Being watched

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Me and Lance arrive at school, and noticed the tense environment we had stumbled into. As we walked down the corridor, we got intense stares from people and, heard some hushed whispers, but this time, it felt worse than normal.

Suddenly, I heard the patter of footsteps getting louder, then I saw Hunk and Pidge running towards us With a frantic expression on their faces.

"Guys! you're here!, come with us" Pidge said as she lead us to the art-room,

"What is it!?" I asked

"Apparently, Our Principal Mr. Alfor, has been taking students, and expirimenting on them to advance their magical properties, to make Voltron the number one school in Arus, or even Altea!" Hunk explained to us.

 ( in this Arus in the capitol of Altea)

"... They, sealed his fate?" I asked already knowing the answer"

"Yea, and um... now the whole school is going to be under constant surveillance, we have to be on-top of everything, and if someone even slips up once!, They're going to shut us down. Which means... we can't be seen with you anymore." Pidge solemnly said.

"Oh." I said. My heart sank.

I had to go back to being friendless again, and I couldn't do anything about it.

"WHAT, no! I-I refuse to leave Keith alone! Not again." Lance yelled, while he basically whispered the last part.

"Believe me. I don't want to leave Keith any less than you do, but it's either that or get shut down!" Hunk said

"Guys... I think that we should go through with it, and it's nothing I haven't done before. I'll be fine." I said, knowing that I would fall apart without them. I couldn't risk any kind of contact about them because after all, the fates saw, all.


It had been 4 weeks since me and the gang had to keep our distance from Keith, and I couldn't take it anymore, it was driving me crazy! In classes I would never keep my focus, and I got even the most simplest incantations wrong!

It felt wrong to just leave Keith like this, while Pidge, Hunk and I got to live life as normal. It just wasn't fair! 

Keith was smart, kind, fierce, and adorabl-. AHEM, as I was saying Keith doesn't deserve to have any of this happen to him.

That's when it hit me. We... could run away! We could run away and leave it all behind! We wouldn't be able to tell anyone, with the risk of being exposed, and it hurt that we would have to leave Hunk and Pidge without saying goodbye, or telling them that we're ok.

I devised a plan in my head that would surely work, and now all I had to do was see it through...

Keith always wakes up at 7:05,

Keith always arrives at school at 7:45,                                                                                                                                     

I just have to make sure I arrive before then, and convince him, I mean how hard could that be?

He's just an Emo-mullet with the patience of a tiger, and the temper of one- oh.

(It was at this moment he knew he had f*cked up)

Ok. so maybe I didn't think this through, I mean, How are we going to survive out there?

At least I know, we'll be ok as long as we have each other, and that's all we need, right?

I packed my stuff and set off to Keith's house, ready to execute my plan. Even if the fates found out, there was nothing we could do now.

I waited as minutes flew by, until it was 7:00, and I could climb in through Keith's window. When 7:00 came, I ran to the side of his house where his room was located, and started climbing on the vines that had grew there, hoping they wouldn't break.

I arrived in his room, when suddenly,


OK. That was a-lot, thank you guys for continuing to read, it make me happy being able to share my stories with people! 

till next time

till next time

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