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Lance and I had finally escaped our town, and were now on the run. We walked for a it throwing around jokes, and the most random stuff we could think of, while the seriousness of our situation, lingered at the back of our minds.

We stumbled upon a small village, with stalls everywhere, lined up with wood huts as-well. Lance thought that this would be the perfect place to buy the stuff we would need to survive, so he brought out his rakas and went searching, me not having anything to do I waited by the tree by the entrance we had arrived into.

Suddenly, I heard some whimpers, then laughing, and followed the sound to investigate.

The whimpers got closer until I could see where they were coming from. I saw a what seemed to be a baby wolf, with purple, and dark blue coloured fur, being abused by some mean looking people. The person who I assumed the leader was, was tall and lanky with light purple skin, and short white hair covered by a brown hat with googles infused in them,

"STOP!" I yelled running in-front of them, blocking their path from the wolf.

"Oh?, what do we have here?," he said condescendingly, and with a face I would rather forget, "Looks pretty cute. Get outta the way darling, before I do something you're gonna regret." He said rather sinisterly, and it didn't help that compared to him, I literally looked like a mouse.

I reached for my dagger, then it dawned on me that I had left all my belongings by the tree, standing tall by the entrance. So I did the next best thing and put my fists up, hoping to intimidate him, without actually knowing any hand to hand combat.

He didn't seem to like me doing that, so with a wicked grin, he punched me as hard as she could, in my stomach (I don't know why bullies like that place) which winded me, as I fell to the ground The wolf suddenly doubled in size, then bared they're teeth and growled as it neared closer to the guy.

"N-nice wo-wolfie?" The guy who punched me asked.

"Lets get outta here Rolo!" One of the characters who weren't important enough to have a face exclaimed. Now I knew his name, I wish I didn't.

They all ran away and the wolf shrank down back to they're normal size. I stared into their alluring black eyes, as thoughts about them flooded my mind, the wolf was a boy, and his name was Cosmo. I felt a strong connection with him, and decided that, he should join me and Lance!

We went back to where I left my belongings, as I bonded with him, In tried throwing him a stick to fetch, but to no avail it didn't work but, I felt this strange cosmic attraction to him (see what i did there😉).

Lance finally came back with different bags, and a smile on his handsome face, as his smile gotten even wider as I introduced him to my newest furry friend! It took a while, but Cosmo warmed up to Lance eventually. As a few weeks had passed, and Cosmo had evolved to his biggest form, and stayed that way, um... he also kept teleporting us in his sleep. heh.

'I started walking, with the eyes everywhere, I couldn't take one step forward with lance and Cosmo, without them taking two steps behind us, and now i just await the day they catch up, and everything I know and love, ends.

They finally caught up. Lance is gone. and I regret ever telling him I love him. Now he thinks that he would've been better  off without me, and that he could never like some-one like me. Some-one like me...'

"-th! Keith! Wake up!" I heard Lance shout as he shook me back and forth with an iron grip on my shoulders

I remembered where I was and saw that I was sweating, with tears running down my face.

"OH, KEITH! YOU'RE AWAKE!" Lance exclaimed as he pulled  me into a hug, "I was so worried! you were mumbling and crying, and I got so scared! I'm glad you're ok!"

I told him about my ominous dream and what I think it meant, but left out some small details, then I decided,



"I have something to tell you."

Okkk, so Rolo, i know he's nice but, Later on Lance is gonna be so angry so, anyway hope y'all enjoyed that!

till next time

till next time

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