17 years

42 0 0

Today, was my 17th birthday (October 23), and I got to spend it with my boy-friend, Lance!

I awoke to find him my mom, and my dad in my room, which was decorated with a sorts of decorations, ranging from black and red streamers, to knife themed balloons!

Lance was carrying a hippo themed birthday cake, and my mom and dad were carrying mini confetti canons, with a huge smile plastered on their faces, I later went to school, as everyone in the hallway chanted my named and gave me high-fives.

I was living the dream!, then I realised... This was a dream. Then everything faded to black as I woke up.

It really was my birthday! I raced downstairs, hoping that maybe, some part of my dream would come true.

I made it down the many flights of stairs we had, and froze in my tracks. There was nothing there, not even my mother. Only a note on the fridge that read, 

'Keith, I have to go to work early today, There was an emergency at work

don't be late to school,


My heart sank, I don't know what I expected, we had never acknowledged my birthday before. 

I was about to start getting ready when, I glanced at my phone and saw that I had,

 '1 unread message'

I opened it curiously and saw that it was from Lance!

(At 00:00)

(From: Idiot) ✨HAPPY BIRF-DAYYY ✨ 🎉🎉🎉🎂, I have a surprise for u at school! 😏                     Meet me In the ART CLASSROOM!

I started grinning ear to ear, and I found that it was almost nearly impossible for me to stop.

I high-tailed it over to our school, ignoring the dirty looks coming my way, and ran to the art-department.

I was going to walk in when I heard some voices. I prayed silently that it wouldn't be, those two. I stuck my head in a little bit and saw Lance with, two other people. One of them was short with hazel eyes fair skin, and messy, short light brown hair, the other was tall, burly and heavyset, with a square jaw and dark brown hair.

I remember Lance saying that he had made some new friends, and he couldn't wait for me to meet them.

They didn't look very threatening, so I walked in and cleared my throat,

"ahem" I said to get myself known.

All the attention was now directed at me, as they all turned round to see me.

"Keith! you're here!" he exclaimed as he walked up to me to hug me.

When that was over he yelled, "HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY" Then started singing happy birthday, which was a nice gesture, but... That man could not sing!

He then remembered, that there were other people here and introduced me to them,

"Right!, so Keith, this is Pidge," He said pointing to the short one, she gave a small wave,


"And, this is Hunk!" He said pointing to the big guy

"Hello!" Hunk said with a comforting smile on his face

"H-Helllo." I  stuttered while my eyes were glued to the floor.

"Happy birthday!" they both congratulated me,

"Lance told us lots about you." Pidge commented

"Oh." I said while glaring daggers at Lance. While he just laughed sheepishly

"Don't worry, it was all good!" she reassured me, and I let out a sigh in relief

"Yeah!, all good things, like how when you 12 and still slept with your stuffed-" Hunk added and got cut off by Lance

"AHEM- anyways," he said trying to divert the topic, while I thought of ways to dispose of him.

Us four became best friends, and we even started hanging out in school, we didn't care about the dirty looks all the people on our school gave us, or if we got branded as the school 'Freaks' but were happy and, I had friends so life was good

AHHHHHH, 17 reads?!?! how on earth, thank you guys so much, (btw Keith slept with a stuffed hippo called knife until he was 12 😀) 

till next time

till next time

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