're my... son." She said with pity in her eyes.

I didn't know what to do, it was clear she was lying to me, I had already had a mother, though she may not seem like it.

"What do you mean you're my mother?!, I know who my mother is, and it isn't you!" I told her in a matter of fact way, making sure to let her know I wasn't amused, "I don't even know who you are."

Her emotion seemed to change from pity to guilt, ''And that's my fault, you see the woman who you presume to be your mother, is actually my sister. I'm so sorry, Keith."

I was at a loss for words, I didn't know if I could even trust her, let alone believe she was my mother!

I thought about what to do,

"Prove it." I said simply.

She sighed,"Ok then, let me tell you a little story."

Hey guys! I'm really sorry for not updating for weeks, but I've had a lot going on with the end of the school year, and even though this may seem like an empty promise by now, I will try to Up date these wayyyyy more frequently, even if it kills me!

Hoped you liked It!

Till next time

Till next time

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