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This was bad. 

Lance was now angry at me, and spent all his time with Allura, while I just had to stand and watch it all unfold.

What made thing even worse, was Allura herself, she didn't waste any time in letting me know how she felt about me, it may just have been empty threats she threw at me when there was no-one around, but whenever I was forced into talking to her, she would have this dark, scary aura surrounding her.

I remember once, it had been early on the morning, and I had awoken to Allura, standing over me, holding a sharp looking knife, firm in her grip. My first instinct was to run, but that didn't go well. I didn't know what to do.

I finally stoppe squirming and made the mistake of looking into her eyes, I felt kind of dizzy, for a moment, then before I knew it Allura had left my room.

I got up to go tell Lance what had happened, as I was still a little shaken, I started to get up, when everything started to feel weird, and I started to feel like I was being hurled around the room, then, everything was, black?

I had no idea what was happening, but I knew something was up, I tried to walk around, but it felt as if I was bound to something, and had no control of my body and, I kept trying, but I couldn't do anything.

I looked around to see if I could spot something, but nothing so far, when I heard Lance speak

"Keith, I'm sorry about yesterday, and I know you didn't mean it that way-"

"Look, don't put words in my mouth, I meant what i said. At this rate it would make more sense if she was your girlfriend."

I heard somebody speak, that wasn't me, but perfectly mimicked my voice, it was clear he was talking to me, but I wasn't the one who answered.

I'm not sure how but, I could now clearly see Lance, and everything, and the sorrowful expression he held on his face.

I wanted to reach out to him, and tell him all the things that were said, weren't me, and how much I regret what I said, and that I loved him.

What would he think now?


What's going on with Keith?

It seemed like he regretted what he said yesterday, and I could see that. I was just mad that he didn't trust me, and now he was mad, this was my fault!

I watched him walk away, glare on his face, with his arms crossed. I really wanted to go after him to apologise, but I wan't sure if he would want me to.

I decided to tell Allura, see if she new what to do about Keith.

While I was looking for her, I found Coran, looking a bit worried, in his tent. His tent had an eccentric flare to it, it matches his style, He had splashes of paint all around the walls of his fairly new set up tent, and all sorts of gadgets scattered everywhere.

I couldn't help but smile, as Coran snapped out of his daze for a moment and started humming to himself, as he picked up one of his gadgets to tinker with.

"Hey Coran!" I said as I intruded into his tent

"Lance! my boy!, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I was looking for Allura, but I'm here now!" His happy expression faded, for a moment when Allura was mentioned, then quickly returned into, what I could now notice was a fake smile.

"Uh, do you know where I could, um find her?"

Coran answered way too fast, "No, sorry."

"It's cool, thanks anyways." I say.

I left his tent filled with new intrigue concerning Allura, I eventually found her outside, playing with Cosmo, she really was breathtaking, but paled in comparison to Keith.

"Hey!" I called out to her.

"Good morning, lonce!" She said with her english accent, that never fails to impress me.

"This morning, I spoke to Keith, and he seemed really... off, I thought he might just be upset, but he's acting even moodier than normal!"

"Well, I haven't known him long, but it sounds like he's got anger issues, I can't even begin to comprehend how you manage to date him."

"But, Keith doesn't have issues! We... We just had a fight yesterday and-, has he said, anything to you?"

"No, sorry lonce, it you want, we could both go back to my tent, and... talk, if you wanted." Allura kindly offered.

I had to turn her down, and instead brainstorm something to show Keith how sorry I was instead.

"I can't sorry, I'm gonna try and find a way for Keith to forgive me, and clear the air."

"you sound like a great boyfriend, Lonce, to bad Keith doesn't act the same way."

She left shortly after that, swinging her hips as she walked, hair flowing down her back, all the way to the top of her swishy skirt.

I couldn't help but think about what she said. 

'Keith was a great boyfriend!' I thought to myself as I made my way back to my tent.

'he was just-' on my way back I passed Coran in his tent, who didn't seem to notice me, but I couldn't help but notice him.

He was just, sitting at his desk, quietly mumbling to himself, it worried me, but I decided not to intrude, again. 

I sat down on my bed, rested my back against some pillows, and looked up at the ceiling. Before I could 'Brainstorm' ideas to apologise to keith, still, Allira's words echoed in my mind.

I thought of everything Keith's done since he confessed, and all I could come up with, was the effort he put into this relationship, trying his best to be good, even though he was new at this, us helping each other, Keith pushing himself out of his comfort zone, since we got here.

I think everything that's happened, shows that, Keith and I, really do care about each other, deeply!

And with everything that's happened, I think it really shows, I need to step up, besides him being new at this stuff, he's the one that has contributed the most to us, while I've just, let him do everything.

It kind of felt like I was taking advantage of him, so, I marched to his tent, knowing exactly what to say.

OKKK, I'M BACKK, sorry this took so long, recently play rehearsals, have been going on, longer than I thought, we had to stay till 6, on a saturday!, and our 'director' has just been criticizing us none-stop! and not giving certain groups people proper direction at all!!

Things, have just been a bit stressful, but the play is next week, so that will all be over soon!, and so far apart from some things, it's going pretty well!

Thank you guys for continuing to read, it makes me really happy!

till next time

till next time

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